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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. ToonMariner


    this is one that can be easily answered by the first 4 or 5 results on google fo 'ccs rollover' my prefered method for image rollovers is lik ethis http://www.tanfa.co.uk/css/examples/rollover-images-no-preload.asp (not read it all but sure its pretty much how I first discovered the method.)
  2. ToonMariner

    CSS FAQ?

    If you feel that tables are the best way to construct a web page simply for layout then I suggest you DON'T keep recycling his topic but go away and spend a day or two converting a site you have done previously (one of your favorites) to a tableless layout and css. It will be the most beneficial time you will spend in your whole career of web development. By all means come on ask questions when you get stuck or just need to know if another option is avialable for what you want to achieve. You will only learn by parctice and failure keep pluggining away and I suspect within a few days your opinion will change...
  3. the is teh -moz-border-radius but that don't work cross browser - I do believe that they ar elooking to add a standard css property for rounded corners in the future... other wise you are indeed stuck with a little extra html and backgrounds...
  4. ToonMariner


    I use teh xhmlt 1.1 dtd - that and teh other strict doctypes force ie6 into standard compliant mode which reduces/negates the need for any css hacks to get a better cross browser response...
  5. I'm with you on that oen dragen
  6. either the $_GET super global or the $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] or $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']
  7. You can indeed create your own dtd's and provided they are on a live server you link to them in exactly the same way as those on teh w3c server are. The rendering of any document is not dictated by the dtd. The rendering is performed by the browser based on what it sees in the dtd and css. The box model dicatates that teh width of an element is teh width of its content - padding and borders are ADDED to this so unfortunately your preference on that (basically how IE implements teh box model) is NOT what the standards suggest - its not a personal opinion - its how it has been decided it SHOULD be implemented. Browser 'bugs' will always exist when developers CHOOSE to not implement the standards as intended. If you want somethiing that is standadr across teh board then you must petition evey browser vendor in teh world to ensure that their browser renders exactly as the standards suggest when given a particular dtd. Good luck and god bless - you will need it as even the most compliant browsers still lack in certain areas!!!!!
  8. yeah I know - go read teh tutorial on html or xhtml - get a grasp of how to build teh html properly and when you are really stuck come back.
  9. OK I was going to unravel the whole shebang but your last line said it all... There is nothing wrong with html as it stands. Your idea of having a default css file already exists - its called a document type declaration. With the DTD you can even gt IE to play ball in compliant mode rendering the box model properly. Browser bugs are NOT the fault of the html specification, they are the fault of coders implementing them poorly. So instead of re-writing the rule book use what you have and hope that future browsers will implement standards properly.
  10. err if you read the last line it says what is the benefit of the parse_ini_file and subsequent define method? I suppose I should add 'over just defining constants...' MY config files look liek this <?php define('DBHOST' , 'localhost'); // db server. define('DBNAME' , 'xyz'); // database name. ... define('INCLUDEDIR', '/includes/'); ?> the method I have seen in this other code has a config.ini file very similar to php.ini in structure the code uses parse_ini_file(); then takes all the parameters form that and loops through each and defines a constant with the parameter name and assigins its value. Just wanted to know why you would use a .ini file and then use define on all parameters when you could simply use a file full of define staements in the first place.
  11. OMG all aplogies - I was getting a bit tired of this thread as I thought it was about logging out of your redffi account ok logout is like illusion sadi but very simple if the user logs out use <?php session_unset(); // this unsets all session vars. session_destroy(); // destroys session. ?> BUT the browser may still store the headers it sent in a cache so if they hit back until they hit the page that processes the login info they get the sesion expired message - if they hit refresh it will send the info agin an possibly log them in again.
  12. this is his rediff mail account - he has no access to the scripts on the server.....
  13. imagecreatetruecolor is your friend... have a read here http://uk3.php.net/manual/en/function.imagecreatetruecolor.php
  14. no - the logout is the script that your webmail provide has - they will use their own logout code. If you simply logout adn close your browser than no one will be able to click teh back button. THERE IS NO SCRIPT THAT CAN HELP YOU ON THIS. JUST BE A RESPONSIBLE SURFER AND CLOSE THINGS DOWN IF YOU KNWO SOMEONE ESLE MAY USE THE MACHINE AFTER YOU.
  15. you need a regex that picks out the the words and then raps a span around them with the correct color. <?php $str = 'YOUR TEXT STRING HERE WITH STUFF'; $lookfor = array ( '/(TEXT)|(HERE)/i', '/(STRING)|(STUFF)/i' ); $replace = array ( '<span style="color: #f00;">$1</span>' , '<span style="color: #369">$1</span>' ); echo preg_replace($lookfor, $replace, $str); ?> that should make 'text' and 'here' red and 'string' and 'stuff' a blue colour the i modifier shoudl make it caseinsensitive.
  16. there was a thread on this a few weeks back - can't find it right now but you can't do with php alone.
  17. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,144815.0.html
  18. Hi all, I have been looking at some code for a chaps site (ober has too) and had a question. The particular site has a config file and uses parse_ini_file to grab all the variable/value pairs then loops through and creates a constant for them all. I personally have config files that are simply a set of define statements to set constants and their values. Not with standing the fact that and extra level of processing is involved what is the benefit of the parse_ini_file and subsequent define method?
  19. you can't build an iframe into an image. css is for styling and you use the <a> tag to link to other things. without being horrid to you web learner I think you shoudl start here: http://www.w3schools.com/html/default.asp
  20. well. give you body a width and then set its margin to margin: 0 auto; in teh css. that shoudl centre you body. what the positioned elements do depends on how you have implemented positioning on the parent elements.. post a link and we can have a look.
  21. you can have my file upload class which has image thumbnail creation 'built in' pm me with your email address.
  22. you should be using a submit button NOT a link. HTML support in email clients is patchy at best but they all understand the funjdamental html elements and what to do with them...
  23. just echo them first liek so... <?php echo "POSTdcparent = ". $_POST['dcparent'] . " & SESSIONdcparent = " . $_SESSION['dcparent'] . " |<br />"; $dcparent = NULL; if(isset($_POST['dcparent'])) { $dcparent = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['dcparent']); } echo "new par = " . $dcparent . "<br />"; if(isset($_SESSION['dcparent'])) { $dcparent = mysql_real_escape_string($_SESSION['dcparent']); } echo "new par = " . $dcparent . "<br />"; if(empty($_POST['dcparent']) && (empty($_SESSION['dcparent'])) { $dcparent = 1; } echo "new par = " . $dcparent . "<br />"; ?> See what the are and which if statement is setting a value...
  24. before you go through those if statements echo out the two vars... what they are ad then you can check your logic.
  25. nope. the gd library is php's image manipulation toolbox...
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