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Everything posted by ober

  1. We know there are different logins for the site and the forums. In the future we are planning to integrate them. However, the forums software has changed and the site was written seperately from the forums long ago. Once we get around to re-writing the main site, I'll integrate it with the SMF software.
  2. Btw... I've tried a handful from sourceforge (phpBMS, CitrusDB, gbdc, solidstate). None do what I want. I just want the ability to go in and create billable items at either an hourly or unit rate and create invoices out of them. Client management/login would also be a requirement so they can track what they're getting billed for.
  3. I'm looking for a web based billing interface that I can create projects... assign rates to them... and have my customers login and get their latest bill and possibly even pay it through like paypal or even via my own merchant account. Anyone have any good suggestions?
  4. Probably a clearing issue. I've had the same type of issues in the past... and not only limited to Opera.
  5. That doesn't make any sense. If you didn't make valedictorian because of AP classes, that means you didn't apply yourself in the AP classes. I don't know what kind of messed up system your school runs, but myself and other people in high school actually had the ability to get better than a 4.0 because of the AP classes.
  6. Jeff.... might want to take a peek in Opera at the new version. The contact page "name" entry is shifted to the right. The ability tests page has the content down after the items on the columns to the left and right. Other than that, it's pretty sharp looking.
  7. Your contact form submits with a nice 'thank you' message even when nothing is entered. Might want to fix that. I'm with obsidian on the bland-ness of the color scheme. Try to balance it with something that plays nicely with the orange. Also, might want to have a look at it in Opera. The content area isn't as wide as the header and footer.
  8. Too bad a 3 won't do much good for you.
  9. Don't count on it... that's why the forums are here.
  10. You also didn't specify currency. I'm assuming USD. And I don't program PHP for a living anymore... I do it on the side. I do very little programming in my regular job... and that is mainly in Java or .NET languages (C#, VB.NET).
  11. I'm going to guess "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure"?
  12. Umm... this is going on a guess.. but "Day After Tomorrow"?
  13. You can't. It's one way printer manufacturer's are screwing their customers. Sorry, but you're screwed on this one.
  14. Actually... that's where I used to live. I'm actually a lot closer to Buffalo now. I live outside of Cleveland, OH. So I'm a straight shot on 90 ... bout 3 hours away.
  15. We'll get to it when we can. Unfortunately, the tutorials are submitted by a number of people and we cannot guarantee that they will always be perfect. We are aware that the comments section is broke, but this is maintained by a small number of people in their spare time. Spare time seems to be hard to come by recently.
  16. ?? the list goes on... Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc, etc.
  17. Wow! That's awesome! And dude... you'll be right around the corner from me And it's always excellent when your wife can stay home with the kids. I'm so glad my wife is able to do that.
  18. Ahh... my wife and I were lucky with the first. I hope the next ones go as well. Glad it all worked out for you in the end. Best wishes for a healthy pregnancy and a beautiful baby
  19. Why on earth would you want to make that switch? Sharepoint is nothing but a fancy fileserver. You lose all options of providing dynamic content (even though you said you're working with a static website). Why limit yourself?
  20. Damn... I didn't know wiki had car info too! And I think I said this already unless this is the first time you're mentioning it... but congrats on #3
  21. My title is "systems analyst". I'm in charge of my company's main platform and all that goes on with it. I work in somewhat of a management role with our development team.
  22. Too bad I don't do any PHP for my day job.
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