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Everything posted by ober

  1. So very true.... but you can't force people to do it!
  2. Once you get to 50 posts, you can have unlimited PMs in your inbox.
  3. Keep in mind that no matter how many times we point to the forum guidelines and put it in our signatures, there are still people that are new to bb software and they're going to screw it up. It's a fact of life.
  4. 1) That did not require a poll. 2) We will not be making a mod to do this. If it really annoys you, use the "Report to Moderator" link and a mod will add code tags to the post and warn the poster.
  5. I guess... the crazy thing is that you don't have to have a degree, necessarily, to do web design. You just have to have a decent portfolio. And normally, it's the paperwork that gets you the cash.
  6. Is it bad that I would turn down half of the requests your clients make?
  7. But at entry level? I'd be surprised if an entry-level web developer makes more than $45-$50.
  8. Probably won't happen for a little while. Seems to take an act of god unless Eric modified the server.
  9. Time for PHP? I probably spend 10-15 hours a week working with it... and learning where needed.
  10. Alright... I thought I'd post an update here. Over the past few days I've had issues with SmartFTP so I decided to give FileZilla a better shot. I'm definately using Filezilla now but there are a few features I miss about SmartFTP (mainly the ability to connect to more than one site at a time).
  11. Excellent solution Neal.. thanks for sharing
  12. That's a pretty heavy mod... I know I won't do it... but if Jay wants to tackle it, he's more than welcome.
  13. Not a bad idea.  I'll create it and if more than a handful of people post in it in a months time, we'll leave it.
  14. ober

    No ADSL!

    I'm guessing dialup?
  15. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't... I've gone back a few hours later and it works fine. Either way, I'll update the link in the Resources thread. Thanks!
  16. ober

    No ADSL!

    Damn... no cable an hour outside of a major city? That's pretty sad.
  17. There are several options in the Resources thread in Website Critique. I suggest you try one of them. EDIT: one entry from that thread that I use: http://www.cfdynamics.com/cfdynamics/zipbase/index.cfm/ It has longitude/latitude... which you can use to do some calculations to get the results desired above.
  18. Comments... what are those?
  19. Look into the abort method. You need to call it in case a second request is made before the first one is finished. Other than that, we'll need to see some code to find the issues.
  20. Sounds buggy... I'll wait for another release.
  21. Hmm... I normally do most of that stuff anyways. However, I'm against removing the padding and margins from ALL that stuff. I do it for body and a handful of others, but the default padding and margins on some of those other times can come in handy.
  22. Wow... someone that didn't turn that comment into a flame-war! Color me impressed. Ninja-points++. Maybe I'll stick around for the next version of the software. Let us know when you publish it!
  23. Probably the same reason I got an error in his application before it was even open.
  24. ... well I don't plan to try it again until you fix that. In reality, you shouldn't require a server. That should be completely optional. You should be able to develop without having to test locally.
  25. 2 things: Try changing it to onChange (capital C) Or try using a different event. You're also not checking the result of the SQL for a valid result (nor are you cleaning the input). That's never good. Are you getting any JS errors otherwise?
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