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Everything posted by ober

  1. Not within the code... that's a browser setting you cannot modify.
  2. www.sxc.hu I like to borrow images that are offered up for free. I then hack them or resize them to fit my site.
  3. Well... you've got one major problem: I downloaded it, installed it, and it asked for "server location"... since I don't have one installed locally I just hit "Done"... I immediately got a "Subscript out of range" error and now I can't even get back to that window to specify anything. Boo!
  4. Might want to peek at it in Opera as well. The layout is horrid. The colors are blinding and you can't read the text very well. Your menu also looks choppy and doesn't work very well. It looks like you threw this together in about 5 minutes.
  5. I'd have to echo the comments above... but I had one other problem with the site... why are many of the "guestbook" entries either by you or your family??? That's not what a guestbook is for!
  6. I'm going to go with akitchin's theory here. I could look through the code and figure it out, but I'm willing to bet that's the case.
  7. I agree on 99% of that.  Nice post.  A small tidbit though... a good programmer knows he can normally adjust the bounds of an array where necessary, despite normally defining "a" boundary up front.  ;)
  8. That's a really good price. I know a lot of people that have that keyboard and they all love it. I'm a Logitech fan myself.
  9. User error? Does he know how to use FTP clients?
  10. My current username is so common (town in Germany, apparently the last name of hundreds of people, etc) that I searched through 6 pages of 30 results each without turning up anything about me. I searched with two similar names that I used to use and they turned up 7 and 11 results... respectively... both of which spit out my website as the last result (which is really weird).
  11. If I had to guess... probably things dealing with Win32 API, MVC, and other windows specific APIs. Dealing with items related to the Windows operating system that don't necessarily involve a specific language. The same could be said for "unix programming"... surely you could lump the other languages into these categories, but there are specific items that fall into OS programming than a specific language.
  12. Just search for "web scripting language stats". I found this: http://www.dedasys.com/articles/language_popularity.html
  13. ober


    Well... I grew up on a dairy farm... it comes naturally
  14. First, that first part isn't a sentence or anything resembling a sentence. Second, wouldn't it be painfully obvious that after 5 of your own replies, no one on this board has a way to help you and that it would probably benefit you to find the MySQL/Mercury Mail manual and try reading that?
  15. ober


    Ahh... but "baby cows" are called "calves". And they don't necessarily drink milk. Some end up in formula depending on the breeding operation.
  16. Generic as in "fits any of those industries".... or generic within those industries? I'd try wiki or finding one of those sites and asking them to use their content. I don't know of a place that offers up text like that.
  17. ober

    About Google

    Doing a quick search turns up the fact that they do use PHP for a variety of things... however... I'm sure the beef of the processing is done with some heavy duty Java or C++. I think they make their APIs available in several scripting languages too.
  18. I have a custom CMS that I've written (still writing/modifying/building modules for) and I'll probably end up charging about $150ish to tack it onto a site that I build. The nice thing about it is that if they use the CMS, it makes my job easier to build the site. Truth be known, I end up installing the roots of the CMS to manage the site from my end either way. However, for the amount of work I put into it... and if I had to do it all over again as a custom piece for one client, I'd probably charge roughly $500-$1000 for it.
  19. I personally say "calls"... $dog->bark(); So in my head, I say "dog calls bark".  When I'm referencing a class variable "$dog->poop = yellow" I just simply say dog poop equals yellow... I personally think it differs depending on whether you're referencing a variable or a method/function.
  20. FYI, the noobie group is only until 10 posts.... so you don't have far to go, johng.
  21. We either clear the ad on code blocks, etc, or you get some really bad results. You can't have the best of both worlds.
  22. >>I'm sure they could tell you the amount of money they make from the ads. Fat chance. The ads aren't moving or getting changed. People don't donate enough to keep the site up, so we have to support it using other means.
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