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Everything posted by ober

  1. There's nothing in the permissions that I saw that would stop you from replying to topics.  Did you piss off a moderator?
  2. Works for me... but if you have bigger versions, I'd throw a link under each to the other sizes.
  3. ahh... another non-standard move.  Not a good idea IMO.  Just because you don't "have to" doesn't mean you shouldn't. Is there a link to a live version of this that we can play with?
  4. Like jcombs, I'd just use AJAX and take the risk that few users are daft enough to have JS turned off. I'm really confused about the type of site you are running and why you think you'd need to create 950 pages without this dynamic refresh portion.  Can you explain what the site is for and what it does?
  5. I think the numbers are actually much less than 10-15% less than that and it's getting to the point where so many sites use JS to achieve some effect that most designers are throwing caution to the wind and using it. I would suggest that you're probably safe to use it.  If nothing else, put a disclaimer on the site about JS.
  6. [quote author=obsidian link=topic=123480.msg511285#msg511285 date=1169558027] [url=http://www.totalvalidator.com/validator/Validator] Total Validator [/url][/quote] And you didn't share this so it could be added to the Resources tab.... why?  ;)
  7. Yeah... I wouldn't do #3 either.  I'd rather see you leave 50 flyers at each location rather than do that trick.  That's for selling crap in a dorm or at a place of work... not for pushing your business in a public place.
  8. No offense here MrMastermind... but IE wouldn't be parsing it wrong.  I'm going to suggest that there is a piece of code that you're not showing us because I've used this type of thing for a lot of different situations and never had IE parse the returned code any different from any other browser!
  9. Thanks for all your hard work, fellas!  I re-ordered the staff page a bit and dropped Thantos from Admin.  He's now just "Recommended".
  10. Rewriting it with better practices.  I think I actually used your old one at one point and it was half decent.
  11. There is a resources tab at the top of this board you might find useful.  I don't recommend books because they get outdated too fast. www.ajaxfreaks.com has several working examples you could pick through.  You could also post some code that you're working on and we can help you through it.
  12. We can look into it... do you remember what it was called?  Chances are it's still in the DB but a reference is screwed up or something. Would you mind rewriting yours?
  13. Could I be the only person in the world that doesn't use the "unread posts" thing?  That wouldn't help me at all.
  14. Yeah... I'm kind of in that same boat.  I guess my ultimate dream job would be a combination web developer/DBA.  My previous job was close to that but alas, I had to move and now I'm stuck in a less exciting role.  I still enjoy the programming end of things but I really enjoy playing with DBs as well. Unfortunately, more and more companies are moving to distributed roles where one group takes care of the DBs and another takes care of the programming, etc, etc.  I like to have control over the entire system but I think those types of positions are few and far between. Yet another reason why I'll probably eventually just work for myself.
  15. I've had issues like this in the past.  One solution is to simply build the form when the page is built and simply hide it with the CSS display property and then show it whenever that tab is selected instead of loading it's content from the backend.
  16. No... and I wish that there was.  I'd collapse a lot more boards. One thing I do, however, is to set a subscription to boards that don't get a ton of traffic but that I like to be aware of (AJAX board, for example).  So I get an email everytime there is a new thread in that board.  There's a link to the thread and I hit up other threads once I get in there.  I still have that grouping expanded, however, since I check it randomly thoughout the day for replies.
  17. Search google for SEO (Search Engine Optimization).  Chances are, you're using old techniques to get the bots to gather data on your site.  Things have changed over the past few years and content is grabbed differently now... and all that affects your rank.
  18. How are you entering the new user?  Some kind of registration form?  Do you have access to the database directly?  Normally these systems are setup with some kind of "enabled" flag or some kind of authentication process that needs to be followed to make the user "authenticated".  My guess is that you're probably missing that step.
  19. No offense, but how stupid would you have to be to go around a corporate port block to get to a PHP Forum chatroom??  Talk about putting your job on the line over something completely worthless.
  20. Ain't that the freakin truth.
  21. I should also add that I think one of my goals is to become a DBA someday.  I've done a lot of work with databases and I like that kind of work.  I won't say I'm an expert at that either yet though.  I know database design and normalization and all of that and I'm pretty good with SQL, but I only know a handful of things about pure optomization and indexing and such.
  22. regsvr16???  Are you sure you don't mean regsvr32?  If so, it's in the Windows folder... most likely in the system32 subdirectory.
  23. I've used trillian and the client on the main site, but not from work.  They've blocked that where I work.
  24. However if it involves PHP coding, I'd post in PHP Help.
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