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Everything posted by ober

  1. Congrats... just got a new car myself... http://www.toyota.com/RAV4/ The one I got: Limited model 4WD 4 cylinder JBL Audio upgrade stocked with most of the upgrades Wasn't really looking for speed or power, but it's pretty quick for a SUV. Just needed a little more room than my previous car. Plus the 4WD will be nice for the winters.
  2. ober


    Yikes... flash central.
  3. You actually start out as a n00bie. You'll upgrade once you hit 50 posts.
  4. Simple Solution is one that my company took. Give them a report creation tool to create their own reports. Boom. No maintenance.. no bitching. They change what they want, you just provide them the data and the tools to filter/paramaterize/fields to pick from, etc.
  5. If they're both on the same network, create a shared, writable folder on the one you're moving them to. Then just copy and paste. edit:... that's the simplified version... I can get more technical if need be.
  6. I think roopurt has an excellent point there. Put it in the contract. That way you CYA.
  7. 10 posts is when you will reach the next level and be able to PM other members.
  8. To answer the question of "how"... there is a row of buttons at the bottom-left of the thread, and one of these will say "Topic Solved", if I remember correctly. Simply click that.
  9. The only reason I normally turn down projects is because people request help "on the cheap". I refuse to do work for less money than I would expect to pay for any other similar type of service. That doesn't mean I won't offer "discounts" to people I know, but I still make it worth my time. I have run into situations like you've found and it's rare when I can't turn the situation in a direction I'd like it to go. I'm kinda with Andy on this one, I guess. Ultimately, the customer is always right. If they want something that looks like crap, that's what you give them, but you shove all kinds of ideas down their throat about why you think it is bad and how much they're paying you for your professional opinion. Normally they bend... obviously sometimes they don't. If all else fails, I've been know to post their garbage and leave my name out of the source/credits and leave it out of my portfolio. And I almost always place a disclaimer on anything I'm "iffy" about showing others that the client requested the design and I had no control over it.
  10. You can get 10K IDE or SATA drives.
  11. Make sure you don't go cheap on the power supply. Running all that requires a lot of juice. Make sure you have 22A+ on the 12v rails. http://www.pcpower.com/home/ (I recommend these... they're some of the best in the business). And if you want FAST, you might consider SLI instead of one massive video card.
  12. This has nothing to do with phpfreaks. Moved to misc.
  13. Everyone who breaks forum rules or generally becomes an annoyance either gets their post deleted (at least we try to catch most of them) or they get warned or they get banned. It's really hard to say "you post a lot of dumb, irrelevant questions" and then enforce some kind of restriction on them.
  14. ober

    Using PHP5 ?

    Mainly 5 here... although I still have a few clients that are hosted on 4x boxes and I have to figure that into my coding.
  15. Yeah, that was the idea behind the game. The plan is to re-introduce that into the competitions several times, building on various parts. The problem with what you're suggesting is that everyone would have to work on the same thing to make the judging fair and actually provide a "winner". If everyone does something different, it wouldn't really be a competition. Unless you're just talking about working on a project outside of the competition arena.
  16. We didn't write it, but I know some of the developers
  17. 1) The forums weren't written by us. Even if they didn't validate, there's nothing we would do about it. 2) Parts of the main site were written before some of the validation rules even existed. Maybe when Ron or I get a chance, we can clean some of them up.
  18. They're post icons... the OP can set them when creating a post. It doesn't mean anything... it's completely up to the user.
  19. ?? It's visible on every page. You just have to expand the bar at the top.
  20. ober


    Depends on your host's configuration. You should have addon domain stats for each stat you host.
  21. I normally do... but with the money I bring in doing this type of stuff (less than a few grand/year), it wouldn't be worth it for me to buy PS. That's why I'm currently going down the Gimp route.
  22. If you don't want to spend the money, you could always download Gimp and give that a shot.
  23. I'll throw in my vote for lightbox as well.
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