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Everything posted by ober

  1. It's the fact that I'm using TinyMCE as an editor... if I use a regular textarea... it works fine. Now what?
  2. This is my AJAX handler function. Basically I'm passing this function 2 values as a string concatenated by "||". One value needs to go in a text box... the other needs to show up as the value of a textarea. The problem is, the "title" box is getting the value "undefined"... and that's obviously not how you fill a textarea's value. Help?! EDIT: Sorry, forgot the code: function handleEditor() { if(http.readyState == 4)//Finished loading the response { var vals = http.responseText; var vals2 = new Array(); vals2 = vals.split('||', vals); document.getElementById('title').value = vals2[0]; document.getElementById('news_text').value = vals2[1]; document.getElementById('editor').style.display = "block"; } }
  3. I don't think "Down to the old Pub" is all that great. I do like Vanilla... that's a good one
  4. Yeah... that's not really secure.
  5. Try google: http://www.google.com/search?client=opera&rls=en&q=read+.cdb+file&sourceid=opera&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8
  6. I've (unfortunately) used MS Money a few times... both 2004 and 2006. It's bloated with features and far too detailed for what I want to do. We just use Excel now.
  7. Interesting... I just started listening to him in the past few weeks... Favorites: For the Ladies, Grandfather, Malachi the Bowling God, Dr. Stephen, Taxi Driver, Gerbil, Best Friends Song
  8. No offense, but I'm not a huge fan of installing a mod for every little thing. That requires maintenance when it is time to upgrade. We already have hassles with that.
  9. Shared servers do support .htaccess files unless your host has them turned off.
  10. http://www.magical-marketing.biz/crontab_example.html Give this a shot. Also, depending on what mail service you use, it may take a few hours. Is there a log in cPanel that shows you that it ran?
  11. Unfortunately, the admin control panel is not that granular. I can't even limit anything in the signatures. Either that... or I just can't find it. And trust me, I've looked. If you find some offender, please report him and I'll remove it.
  12. ober


    Welcome. If you don't like us, I'd appreciate a note about why!
  13. I think it's been done. What you're talking about is not new. The only "new" part is not charging anything for it. And that's the stupid part.
  14. If you're getting drunk, why are you near a computer? Getting drunk alone is just pathetic.
  15. I'm going to guess that'll end up in copyright infringement. I'd steer clear.
  16. Wow... you hit it right on the head! We'll never use vBulletin. Upgrading can be a hassle and we will probably upgrade when it seems worth it.
  17. Wow... 2 posts in and suggesting a major change to the board and rewards system in general. The answer is no. We have a group called "PHPFreaks Recommended" that people will get promoted to if they are worth it. That is the only reward we will be handing out. That, and promotion to moderator.
  18. hey... thanks for adding to this thread with that valuable piece of information!
  19. I started to write my own a while ago, but I need a pretty quick solution. Hence the request.
  20. Please do not use all caps in thread titles. This is against forum rules.
  21. I sense a homework/test question. Closed. PM me with a valid reason to reopen. EDIT: valid reason to be left open.
  22. I'm with red on this one... all relative unless it's an external link or links to a different part of my site.
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