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Everything posted by Philip

  1. You don't need to edit the function. as requinix said: while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($get_specs)) { foreach($row as $spec => $value) { if($spec == 'id') continue; get_spec_rating($spec, $value); echo $rating . "<br/><br/>"; } }
  2. Use Concat: $query = "SELECT Table1,Table2,CONCAT('$', Table3) as Table3 FROM database ORDER BY $order DESC LIMIT $start_from, 50";
  3. Philip

    forum back

    Nah, you were right the first time.
  4. One of my buddies has this one, and it kicks some ass. Take a look around at some of their other notebooks, might find what you're looking for.
  5. Our search engine was having issues - it's currently rebuilding its dataset and should be good to go shortly! PS - Topics & posts will combine them, so you'll have contributed to 76 topics total.
  6. Can you try logging into the original account now? My apologies on not manually validating your account.
  7. It'll show up to the past year of content, although it can take up to 15min to show up. Do you have any specific links that you're thinking of that aren't showing up?
  8. Yeah, we've had some email troubles recently. I'm working on getting it all fixed though. I can merge your accounts if you'd like, just PM me.
  9. Okay, fair point on being able to see it still. Personally, I don't really see the full use in it either, but enabling it frees up the staff from manually changing everyone's usernames and allowing the user to do it themselves. Anyways, http://wiki.simplemachines.org/smf/Display_name, https://www.phpbb.com/customise/db/mod/separate_login_and_user_name/ (mod), etc.
  10. This is from data liberation - Google's team on exporting data. You'd need to create a script using IMAP or POP to loop through all of the data and store it however you want.
  11. http://www.dataliberation.org/google/gmail
  12. There are many other platforms that have this - a login username and a display username. It helps keep your account secure (e.g. have a different login username so people can't try to brute force your account [although there are other protections against this]).
  13. Man, what kind of screen resolution are you running? Everything looks pinched & not native.
  14. You can do this within your control panel now
  15. Its gunna stay with you forever, mwahaha. Or until this is over.
  16. Happy April fools! Don't forget to prank your friends and coworkers!
  17. My top tools: Git - I used to hate it, now I love it. GitHub - Makes working with projects much more friendly TortoiseGit - Yes, I'm one of those. I'm a very visual person, so being able to use something visual while working on Windows is great PHPStorm - Absolutely awesome IDE WinSCP - Great s?(ft|cp) client Windows 7 - My choice of OS Putty - Connecting to servers Omnibug - Specialized tool for Web Analytics detection
  18. That forum does have the option enabled. You cannot mark it solved on the original post, only on subsequent posts.
  19. I like nano. But I don't use it to solely code a project... just the occasional text file edit Hell yeah.
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