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Everything posted by ober

  1. This should explain it.  The first 2 start out with one star, the rest increase in # of stars by 1. [table] [tr][td][b]Title                       [/b][/td][td][b]# of Members        [/b][/td][td][b]Posts Required[/b][/td][/tr] [tr][td]n00bie[/td][td]30955[/td][td]0[/td][/tr] [tr][td]NonSpammer[/td][td]3465[/td][td]10[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Forum Regular[/td][td]526[/td][td]50[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Forum Helper[/td][td]418[/td][td]100[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Sr. Helper[/td][td]22[/td][td]500[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Talented[/td][td]16[/td][td]750[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Proficient[/td][td]13[/td][td]1000[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Guru[/td][td]9[/td][td]1750[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Super Guru[/td][td]7[/td][td]2500[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Genius[/td][td]2[/td][td]5000[/td][/tr] [/table] And if you're wondering what the NonSpammer group is for, it's so we avoid PM spammers (that group is allowed to use the PM system).
  2. Colleen, just FYI, this is probably the longest, most involved welcome thread I've seen since I became a member here.  You should be proud :)
  3. [b]Arrays[/b]: Groups of items (numbers, characters, strings, etc).  The reason we use arrays is so we can loop through items quickly and process them faster.  If I didn't use an array, i'd be doing something like this: $myvar1 = 1; $myvar2 = 2; $myvar3 = 3; With an array, you can do this: $myvar = array(1,2,3); or <?php for($i=0;$i<10;$i++)   $myvar[] = $i; print_r($myvar); // prints out the array values ?> Then you have access to all those values through the same variable. [b]Strings:[/b] Strings are just groups of characters put together to form words.  I'm not sure what the question is here, but this could be very broad.  Maybe you can elaborate on what you want?  There's not much typecasting in PHP, so the topic is vague. [b]setcookie()[/b] I recommend looking it up in the manual.  I don't think anyone can explain it any easier.  www.php.net [b]operators[/b] , - Not sure why you're using them... usually to seperate lists.  I can't think of much else!? () - Their use is usually optional.  I know some people that use them around echo/print statements, but you don't need to.  They are required when making a call to a function. {} - necessary if using an if or a loop statement that contains more than one line.  Most people use them regardless as good coding practice, but they're not absolutely required unless you're going beyond one line. quotes - Use double quotes in an echo if you want to just put your variables straight in there (e.g. echo "this is my $var";)  Use single quotes if you're using HTML tags just to make it easier (e.g. echo '<img src="here.gif" alt="test">';) There are a bunch of other examples I could throw out, but I'll let someone else add to this post.
  4. I don't remember anything about alcohol in the above comments.  I was expecting milk!
  5. Thurs. works better for me ;)
  6. Welcome :)  I think you'll find this is probably one of the, if not the, most active board for PHP/MySQL. 
  7. Some of the old polls may not have converted correctly.
  8. www.vbforums.com is probably a place you'll want to check out.
  9. ober


    I like something with a good beat... techno being my favorite.  I like hip/hop or rap or whatever you want to call it.  Not so much a fan of R&B. Having said that, I listen to everything from country to instramental.   About the only thing I can't really stand is gospel and that "twangy" country stuff.  Bleh. www.tranceaddict.com is an excellent site for some good techno.
  10. I'm going to give you a high level overview since you have the tools to do the work. You basically take the form that you have to create a new annoucement and fill it with values from the database.  I'm not sure how you provide the edit feature (button on the annoucement based on who is logged in?) but you'd end up going to (I'm going to assume some things) newannounce.php?postid=1234 from the link on the post to edit the post. Once you get to that page, you run a SQL query with that ID in a WHERE clause.  You grab all the data in the record (mysql_fetch_assoc or mysql_fetch_array), and then in your form you have something like this: [code]<td> <?php     if(isset($row['announce']))     {         echo '<textarea name="announce" cols="40" rows="10">' . $row['announce'] . '</textarea>';     }     else     {         echo '<textarea name="announce" cols="40" rows="10"></textarea>';     } ?> </td></tr>[/code] And you do that for all the elements in the form that have a value in the database. Hope that helps. EDIT: And don't forget to use the ID value in the UPDATE statement!
  11. If you're doing this for someone else that is NOT a power user, do not switch them to Linux.  They will not appreciate the learning curve, especially if they don't know anything about it. Finding XP Home (even non-OEM) for $85 is not surprising.  I'd be surprised if you can't find it for less.
  12. Hey Carrie, good to see another girl around here. And I know some talented female programmers... so I am one of those guys that are intimidated by you gals!
  13. Yeah... it was funny the first time someone did it.
  14. I knew it would come to this and that's why I shut it off at the beginning.  Someone turned it back on, but I've disabled it once again. It provides no positive value and I'm sick of the whining about the system.  It doesn't add anything to the community but problems, so it's GONE. ::)
  15. I have contacted the company and they have promised to stop spamming the community.  If any of you receive any future items from anyone at SMS.ac, please let me know.  As far as the SMF spamming, I will be contacting them as well.
  16. SMF is pretty solid.  IPB may be more hackable because it's a more widely used system and people attempt to hack it more often.  Mods are super easy to apply in SMF. I will let phpfreak email you with the vulnerabilities if he wants to.  He's the one that dealt with the actual issues involving the hacking. 
  17. HAHAHA! What happened to kids playing cops and robbers??? STOP GROWING UP SO FAST, NERDS!
  18. I better not see any warez posts in here or this thread is a goner! And honestly, maybe it's time to upgrade?  98 isn't even supported by MS any more.  And you can probably buy it for less than 10 USD.  If you really need it that bad, it'd be cheaper than upgrading to XP.
  19. Your email address is listed in your profile, and I don't think I'm the only one that can see the envelope under your postcount.  That's probably how they were able to contact you.  Unfortunately, I don't know of an option to hide that item, but I will look into it, you can be assured of that. If it makes you feel better, I got the same spam email.  I am going to contact them immediately.
  20. Ahh... but if he's dumping it into a table within the database, eating up memory isn't an issue.  Plus, you have all those reads from the file (slow), instead of queries on the table (faster).  I think you're putting too much weight on the fact that the array only exists for a short amount of time before the data is moved to the database for processing.
  21. I have no data to back this up, but I'd imagine that option A would be faster.
  22. This is in a database, right? If so, you can update with SQL statements: $query = "UPDATE scoring_table SET handicap = handicap + .1 WHERE userid = x"
  23. Well, as a quick fix, I've modified the offending user's display name.  I will look into the limits of usernames otherwise.
  24. Yeah.... good luck with that.  I'm about 99.999% sure you're going to have to write your own.
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