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Everything posted by ober

  1. 1) Ick... it's written in ASP.NET 2) Looks to be custom... either that or the owner is hiding the name of the shopping cart software.
  2. Others have chimed in... and I agree as well. This will not be stickied.
  3. Sorry, we can't change your username. We have a strict policy against doing so. And even if we change your name, wouldn't he recognize the content of the posts?
  4. I would assume so, and I'm afraid it wouldn't be limited to this board. Since English would be the language that most people are going to be expecting to read and reply with, I personally don't see much validity or value in phpfreaks reporting it. You are welcome to do so yourself, if you wish: www.simplemachines.org .
  5. In the IT world, it's often the case where programmers are at the low end of the salary scale compared to their IT counterparts. The money is usually in admin or DBA type work. And it's sad really, because most programmers I know could run circles around most admins. It's rarely, if ever, the case in reverse. I would say most programmers in normal markets will stay under $75K... where a DBA position probably tops out just under 6 figures. One reason is the fact that DBAs and admins are on call all the time... but that duty is not one I'm willing to take on. Money is only worth so much when you get yanked out of a party or held back from a vacation because you have to track down a bug in a production system.
  6. I'll say it again, if you're looking for something with a deep technical swing, i'd stay far away from Godaddy. But that's just me.
  7. Never had an issue with ace-host.net. It's always fast and they never complain... why would a host complain about your usage?
  8. I don't really recommend freelancing to anyone unless it is a supplemental income. Not only is it expensive and hard to cover overhead, but you never get a day where you can slack off and still make the same amount of money at the end of the month. Also keep in mind that employers pay part of your taxes... and you pay the rest. If you work for yourself, you're paying both parts. You also have to cover your own health insurance (in the US at least). Finding clients can also be an issue and it can be feast or famine. You could have 10 projects one month and zero the next. You also have to be salesman, customer support, product validation, programmer, marketing, etc, etc. There are a lot of perks working professionally for a company that really make it hard to justify working for yourself.
  9. Wow... ya'll must have women that suck. All of the money that either my wife or I make goes into one account. We both use it for whatever we need.
  10. .... you've obviously read the posts. What did you miss?
  11. Umm... I'm not sure what you mean. We don't delete content.
  12. I don't know what to tell you... I've never had performance issues with their servers. I've been with them for almost 3 years. I moved from a 5Gb (also with ace-host) plan to this one and haven't looked back.
  13. Oh wait, you're looking for a shared server with shell access? I doubt you'll find any decent host that would do that! I only assumed you were looking at a dedicated/vps solution. Besides that... you were paying $190/mo for the requirements you listed? That's insane! And while having shell access might be nice, it's just as quick and easy to manage with FTP/cpanel. I'd personally sacrifice the shell access to avoid the cost of a VPS/dedicated server. I mean seriously... look at this plan and the amazing freakin prices: http://www.ace-host.net/hostingplans.html That's my current plan. I don't know what to tell you about the module vs. cgi part. I use .htaccess on their servers and mod_rewrite doesn't really have anything to do with PHP. And for the love of God... please stay away from godaddy. I've been around with them and not only does their customer support suck, but their control panels are less than desirable, IMO.
  14. 1) Often irrational 2) Sometimes react to feelings instead of logic 3) Can't drive worth a damn 4) Can multi-task! 5) They own the ability to deny sex
  15. Can I inquire why you absolutely need PHP to run as an Apache module? I'm surprised they don't offer shell access... especially on the dedicated servers. And they have several PEAR extensions loaded by default, even on the shared plans.
  16. Their support/sales is the best I've found. They also run the latest stuff too (mysql 5/php5, etc).
  17. They rock. I've had a lot of hosts in my time, and they are by far the best.
  18. Not that I'm aware of, but I haven't mounted a drive in a linux box for over 3 years, so you can safely ignore me
  19. Not really. We can't control anything that shows up in google. If you're producing something that will go into a live website, you may want to be careful about what details you provide in a help forum.
  20. I love people that don't read the entire post before responding. And neylitalo, adding an .htaccess file takes just about as much work as adding index files. If it's your webserver, look up the manual. It will have an option to turn it off. If it's not your webserver, check your control panel or ask the host how to modify the settings.
  21. Did you try checking the BIOS options? That seems like the most logical place to set boot order.
  22. Tom... that one looks great too, but I'm not going to pay for something for a one-off solution. I'll keep that one in mind, however. Thanks!
  23. That's PERFECT, Little Guy. Thank you!
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