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Everything posted by ginerjm

  1. Your first statement implies that the value comes from a url query string while your second line merely sets a local variable to a value. These are in no way connected.
  2. How about showing us the actual code you used, instead of just the function name you used?
  3. IMHO if you have a secure login page (with all that the word 'secure' entails) already working, then adding another column to the table behind the login is the way to go. It gives you the freedom to use it for new features that may be added later as well as the ability to add that 'extra' admin person without having to do any coding. Simply checking the user's login data for the correct 'security level' obtained as part of the login process gives you the ability to control access to any part of your appl.
  4. May I ask "What is a shortcode?" without sounding stupid?
  5. I know how to use js to close browser windows and in fact I can close IE completely but I can't seem to do it with Safari on an iphone. It closes the current app window but then either switches to another app or opens a blank window and waits for me to hit the home button. Can one use JS to close the entire browser on an iphone?
  6. IMHO - I would design my db differently. You're not going to put "variable" data into your "static" message, are you? You s/b creating a table of users with their info separate from the messages that you wish to send. Then, you pick a message and the users and do your mail generation. Unless you are sending totally unique messages to each person every time you send out mail, which I don't see working in a db-driven environment.
  7. 1 - what is a <name> tag? 2 - how about showing us how you are handling the country result?
  8. According to a google search you might try this: $stdin = fopen('php://stdin', 'r'); $response = fgets($stdin); PS - it is NOT completely skipping your if/else statements. It is logically proceeding through them and coming to a completely anticipated conclusion.
  9. Refer to the php manual and look up strtotime and date functions.
  10. You need to think more about your design and how you want it to work and then you need to learn some stuff about handling those buttons. I avoid giving people design advice - I limit myself to providing advice on things that you may have wrong in your code and can't figure out. Part of the joy and satisfaction of programming is coming up with a working design and implementing it. Have at it! Part of being a newbie is the learning process, so you have some work to do.
  11. Can't help until you implement the feature you want to solve.
  12. This is a cleaned up version of your php code: <?php echo '<h1>Hello World!</h1>'; echo '<h1>Second Heading Block</h1>'; echo '<h2>Hello World!</h2><b>This text bold!</b>'; echo '<h1>Third Heading Block</h1>'; ?> Nothing wrong with this code. If it doesn't work on your environment, suspect the environment, not the script. BTW - you mentioned that the correction simply added a semicolon. I don't see in this code where any semi could possible be showing up. BTW2 - you realize that you don't need php to display your sample outputs? It's all plain html, so the <? and the echo's are not needed.
  13. Where does your code handle the 'next' or 'prev' button? I see no check for one.
  14. Show us the revised code in its entirety.
  15. And your question is??? Probably the "second heading" line, no? Look closely and you should see your typo.
  16. After further review - I also see that you have wrapped your JS code inside another div tag. People may have problems with my next, but I find it preferable to place my js within my html header tag and not intermingle it with my html code. You can do it I guess, but I fail to see why. Frankly, the div here serves no purpose at all.
  17. At first glance I see the word "div" inside your very first <div> tag. What exactly is that?
  18. I'm not familiar with the mail syntax you show. Is this mailer from some 'package' (as recommended) instead of the simple PHP 'mail' function?
  19. the ".." means the parent folder - it is a common technique to make a relative path (as opposed to an absolute one). The single dot refers to the current directory - something that would mean "check the current folder before looking elsewhere" in your situation. So - if you are using windows, then perhaps your reference to the filename should use a backslash instead of the forward slash you have specified. Just a WAG...
  20. I'm no expert on this, but isn't your path supposed to use a colon ":" to separate multiple path values? You have dot semicolon as your first entry and then your second path that you referred to. I'm wondering if the semi is preventing it from being used.
  21. Have you enabled php error checking to see if there is something else in your script that causes the problem? BTW - I believe that the syntax is very specific: "Location: " must have a trailing space.
  22. Perhaps my mistake. I assumed OP had that html in a heredocs which is how I code most of my html
  23. For those of us who do not read people's attached files, could you show the specific code you are worried about?
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