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Everything posted by ober

  1. [quote]$HTTP_GET_VARS[/quote] Eww.. talk about old code.  You should update this and soon.  Also, your code is kind of inefficent and you don't do much if any error handling.
  2. It's because you're not using an ID for the radio buttons.  You're just using the "name" attribute.  In JavaScript, you must specify the "id" attribute if you plan to use "getElementById" to fetch it's value.  The other way around this would be to use document.insert_your_form_name.Script.value or however you reference the value of a radio button. Or just give each radio button a unique id and check to see if that radio button is checked or not.
  3. That's a little vague.  It's not like we're going to sit here and walk you through it step by step.  There's a lot involved in doing what you're talking about. But in reality, it's nothing more than a couple forms and permissions and some database work. You might start out by saying what you do know how to do.  By the way, bumping your thread after 10 minutes on a Friday night (at least for me) isn't going to get you much of a different response.
  4. You're missing the point.  STOP CALLING IT A FRAMEWORK.  At most, I suggest you refer to it as your "library".
  5. Nevermind... ended up being the placement of the file, plus I didn't have to include all the settings... just the ones I wanted to change.
  6. That means there is something wrong with the query. try this: $result = mysql_query($query) or die ("error: " . mysql_error());
  7. Yes, the settings are taking effect.  I just disabled short tags and updated that file.  It printed out the PHP instead of processing it.
  8. Ok... so I'm working on my own CMS and I'm trying to upload various file types.  The default for uploads is set to 2M, but I've talked to my host and they said as long as I put a copy of the php.ini file in the directory I'm working with, the settings should be localized. So I got the right copy of php.ini and put it in the directory with the necessary changes.  After doing that, I have these settings: http://www.whproductions.com/admin/sources/media/iniget.php ini file: http://www.whproductions.com/admin/sources/media/php.ini For some reason, memory limit won't read anything even though the setting is there. I can upload files less than 2M, but anything over that reports back as having zero for the filesize and my script kicks it out as invalid. I have this in the form:     <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="999000000" /> But it still doesn't seem to make a difference no matter how big I make that number. Can someone help me out here?  Why can't I upload files bigger than 2M when the settings all seem to be correct?
  9. Have you tried echoing the query to make sure it looks like it is supposed to?  Are you sure it's even executing the query?  You don't do any validation on the result of the query or check to make sure you've got some rows coming back before you start building the table. You're also not doing any validation on the input from the form.  Talk about a possibly security issue.
  10. Thanks for the comments.  I tend to agree with you that people should be writing their own code when they start out.  It helps to understand the client/server interaction and helps tremendously in the debugging process! I'm going to copy your link into the opening post.
  11. Just slightly... the change is extremely minor.  I've always used POST because POST can handle more data.
  12. The answer to the question is Yes.  Maybe you should ask the right question.
  13. This sounds like a homework assignment.  We're not here to do your homework for you.  Besides, portions of that would be better done in Javascript, not PHP.
  14. Well, then I'd suggest you use the database to do your tracking and handle the actual content/objects through normal file management. AJAX isn't going to allow you to use a persistent object because it is by nature, a back-and-forth protocol.  It doesn't execute all at once so it cannot retain information.  You're making a call to something, it executes and returns something.  That's how it works.  It's not like using a PHP class that executes all at once calling back and forth to itself before generating a bunch of content one time.
  15. If you replace that code with an actual element on the page, does it work?  Keep in mind that IE's JS parser pretty much blows compared to Opera/FF, etc. EDIT: is there a link to a live version of this?
  16. ober

    My new monitor!

    Nice... although I'll never understand the desire to have the widescreen.
  17. I wouldn't necessarily say being in the top 10 topic starters is a "great" thing... after all, it means you have more questions than answers for most people.
  18. Is there a reason you couldn't do some sort of "session" management on the backend?  Use a database or a flatfile instead of a live object?
  19. ... another reason to use POST instead of GET in your AJAX calls.
  20. Change it to "every time" and see if that helps.
  21. Framework for what?  If you want us to test something, make a demo out of it.  I'm not going to download something and install it just to test it for you. Also, your spelling and grammar sucks on that page.  You might want to re-write it.
  22. We've talked this over and we're pretty sure it doesn't require a seperate board.  Use the misc board to bring up discussions like that.
  23. I'm not sure about Perl, but the @ signs in PHP are error suppression.
  24. ahh... where's my head?  I meant SUM, but you're using it incorrectly: [code]<?php include('config.php'); $sql = "SELECT actions.players_ID, SUM(actions.goal) as goalcount, actions.game_ID, player.fname, player.lname FROM actions INNER JOIN player ON player.player_id = ".$_GET['id'].""; $result = mysql_query($sql); $result2 = mysql_query($sql); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); ?> <table> <tr> <td>Navn:</td> <td><?=$row['fname']." ".$row['lname']; ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Kampe:</td> <td><?=$row['matchs']; ?></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Mål:</td> <td><?=echo $row['goalcount'])?></td> </tr> </table>[/code]
  25. IE->Tools->Internet Options->Temp Internet Files (first tab)-> Settings... What is the first question/option set to? Do you have a live version we can look at?
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