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Everything posted by ober

  1. >>windows xp professional version 2002 WTF is that?  Do you even know the versions of Windows!?
  2. I don't think this is going to answer the question directly, but I personally think there is a HUGE difference between using a scripting language like PHP and using a compiled language like C or even VB.  With PHP you don't have to declare datatypes for your variables.  Hell, you don't even have to declare your variables.  With PHP, you generally don't have to worry about dealing with memory (unless you're creating objects or messing with a ton of data).  With PHP, you don't have the process of compiling multiple things into the application to make it work each time (libraries, classes, etc)... most of them are either installed on the server or they're not.  Also, with PHP, you don't have to worry about system constraints like window size, OS, etc, etc. PHP is a much more seamless language to deal with and I think it dumbs down a lot of "coders".  Personally, I don't think I'd ever hire someone to do a programming job that just had experience with scripting languages.  But I guess that's another topic altogether. And just a side note to corbin's comment... no offense, but I'd be really careful calling yourself "advanced".  Some of the most talented people on this board have posted in this thread and I have yet to see any of them even glance at a word like that.
  3. ScotDiddle, cool it.  r-it, ScotDiddle has a point that communicating the problem correctly in something other than aol-ish would help.  Most people that are here to help quickly get annoyed with that type of typing. By the way Scot, please do not post again unless it is to provide some sort of help.
  4. http://www.postcastserver.com/ Didn't check for 64 bit support, but it's always been a solid server for my needs.
  5. If this is a feed... I don't understand how you plan to use that to store information about favorites and logins and whatnot.  That should be completely seperate and the feed should be parsed in a read-only manner. Again, the styling is up to you.  I think you need to look into XSL and make the decision on your own.
  6. I don't know really... that's not enough information for me to tell what is really going on. Example: I parse a feed from another site into a div on one of my customer's sites.  It's just a simple link/description feed so I do all the styling with CSS.  But I don't know what you're storing in the XML or how you're using it.  I also don't know why you'd copy a feed to your server before parsing it.  You normally just grab it on the fly and parse it.
  7. That's pretty slick... but could be more visible (in Gallery, that is).
  8. That's awesome.  I didn't know if things would be too tight for us as well without my wife working, but I got a really nice raise recently and I think we'll be ok now.
  9. That's like asking what the point is in creating CSS files when you can use attributes and inline css to get the job done.  Everything has a purpose!
  10. [quote author=Crayon Violent link=topic=124192.msg514269#msg514269 date=1169842425] My wife used to work at a daycare that actually allowed that. There were several parents who got mad when the daycare didn't have the soiled diaper washed/dried for them, when they came to pick up their kid.  She was like "dude, if you want your kid to be in cloth diapers, that's your choice.  But I'm here to watch your kid, not do your laundry." [/quote] WOW.  I guess I'm lucky in that regard that my wife is planning to stay home with ours, at least for a few years.
  11. Well... in that case definately I'd go disposable.  You have to wash them at least every other day to keep them from staining. And I think it was jcombs that mentioned "folding"... there's no folding involved... most of ours have snaps and the rest are velcro.  They're actually really easy to use.
  12. Trust me... look around for the math on it... you would typically spend close to 2 grand on disposable diapers for one kid.  We'll probably spend about 800, give or take, on the cloth diapers (and less than that since we asked for some for Christmas).  Now... those can be used for kid #2, #3, etc.  And the soap/water/electricity to wash and dry them is really negligable. And washing/drying them isn't really that big of a deal either.  We put them in before we go to bed and I move them to the dryer when I'm up for a mid-morning feeding.  They're done and ready to use by the time we're up for the next day.
  13. haha... that might be a good solution, but the liners we're using don't fit in the Genie.
  14. Well, I haven't personally washed them yet (my wife does it during the day)... but we have a stainless steel trash can we keep in her room with a special liner.  You take the insert out of the actual cloth diaper (we're using pocket diapers that have a cushy insert that soaks stuff up) and throw both into the pail.  Then you take the liner out and dump it all in the washer.  It's not bad now because nothing is solid... but when it is you just dump that in the toilet and the rest is the same. We only recently got into it.  We used disposables for the first few weeks to make sure she wouldn't stain them with the merconium (sp?). EDIT:... in case you were wondering, yes the odor from the trash can is rather foul when you open the lid... but it seals pretty good when closed and you don't even know it's there.
  15. We actually are using cloth diapers :)  They're not bad... and actually easier to put on IMO.  It's a little more expensive up front, but the long term savings are phenomenal (sp?).
  16. *you will go home and re-think your career in web development and technology in general.  You will then donate half of your money to PHPFreaks and the other half to ober's-daughter-poops-too-much-and-requires-too-many-diapers fund*. Do it.  Do it. 
  17. ... seriously?  You were going to use that?
  18. ROFL at both... how are these people getting jobs?!
  19. That can be arranged *waves hands in force-like gesture* haha!
  20. awww... it's down.  I wanted to see what you were talking about :(
  21. You're tagged as a "Genius" now... so are you saying fenway is beneath you?  ;)
  22. My browser couldn't locate the page.  ?
  23. 1) Open browser 2) type www.php.net/function_name_goes_here  (ie. www.php.net/substr)
  24. http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/intro/sgmltut.html Please see the bottom of that document.  Or search the w3.org site for other references.  I think you'll find that they always use the closing tag.  While the above document doesn't specifically SAY one way or the other, their example indicates that it's better to use it.
  25. Nice.  Where'd you get the template? By the way, you have about a billion grammatical/spelling/punctuation errors.
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