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Everything posted by ober

  1. That's definately planned.
  2. You hope not what?
  3. I know... I must be insane!
  4. ober


    Attachments should be allowed now.
  5. We are planning to bring the main site back online eventually. We need to do a rewrite on it and the plans are already forming around that. I don't know if I agree with taking that forum down, but we could possibly lock it so no one can post there.
  6. It was sent. You can't post twice in less than 25 seconds.
  7. We gladly take suggestions, but they have to fit our ability to support them. And maybe... JUST MAYBE... we have a little more experience at this than you do.
  8. Neither option will ever see the light of day here. As far as I'm concerned, the discussion ends here. Locked.
  9. Then yes, we got it.
  10. 1) We're not going to give you the data 2) We'll find out if you decide to just take it 3) Why would you duplicate the information? That seems inefficient when someone can just come here and search or post their own question. The whole idea seems like a waste of time.
  11. Give it a shot again: http://www.google.com
  12. There was a setting that was backwards... this should be fixed now.
  13. How recently? I've gotten several reports recently. So it is working.
  14. I know the reason... just have to make a small adjustment. Unfortunately the reason you're not able to reply in those circumstances is because of code we put in place to increase security.
  15. I'm looking into it.
  16. Works for me.
  17. Well... are you talking strictly from start yesterday to back online and open to the public or start to... well... when we fixed up the iframe issue? The first would be about an hour and a half... the second would be about 24 hours.
  18. Yeah... I have to talk to Jay about that one.
  19. Should be removed now... everything should be loading faster and properly.
  20. I think everything should be fixed now.
  21. I know... working on that one.
  22. Not sure what you guys are seeing... it really couldn't be much faster for me... I have done some maintenance post upgrade that would have slowed things down momentarily.
  23. I just ran through it and couldn't get it to appear about 50% of the time, so it's definately not fixed. 1) I will validate ... haven't gotten around to that. Either way, I really doubt that is the issue in this case. 2) Get rid of inline styling? No offense, but I'd have a very hard time believing you put EVERYTHING in your css file. I do agree with swapping out the pt usage.. but we've been around that block. 3) ... yeah, again, not sure this would fix anything. 4) not sure where that is being used but I'll look into it. I don't normally put the '' in there either but someone else suggested it so I was desperate. It doesn't seem to make it any worse. And I'm not sure what you mean by "table layout coding concepts"... I haven't used a table for layout in close to 5 years. Maybe you can explain that one further?
  24. I need to talk to Jay about the Solved mod... it's installed but I can't configure it. And the upgrade shouldn't have affected speed. Seems to be loading fine for me.
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