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Everything posted by requinix

  1. Then it seems like the player doesn't like the I'd say leave it out. Really, what's the harm in people looking at the XML? It's not like you can hide it from them anyways, and neither are you linking to it for a person to check...
  2. Looking at your other thread, this XML is going to a Flash player right? So what "page" is going blank? Is it the page where you try to load this XML in your browser directly? Do you, in fact, have a /player.xsl that will transform the XML into something readable?
  3. Why are the 16/07/14 values being merged into 17/07/14's? Why choose 17's date as the final key and not 16's?
  4. Again: two separate queries. Which means two separate calls to your Paginator function. Then when someone moves to the next page of one set of results, you don't even have to bother with the other query. And with the space you save you could actually fit twice the results.
  5. If you don't mind I'm moving this to the MySQL forum as you're asking more about database design than coding. Yes, there will be a lot of rows, but databases are designed for this sort of thing. As long as you're using good normalization practices and proper indexes, everything will perform smoothly.
  6. Database: learn about adjacency list (requires a parent->child relationship) versus nested sets (requires... something more complex). They have complementary advantages and disadvantages - meaning one's strength is the other's weakness. Post rating: require a login and track every user's rating so you'll know if they've voted before.
  7. That's just a basic quiz. There's tons of code out there for that kind of thing. Unless you're looking to hire somebody?
  8. Focus on giving the user a PDF. If they want to print it then they can. Three basic options: a) Generate the HTML and then turn that into a PDF - you'll need some sort of HTML->PDF converter, b) Construct the PDF manually in code - you'll need some sort of PHP PDF library, or c) If it makes sense, use FPDF to fill in a PDF "template" - you'll need some sort of PHP FPDF library
  9. You can't do a UNION when the columns mismatch. Do two separate queries and get two separate counts. You can sum the counts and display the results all together if you want, but IMO it would make more sense to show the two resultsets separately: one set of news results, one set of page results.
  10. Looks custom - no branding that I can see. Even if it was some commercial solution then I wouldn't recommend it based on the HTML source of the pages: it's horrible. I can't imagine the backend being any nicer.
  11. You don't have to do any parsing. It's done for you. If you're looking to get the Contig2 value, that'd be .iterations[0].
  12. It's fine to be offended... if I'm wrong. function banner() { } ; b = new banner() ; n = 0 b[n++]= "<A target='_blank' HREF='http://flowernursery.co.uk'><IMG SRC='random-ads/flower-nursery-banner-01.png' border='0' title='Flower Nursery' >" b[n++]= "<A target='_blank' HREF='http://greatviewlandscapes.com'><IMG SRC='random-ads/greatviewlandscapes-banner.png' border='0' title='Great View Landscapes' >" b[n++]= "<A target='_blank' HREF='http://egatemarket.com'><IMG SRC='random-ads/egm-ad-728x90-banner.png' border='0' title='eGate Market' >" b[n++]= "<A target='_blank' HREF='http://divinegardensandlandscapes.com'><IMG SRC='random-ads/divine-banner-01.png' border='0' title='Divine Gardens & Landscapes' >" b[n++]= "<A target='_blank' HREF='http://minecraftconsolecrafting.comxa.com'><IMG SRC='random-ads/mcc-banner-01.png' border='0' title='MCC Crafting Minecraft PS3 Edition' >" <img border="0" src="random-ads/egm-ad-160x600-video-games.png" alt="Buy & Sell New & Used Video Games For FREE!" title="Buy & Sell New & Used Video Games For FREE!" vspace="5" width="160" height="600">What's this? I was right? Slashes. Add them. function banner() { } ; b = new banner() ; n = 0 b[n++]= "<A target='_blank' HREF='http://flowernursery.co.uk'><IMG SRC='/random-ads/flower-nursery-banner-01.png' border='0' title='Flower Nursery' >" b[n++]= "<A target='_blank' HREF='http://greatviewlandscapes.com'><IMG SRC='/random-ads/greatviewlandscapes-banner.png' border='0' title='Great View Landscapes' >" b[n++]= "<A target='_blank' HREF='http://egatemarket.com'><IMG SRC='/random-ads/egm-ad-728x90-banner.png' border='0' title='eGate Market' >" b[n++]= "<A target='_blank' HREF='http://divinegardensandlandscapes.com'><IMG SRC='/random-ads/divine-banner-01.png' border='0' title='Divine Gardens & Landscapes' >" b[n++]= "<A target='_blank' HREF='http://minecraftconsolecrafting.comxa.com'><IMG SRC='/random-ads/mcc-banner-01.png' border='0' title='MCC Crafting Minecraft PS3 Edition' >" <img border="0" src="/random-ads/egm-ad-160x600-video-games.png" alt="Buy & Sell New & Used Video Games For FREE!" title="Buy & Sell New & Used Video Games For FREE!" vspace="5" width="160" height="600"> [edit] Oh, and spoiler: I lied. I did check first. But somehow I don't think that's the point here. So don't go getting all offended that someone didn't spend a lot of time on your problem and then ignore what they say, because if they turn out to be right, they're not going to be the one looking bad for it.
