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Everything posted by ober

  1. That problem has been fixed. You should no longer see that happening.
  2. I don't think that's anything that is controlled by the site. That seems to be a browser issue to me.
  3. I'm going to guess they're either using different technology or they've figured out an "autobind" mode.
  4. I'd be hesitant to throw that card on that PSU, personally. Especially if the PSU isn't high quality. I have the 7800 GT PCIX card and it runs like a dream, but throws a lot of heat. My specs: 3.4 GHz Intel 2 gig 2.5 CAS latency RAM 533 MHz Geforce 7800 GT 256 MB 510 PSU (PC Power & Cooling - quality PSU company) Intel mobo I'm also running 2 HDs. Audio is onboard through an external USB converter. My recommendation is to either upgrade the system or do nothing.
  5. Umm... if it's allowing you to save php files from random servers on the web, you've got a goldmine in your pocket. I'll buy the PC for 10K right now. The more likely chance is that you're opening a local php file and you don't have a webserver + PHP installed to handle it.
  6. >>Cool is that a new addition ? (unsolved that is) umm... it's been there as long as the solved button has.
  7. ... that is not a script... that is a website.
  8. Got me. They sound like a bunch of fools. Also, you can set your topic "unsolved" using the same button you set it "solved" with. I did it for you this time.
  9. I don't know how many times I have to say this. We didn't write the Captcha for the forums! GO SUGGEST IT AT www.simplemachines.org!
  10. You don't have operator status... those would be the moderators of the room. And try using a regular IRC client instead of Opera's.
  11. Thanks obsidian... worked like a charm
  12. How about the ability to post data without it being in a file? That's my biggest problem with it. It's not a CMS. It's a file server with a front end. And it's buggy as hell.
  13. We try not to mod this place to death to avoid issues when upgrading. Again I say... if you have a feature request, take it up with SMF.
  14. There is a "notify" link on each thread that will notify you if someone replies to that specific thread. There are also several tools in SMF that will allow you track threads that you've posted in. As with every other request... I'd suggest you make this one to the SMF team (www.simplemachines.org) instead of us... as we don't write the software.
  15. It should only take you about 10 minutes to install as long as you know all the information you need (database user/password, etc). Tweaking can take as long or as little as you'd like depending on what you want it to do. Jay is part of the SMF team and he's written the "Solved" mod we have here and we've asked him to be an admin so he can handle any issues that might come up. That's not necessary... but we might as well take advantage of our members.
  16. I guess that depends on what you're talking about. We installed a couple mods that didn't take long... and tweaking things like the style and the headers in boards like AJAX and the Linux board only took a few minutes... but you have to know the structure of the software and where to find things. SMF is pretty secure, regularly updated, free, easy to modify, and very easy to use. It's just top notch software.
  17. Ick. Stay as far away from Sharepoint as you can. It's nothing but a glorified, buggy fileserver. We use it here and we're moving away from it as fast as possible.
  18. Then it's their fault for not posting information.
  19. Interesting... how did you do that?
  20. Thanks obsidian... I'll give that a shot.
  21. You can build an application... which thorpe is completely correct on. However, and maybe thorpe can correct me... but C# doesn't have the ability to display content to a browser (it can create the HTML, etc)... you still have to use HTML/CSS/etc to interact with your clientele.
  22. I don't know if english is your first language, but I think you use the wrong word there.
  23. Neither works with the editor... it's being completely ignored.
  24. Don't host it in that country and you'll be fine.
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