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Everything posted by ober

  1. Can you give us a link to a live version so we can debug with our own JS debuggers?  I don't see anything explicitly wrong other than you're not using quotes around the names of the fileds in your getElementById calls. Also, it's kind of a bad idea to create the object and handle the response all within the same function.  You can't reuse the object and you can't easily trap errors from the calling function as you have it.
  2. ober

    Mail Clients

    Wow.. I guess customer service isn't their forte... although, with as big as they are and as much money as they make, I'm sure they can afford to piss off a few customers.
  3. If nothing else, you could consider posting the chat portion to a div and just grabbing the last 2-300 characters to keep the box minimal.  And if you're worried about people wanting to see the entire history of the chat, you can give them a link to open up the entire conversation in a new window (or just hide a text area with the entire conversation and swap the div for the textarea when they click the link to show history). There are ways around it if you can't find another good solution.
  4. Sorry, my JS isn't that good involving manipulating textareas and whatnot.
  5. Try reinstalling FF?  You should probably uninstall any previous versions to wipe out any settings issues you may be having.
  6. ober

    Mail Clients

    >>That and I don't like some of Google's business practices. Specifically?
  7. ober

    Mail Clients

    Umm... I have outlook setup on my laptop, my home PC and my work PC... I get all the mail at all 3 of them and I can check my webmail from other computers.  There's an option you can check to leave the messages on the server when your client checks in.
  8. Sorry... it's hard to tell experience across the net, and since you didn't mention it, I had to ask. The only other thing I can suggest is to update your browser at home.  If you're like me, your work PC is more up to date than your home PC.  Maybe something is hosed in the handling of the httprequest object on your browser at home. Who knows.
  9. HAHAHA @ CV... I would have to agree.  :)
  10. Did you have Javascript disabled on your home PC?
  11. Sorry, the PHPFreaks board is for comments about the forums and/or the main site.
  12. ober

    Mail Clients

    Outlook.  (I know... groan, right?)  All you MS haters, jump into the thread now!  I've been using it for years and every company I've ever worked for used it and it's honestly a great tool.
  13. When we're talking about paper... what kind of paper are we talking about? I had an assignment in high school where we had to use nothing but a manila folder to hold a large amount of weight.  The only adhesive was glue. My idea was a simple cone (weight distributed downward and evenly across the entire structure).  Keep in mind that the best and strongest structures are made of triangles, cones (or tapered cylinders), and arches.  With that knowledge alone, you should be able to come up with something that will withstand at least a few textbooks if you're even half decent as a structural engineering student.
  14. I think you should bring this up in the right board... but the answer is no.
  15. Can you post a link to the live version?  It's always good to use the JS debugger to find errors.
  16. Can you post some of the code you're using (specifically where you set the session vars?)
  17. I think you're going about this wrong.  If this is for verification, you need to put your processing part above the form in case the processing fails and you need to show the form again.  Also, I'm not sure why you want to change the $_POST value.  That's not going to do much good for you.
  18. [code] $query = "SELECT SUM(number) AS total FROM records"; $result = mysql_query($query); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); echo 'the total is:' . $row['total']; [/code] Try that. EDIT:... bah... beaten to it.
  19. I should probably add that I do something similar.  All my text is in some kind of div or something. 
  20. Ahh... see, that's what it comes down to.  It's all about the headers.  Personally, I think some of the headers are too strict... that's one reason why I never use strict and I've always stuck with transitional.
  21. Wow... you're kidding me.  That must have changed because I don't think that's always been the case.
  22. If you're just trying to get indentation on paragraphs, using p tags with some CSS will get you the indentation.
  23. No.  There is no reason text has to be enclosed in tags within the browser and this is no reason the validator would give an error because of that.
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