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Everything posted by ober

  1. Oh... well, I guess it makes sense... I wasn't clear on what you were doing with it. Are you getting any errors in IE?  Or is it just not working?
  2. SELECT COUNT(goal_column) as goal_count FROM tablexyz
  3. You need to put a javascript onClick event on a element surrounding the image with "document.submit()" in it.
  4. Sorry, that's an SMF field.  I'm not going to hack it just for that.
  5. What is this: div_handler.divTag?? You shouldn't have a . in there.
  6. [code]<?php // if ok, put in db  $result = mysql_query("insert into user values                         ('$username', sha1('$password'), '$email')");  if (!$result)    throw new Exception(mysql_error());  return true; ?>[/code] mysql_error is a function.
  7. ... ok... that doesn't really help me. Do you want line numbers for each one of those lines within the slice portions... you need to describe the problem better.
  8. It doesn't look like your grabbing the date from any specific photo.  Are you sure you're not missing a WHERE clause specifying a photo to grab the date for?
  9. Don't forget to mark the topic as solved if it is solved (lower left above the quick reply).
  10. The only time I've seen that error in IE is when you're sending the response back with either < form > tags or < script > tags in it. Can you post the code (js and backend php?).
  11. I'm not sure WHY you would want to do that... so I'd suggest using the correct syntax.  Maybe MySQL or whatever DBMS you're using allows that, but to follow the SQL standards, I think you'd want to use the right syntax for the right function.
  12. Well... chances are you're going to run your footer function AFTER your header function, so your point is moot anyways.  You're going to have to run the code for the footer in both locations and just not do the display part in the header for the footer.... or just run the code in the header... the variable will still be available for the footer when you include it.
  13. Is each slice one line? If so, it's as simple as an array counter: [code]<?php for($i=1;$<count($myarray);$i++)   echo "Line #<b>$i</b> : " . htmlspecialchars($myarray[$i-1]) . "<br />\n"; ?>[/code] Hope that helps.
  14. That's because you're using UPDATE syntax in a INSERT statement.  INSERT statements look like this: [code]INSERT INTO tablexyz (column1, column2, column3) VALUES ('1', '2', '3')[/code]
  15. ober

    Mass PM

    The only way around this is to either send one to everyone or have a seperate table for administrative PMs that notes if they've read that specific PM or not.  If they've read it, just set a flag and check that flag when showing their inbox. The other way to do it would be to use announcements on the actual board rather than PMs.  Sending a PM or an email to EVERY member on a 100,000 member board is going to take an enormous amount of time.  I tried to do it on this board once (<50,000 members) and I stopped it when it topped 8 hours.  It wasn't halfway through the member list yet.
  16. You should really read the FAQ Board: http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,100473.0.html
  17. There is a default selection of avatars.  It's quite possible that several hundred members chose that avatar.  I'm marking this thread as solved.
  18. I'm unclear on what the actual problem is.  You're echoing the errors before you ever display the form or create the styles.  If you want to use a different class on the errors, just echo the errors later on.
  19. I personally don't think it's possible.  You can already change the response handling function, but you have to do it through references to other elements on the page or some other way. 
  20. I don't understand why you would call an AJAX script on the onload event.  THAT DEFEATS THE PURPOSE OF USING AJAX!
  21. A few things: 1) I think you'd probably want more input fields to give it a little more depth. 2) Make it a little more user friendly and add 2 columns to the display table to allow users to click on a record directly to edit/delete. 3) make the table a little more readable and alternate the row background color.
  22. You're not going to be able to strictly do this with PHP.  You'll need something on the front end (JS) to actually do the refresh.  And I really doubt you're ever going to hit it exactly on the 60 second mark unless your pegging the backend every second (bad idea).  I'd suggest a 10 second window.
  23. Create a blank php file with: [code]<?php phpinfo(); ?> [/code] If it displays something, PHP is installed.
  24. [code]echo "<a href='page2.php?vid=" . $vid . "' target='content'>";[/code] You had your quotation marks completely out of whack.
  25. It might help to tell us what the error is. Also, I don't see a semi-colon at the end.
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