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iPhone - very sexy


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y'know, it's not TOO bad price wise (although i'm using dollar -> pound conversion and the f***nuts in charge of our country load lots of tax and VAT onto that :( )

but generally, it's not hard here to get most phones of around £200 - £400 (about $380- $750) for free on a 12mth contract (18month at worse).

it's pretty swanky. from what i can see, just a single "physical" button on the whole phone. nice. (type in iphone into youtube search - there's one on there that also looks nice but apparently fake or a "concept" model)

you lot over there are about 4mths ahead in terms of release, so plenty of time to see the good/bad/ugly reviews before we get it. but if it does what it says on the tin, without any major probs, then i'm all for it. * saving my pennies *
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If you have any GSM phone, I'm sure you can just buy the phone from eBay or something and put your SIM card in it - my current phone is only available in Asia and Oceania, and on the Cingular and T-Mobile networks, but it works perfectly for me, and my service is through Cellular One.
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I'm looking forward to this, the phone looks great! If the price is right I'll very likely get one, ditto Marks comments about the UK prices - The demonstration by Steve Jobs in his keynote at MacWorld was pretty cool. I'm a fan (not fanboy) of Apple and their products, yeah you pay a premium, but the quality is there - In my opinion - of course.
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I definitely believe with the Apple products so far, you get what you pay for. I've owned 3 different budget MP3 players, and I've now spent enough on them to have gotten a low end iPod. I know several people that have had an iPod for longer than I've had any of my MP3 players, too, so I know the quality is definitely good.
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[quote author=Crayon Violent link=topic=121725.msg501587#msg501587 date=1168458249]
yea..other than the fact that it will probably cost like $5,000 for the phone, $500 a month (not counting the $20 a minute internet surfing charge), it looks pretty nice.

I saw somewhere that the phone is targeted at $499 USD (but that could have been speculation). If that number holds, it'd be on-par with palm / windows phone devices (or high-end handheld).

As for the feared $20 a minute, it's got built-in wifi and cingular's EDGE (I believe cingular charges $40 USD for unlimited internet).

I'm also interested enough to see one, but not quite interested enough to drop $500 on a phone.
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I presume you mean The Beatles?

I guess I'm OK with Apple making a few bucks, since they don't have nearly the monopoly that Microsoft has. Now, if the US were to start busting Microsoft the way the EU is, then I'd be excited. I've been reading here and there that Microsoft is getting walked on left and right in the EU, due to their shady business practices. I'm not a fan of Apple's, but I intensely dislike Microsoft.
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So are you saying that you dislike microsoft for the sole reason that they have such a 'monopoly' on things? I don't mind the fact that MS has a strong presence. I mind their crappy products and business ethics in general.  The fact that they have a strong presence just makes it worse, and they even use it to their advantage to make it even more worse, but it is not the root of the problem.  Nobody would complain about MS's 'monopoly' if they produced solid stuff and acted in a more ethical manner.
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[quote author=neylitalo link=topic=121725.msg502558#msg502558 date=1168550787]
I presume you mean The Beatles? [/quote]

Yeah, Beatles -- for whatever reason, this board won't let me modify posts. Something about taking too long, but I clicked modify right away. Oh well. Serves me right for not spell checking it.

Microsoft? Not going there.
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what im wondering is, i understand that it is a phone, and no phone call is technically ever free; but does anyone know how much you would pay per call/monthly/or even anually? And also, if there is a charge for all ur phone calls i just dont see the purpose of the iPhone, i mean sure, revolutionary technology big deal, but break throughs should have a point to them. The ipod in my perspective was a break through it changed the way mp3 players worked. the iPhone however in my perspective is kind of a regular phone except with little extra features and a package. At the same time, another reason i might be biased to it is i am a student, why would i need a cell phone? lol all my friends have fun but i dont want to waste my money on phone calls im never gonna get. i hate it when people call me anyways. as if people have nothing better to do than too endorse their toys they get at Best Buy and hang out at mcdonalds. Programmers never have time i ahve noticed. so i guess what i am saying is. would u consider the iphone something the business world needs or something targeted for youth culture? or both? Is this changing the world or making money? or even both? Do you ever see yourself holding this baby and thanking the Apple corporation for it? im not arguing i really am asking :) its good to know what people think. I thank apple for my ipod everyday lol. It is just so easy to use. Tell me what you think.

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[b]modified version[/b]
what im wondering is, i understand that it is a phone, and no phone call is technically ever free; but does anyone know how much you would pay per call/monthly/or even anually? And also, if there is a charge for all ur phone calls i just dont see the purpose of the iPhone, i mean sure, revolutionary technology big deal, but break throughs should have a point to them. The ipod in my perspective was a break through it changed the way mp3 players worked. the iPhone however in my perspective is kind of a regular phone except with little extra features and a package. At the same time, another reason i might be biased to it is i am a student, why would i need a cell phone? lol all my friends have one but i dont want to waste my money on phone calls im never gonna get. i hate it when people call me anyways. as if people have nothing better to do than too endorse their toys they get at Best Buy and hang out at mcdonalds. Programmers never have time i ahve noticed. so i guess what i am saying is. would u consider the iphone something the business world needs or something targeted for youth culture? or both? Is this changing the world or making money? or even both? Do you ever see yourself holding this baby and thanking the Apple corporation for it? In your opinion, does teen culture promote materialism? Is society more concerned about getting this phone than about the billions of people who go to the sleep hungry? And is materialism that good or bad. im not arguing i really am asking :) its good to know what people think. I thank apple for my ipod everyday lol. It is just so easy to use. Tell me what you think.

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