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Everything posted by ober

  1. You're probably getting a "forbidden" because no index file exists.
  2. Refreshing with AJAX pretty much removes the need for the iframe. Either way, all you need to do is use a javascript timer to call a refresh javascript function. In your response function, simply restart the timer. Play with the example here: http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,115581.0.html Then once you've written some of the code yourself, ask again.
  3. First one seems to be a little buggy. Second one is slick, but no image map capabilities.
  4. I have a client that wants to have a national contractor directory and so I need to have an image of the US that links to listings for each state. Does anyone know of a decent toll that will allow me to quickly create an image map (certain areas will be linked to specific data)? Thanks in advance.
  5. Well.... I see good and bad about the options: 1) Moving threads to a different section means people would have to search in a different board for answers. This would also reduce the thread count in that board, which actually means something to people that are looking for help. Plus, moving the thread would stop people from using the solved feature since they'd have to go searching if they later realized the thread wasn't solved. 2) Increasing the page count might help, but would also increase loading times/traffic per page. Although the increase would nearly be negligable and I think we should probably consider this idea. I have no problem with people bumping a valid post after it leaves the first page with no responses. You're free to do it. Also, if you're not getting responses, it's possible that no one knows how to answer the question. Keep in mind we have boards that are more specific (OOP, App Design, Databases, etc).
  6. ober

    router config

    I wanted to thanks everyone for their help. I ended up switching out the second router for a small switch and it worked immediately. I did attempt all kinds of configurations with the router before doing that without luck. Stupid stacked routers.
  7. Hey Neal... you use ace-host too?
  8. You can't afford a few dollars/month?
  9. Unless your host is their own ISP, report it to the ISP that the host uses. I don't know about the regulatory bodies in the EU, but in the US we have the Better Business Bureau that you could report them to.
  10. phpfan, where are you from? There may be a government/regulatory agency you can report them to.
  11. Sorry, we won't be opening an entire board about this. Please open a thread in Miscellaneous to discuss it if you'd like.
  12. ober

    router config

    Interesting... I'll give that a shot.
  13. ober

    router config

    Daniel... do you ever say anything origional? If I can't ping to a website, how the hell would I run a trace on it? I swear you're like a human wiki. roopurt... that's not the issue here... you only do that with the modem, not the router... and if you read the first post, this is a second router in the network. Thanks for trying guys... but I think I'm going to try disabling the DHCP on the router... if that doesn't work, I'm going to swap it out for a switch.
  14. ober

    router config

    That's what I thought too.... yet something still isn't working correctly.
  15. ober

    router config

    How do I put that modem/router into Bridge mode... would that be in the router's internal webserver config page?
  16. ober

    router config

    I'll assume cable, but I'm not sure what their situation is. Story is this... I work for a guy who has a website. He asked me to come to where he works and setup a small network in an office that he has (small company.. no IT guy). All he has is an ethernet cable running into the room. He wants a PC and a laptop to be able to share files and connect to the internet. The internet connection is very quick, so I'm thinking it's at least cable. I'm tempted to just take a little switch that I have and see if that will do the trick.
  17. ober

    router config

    Would it make sense to use a switch in this case? The internet signal is already routed, so why wouldn't a switch handle it?
  18. ober

    router config

    I didn't try using just IPs, but the fact that Vista is reporting that it's a local only network leads me to believe that that wouldn't work. The router's status says that it has an IP and a subnet and all that. So it's obviously getting assigned an IP from an upstream device.
  19. ober

    router config

    The default gateway for the PCs is pointing to the gateway for the local router, yes. DHCP is enabled and both PCs are picking up valid addresses/gateways from the router... and like I said, they can talk to each other through the router, I just can't get the internet through the router to the PCs. The Vista PC says that the network is "local only" when I have it all connected, but as soon as I pull the cable from the main router and plug it into the PC, the network switches to "local and internet". I just can't see what I'm missing. I did find someone else on the net that said that a second router should have DHCP disabled so it acts as a switch, but I haven't tried that yet.
  20. Ok, here's the situation: Plug network cable into PC, internet works fine. I put a router in place and I can get main PC and a laptop to talk to each other and share files/printers. Problem is, neither PC can get to the internet through the router. One PC is Vista, one is XP. Like I said, I can make them talk to each other through the router, but neither can get to the internet through the router.... both can get to the internet when directly connected to the line from the main router. (This router is apparently behind a main router). Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
  21. You might have better luck contacting the software provider. Here's another one that I use that works great: http://www.advsofteng.com/
  22. I put 1-3... used to be 8+, but I'm in more of a management/analyst position now and I spend half my day in meetings.
  23. I tend to shy away from Java applets. Not only do they require Java to be installed, but they often take far too long to load.
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