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Everything posted by ober

  1. What functionality?  Maybe I can unlock some hidden treasures for you :)
  2. You have to give it a fair shot though.  Don't go into it with an extreme bias or you won't agree with me on anything.
  3. It's iffy... when I was doing this stuff all the time at my job, there would be days where it would take forever to load, and there were rare occurrences where it wouldn't load at all.
  4. Strange.  People do have the rights to delete their own posts.  If it continues to happen, please document it and post it.
  5. >>http://www.freelancebusinessman.com/new/maintemplate.php yech.  Reminds me of frames and your image in the footer repeats horribly.
  6. I'm not sure what you mean by the forum misplacing posts.  Threads are posted, they are moved by mods to the appropriate boards at times and that's it.  To answer the second portion of the question, we have an Intrustion Prevention System installed that will block certain content from being posted.  There is a thread in the FAQ that will answer this question.  I suggest you read it.
  7. That doesn't make any sense.  But thanks, I guess, even though it'll never happen because of the sensativity of some of the material.
  8. Sorry... but that right is reserved for admins only, and even then there are hoops to jump through that involve modifying anything on this site or these forums.  And we're not building new features into the forum!  I don't know how many times I can say that before it gets through to everyone.
  9. It's between 2 and 3 for me and I'm leaning towards 3.  Any of them would be an upgrade from your current site.
  10. Looking at the moderation log... this thread was never closed.
  11. You could put it in your EULA.  There's nothing stopping you.  It's not like you have to use a blanket ULA... write your own and get them to sign off on it.  It's that easy.
  12. You're allowed to have your opinions and I wasn't really asking anyone to compare that list to FF.  However: 1) Widgets are not "extensions".  The widgets are not a functionality as much as they are an added tool.  Some WOULD find them useful, I do not because I use different software to find the same means. 2) If you don't understand what I'm saying or what I'm talking about, then please don't comment.  It just provides a lot more functionality than any other right-click menu I've ever seen in a browser. 3) Yay for you. 4) That doesn't make much sense, but suffice it to say that Opera's skin manager is much easier to use. 5) Too bad FF 2.0 isn't even out in a public final version. 6) Right-click on item, select "quick download"... and it saves it to your specified folder and even handles things that are named similarly. 7) Yeah 8) Yay... an extension.  Notice how you have to download a bunch of extensions for things that are already built into Opera?  That's what drives me insane. 9) Keep using Opera... you'll see it. 10) FF is more like IE when you go back... more often than not, there is a noticeable delay.  With Opera, it's almost instant. 11) Again, there are things about the FF interface that you cannot customize that you can in Opera. 12) Have you run the ACID test in your beloved FF?  It falls flat on it's face. 13) If you don't see what's so good about it, you haven't used it long enough or played with the options for it.  Not only does it pop up in another tab instead of opening another window, but it handles downloads in a friendlier manner.  I'm not even sure if FF allows you to pause and resume downloads. 14) Examples: A lot of times I'll go to a page and want to find a specific word.  All I do is hit the period key and start typing and it jumps right to the word.  There are also shortcuts to jump between tabs, ways to find links quickly on a page and all sorts of nifty other shortcuts built into the keyboard. Another thing I also wanted to point out was the zoom features, bookmark shortcuts (tie a letter to a bookmark and all you have to do is punch that letter or phrase into the address bar and go), and the MOST useful thing I've seen to date which I failed to mention before?  PASTE AND GO!  BRILLIANT!
  13. Well, there's a few ways to look at it.  1) They're paying for a package.  What you provide is then theirs and you're selling a service.  In that case, you're out in the cold with your pants down.  More than likely however, your clients paid you because they can't do it themselves and wouldn't know the first thing about copying the framework to another system. 2) It's yours, and you claim the rights to it and you've passed along some license agreement stating that.  In that case, I'd suggest including some kind of backend check to periodically send you an email to say where the framework resides. 
  14. And suggestions are one thing... I'd say half of what has been posted are more along the lines of complaints.
  15. I'm sorry... but you expect us to sit here and take repeated beatings about running adverts to keep the site alive?  You have no idea how many times we've been talked to outside of these threads about it. One can only take so much before we start getting snippy about the complaints.
  16. Umm... I was talking about the right-click menu.  That's called a context menu. By the way, if the built in web developer type stuff isn't good enough, check the resources thread in Website Critique for an Opera "extension" that is super handy.
  17. Alright... my take: 1) F the widgets.  They're the most useless feature I've seen them add.  Use Yahoo Widgets (formerly Konfabulator). 2) Context menu.  Need I say more?  (oh, and it's editable) 3) THE WAND 4) Skins... let's face it, the default Opera skin blows.  So does the default configuration of the buttons.  I'll take a screenie and post mine if you want a nice, clean orientation.  I'll let you choose your own skin, as there are several good ones.  I love blue button 1.1 and meguiddo 1-4. 5) little x's on the tabs 6) quick download in the context menu... again... the context menu rules 7) fast forward ... fast rewind.  Don't use them all the time, but much more handy as I get used to them. 8) mouse gestures... handy, but I don't use them often. 9) speed... definately faster all around and proven by TONS of benchmarks. 10) cached "back" action.  No waiting for the page to reload.  You it back and it's almost instantly back to where you were. 11) super custom... no other browser lets you customize the interface like Opera. 12) standards compliant... no other browser comes close 13) download manager rules and you can manage bittorrent downloads with it! 14) By far the best keyboard reactive browser on the market. Need I go on?  Because I will.
  18. I'm still amazed that ASM is consistently the weed-out class that trips up most college students.
  19. No, that a bug has the possibility of becoming a "browser-specific feature"... much like the hundreds of stupid little things that MS wrote into IE so you could random useless crap like change the scrollbar colors, etc.
  20. yay!  FF is becoming like IE. Finally something that'll push users to Opera.  :)
  21. Am I the only one that sees the fault in the logic of "after the first reply"????  The whole point is to get the impressions.  If a thread doesn't get any replies, we still get the impressions.
  22. I think you're missing the point.  To do all of those things completely with JS, you have to download all the options ahead of time and manage that all on the client.  So you're not really saving anything.  In reply: 1) What if the part of the form that needs to be loaded is depending on calculations on the server?  A lot of my work applications involve loading a TON of data into a dropdown or something and it doesn't make sense to load ALL of those options on the first call.  It allows the developer to present a plethora of information without sacrificing the user's bandwidth, or the server bandwidth for that matter. 2) Hidden frames are another item altogether and that's like comparing apples to oranges. 3) It is AJAX in one form or another.  Maybe you need to do some testing on AJAX apps to see how fast they really are.
  23. Thanks.  We're reworking some of the tutorial section and we'll take that into consideration.  Sorry for the inconvenience.
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