  13. You're not going to spam us, right? Then links are fine.
  14. If you don't mind, I'm going to not look at those pages and instead make a guess. The URLs to those images. Are you using relative paths? Paths that don't start with a slash like "topic/289806-include-code-works-on-one-page-but-not-another/". They're relative to the current "directory" of the page. With the second and third URLs the browser will go looking for "/sections/path/to/image" when it should have gone looking for "/path/to/image". Put a slash at the beginning of the URLs.
  15. Yeah. See how "$movie_title" is messed up? I'd make an educated guess that the next character after the "$i" was a less-than - you know, the symbol that marks the beginning of an HTML tag? The blog and/or author and/or code plugin whatever is stupid with HTML to the point of leaving some HTML markup unescaped and "sanitizing" other. Looks like it should read for ($i = 0; $i < count($trs_we_want); $i++) { // everything from the < $the_tds = $trs_we_want[$i]->getElementsByTagName('td'); // to the next > was removed
  16. That's right: Java. Java and Javascript are two completely different things. Inline content sucks. Can't you just use a time-limited URL? 1. JS: Do the POST but now you only get a temporary token 2. Java: Store that token in the database along with a reference to the PDF - this is a good opportunity to log views too 3. JS: Construct a specific URL containing that token ("/path/to/service?token=123abc") and embed it 4. Java: Take that token, check that it's still valid, and if so output the PDF
  17. When you did the AJAX stuff you had the option to specify the type of data to return. Tell jQuery to use JSON. Then you'll get an object in your callback function with .status and .job_status and such.
  18. Again: is this in Javascript? The most straightforward method would be to enumerate all the properties of window before and after that code is executed, then determine what got added.
  19. It would be great if you could do responsive now, but it that will add a lot more time until you can release then you should put that off until the next iteration. At least you'll have something out there sooner rather than later. Besides, many phones and tablets are capable of handling "desktop" layouts without inconveniencing the user too much; depends on the content but a bit of zooming and scrolling isn't that bad. And while the site is out there you can set up some metrics to see how people actually are using your site. Maybe there are many more mobile users than you thought. Maybe fewer.
  20. In Javascript? Execute the code and you'll have those variables available to use. Or maybe I'm not sure what you're asking for.
  21. I think the idea of a "crate dimension factory" is confusing me as to how this all works... Do you have a concrete example of the system at work? My off-the-cuff preference would be towards a factory factory: dimension things have a factory, weight things have a factory, and there's an overarching factory producing the dimension and weight factories. Some of that implementation could be hidden with a(nother) class that looks like a regular factory (one such as you proposed) but that secretly uses the various factories behind the scenes.
  22. I'm seeing but that could vary if you're using DNS-based load balancing.
  23. With the caveat that "how it is working right now is correct", No. It should return a 404 because the product I requested does not exist. The fact that you're using a real file to respond to my request is irrelevant: the thing I wanted is not there.
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