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Everything posted by davidannis

  1. I think that you want the same basic structure Psycho provided but to create an array of arrays: while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $blog_id=$row['blog_id']; $myArray[$blog_id][]=Array('content'=>$row['content'],'dateposted'=>$row['date_posted']...); } Then, cycle through the array like Psycho cycled through the database.
  2. What you have should calculate plus or minus and decimals. I suspect that the issue is in how you output the result but need to see more code to know. If you just echo $LRH_departure; right after it is calculated you can see what that looks like.
  3. If what you want is the date to role over at midnight I think you mean: if($time1[1] == "PM") { if ($hours==12){ $date = date_create();//default is now I think date_modify($date, '+1 day'); // adds 1 day if it is midnight $time1[0] = date_format($date, 'Y-m-d') . ((int)($hours) + 12) . $minutes . "00"; }else{ $time1[0] = date("Ymd") . ((int)($hours) + 12) . $minutes . "00"; } not sure why it wouldn't roll over on its own.
  4. Warning: mysql_real_escape_string() expects parameter 2 to be resource, string given in E:\Inetpub\wwwroot\php\home\includes\login.php on line 4 That's because the syntax is different between mysql_real_escape_string http://nz2.php.net/manual/en/function.mysql-real-escape-string.php and mysqli_real_escape_string notice that the link is first in one and last in the other. If this is a class assignment and will never go live, you can probably dispense with the security (though its bad practice) and just forget about sanitizing data. $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $number_users = mysqli_num_rows($result ); if ($number_users==0){echo ' no such user';} $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); if ($row['user_password'] == $_POST['lipassword'] && $row['user_password']!='') { $_SESSION['loggedin'] = true; $_SESSION['id'] = $row['user_id']; $_SESSION['username'] = $_POST['liusername']; } else { echo 'username and password don't match'; $_SESSION['loggedin'] = false; $_SESSION['id'] = 0; }
  5. First, use mysqli, not mysql which is deprecated (no longer going to be supported, updated) To clean up input data use mysqli_real_escape_string(); To check whether a user exists, make sure that a row gets returned: <?php if (isset($_POST['lisubmit'])){ $liusername=mysqli_real_escape_string($dblink,$_POST['liusername']);// Note I'm using mysqli here. Can't mix and match. You need to change the rest of your code to do the same or change my function to mysql. $query = "SELECT user_id, user_password FROM user WHERE user_username = '$liusername'"; // Select details from user table $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); if ($row['user_password'] == $_POST['lipassword'] && $row['user_password']!='') { $_SESSION['loggedin'] = true; $_SESSION['id'] = $row['user_id']; $_SESSION['username'] = $_POST['liusername']; } else { $_SESSION['loggedin'] = false; $_SESSION['id'] = 0; } } ?> There are a lot of ways to check that the user exists. If not, $ row will be empty. I did a not so elegant check by adding a check to make sure that the password returned in $ row was not blank but you could use mysqli_num_rows() for a more elegant check that a row is being returned.
  6. I'm not sure that I understand the question, but I think what you want is: echo '<ul class=...."';//note outside while loop while($company = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { echo "<li> <a href=\"#\" >" . $company['t1'] ." </li></a>\n"; } echo '</ul>';//note outside while loop
  7. $Cc = '($_POST['email']) '; is in single quotes you need: $Cc = "{$_POST['email']} "; or it tries to cc $_POST['emai'] instead of whatever address is stored in that variable.
  8. The line $QueryResult = @mysql_query($SQLstring, $DBConnect); suppresses error messages from the query http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.operators.errorcontrol.php As a general rule suppressing errors is not a good idea so get rid of the @ Then, the next line gives an error because $QueryResult contains false. To see the error when the query fails try: $QueryResult = mysql_query($SQLstring, $DBConnect) or die (mysql_error($DBConnect)); http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.mysql-error.php which will print the error that caused your query to fail then stop.
  9. Some questions take time to get answered. The answer is yes, someone can make your site load malware if they can control the URL in your IMG tag. source: https://www.whitehatsec.com/assets/WP5CSS0607.pdf
  10. It looks to me like the first call is to send the email to the actual user and the second has a hardcoded address to send a notification that a report was sent to the developer/site owner. I'm assuming that was for debugging. I'm guessing that is not the source of his problem.
  11. A few things: You can use swiftmailer. Your pdf should be in $data. The password stuff at the top of the script could stay the same. Try removing the @ that is in front of the mail. The @ suppresses any error messages that the mail produces. The $i_boundary is used to tell the mail client where one part of the email (the message) stops and another (the pdf) starts. Looking at the output it looks right to me but looks like the email is not being sent with the headers for each section and the boundaries recognized. I'm not sure why. Any idea what changes were made when it stopped working?
  12. For whatever help it provides, I use the PEAR Mail modules to send pdf attachments. They are out of date, but here's my code (without the actual longwinded message): include 'Mail.php'; include 'Mail/mime.php' ; $text = "Your message here"; $html = "<html><body><p>Your message here</p></body></html>"; $crlf = "\n"; $hdrs = array( 'From' => '[email protected]', 'Subject' => 'Your Subject' ); $mime = new Mail_mime(array('eol' => $crlf)); $mime->setTXTBody($text); $mime->setHTMLBody($html); $mime->addAttachment($file, 'application/pdf','valuation.pdf',FALSE); $body = $mime->get(); $hdrs = $mime->headers($hdrs); $mail =& Mail::factory('mail'); $recipients=$recipient_email; $mail->send($recipients, $hdrs, $body);
  13. why do you have {} around the variable in the closing boudary but not the opening around the pdf? {$i_boundary}--
  14. I am trying to replace the last character in a Japanese word with another. substr_replace did not work - I figured because it was multibyte so I tried using only multibyte functions, but it is still not working. Here's the code I'm trying <meta charset="utf-8"> <?php $word='くたくた'; //substr_replace($word, 'ひ',-1); $length=mb_strlen ( $word); $length--; $word = mb_substr ( $word , $start ,$length).'ひ'; echo $word; ?> Which results in くたく��ひ I am probably just using the multi_byte functions wrong but can't see how.
  15. To expand on Ansego's answer at the top of basket.php try <?php session_start(); if ($_SESSION['mysession'] == 1){ header ('Location: http://mydomain.com/basket-trade.php'); } ?>
  16. Why not force them to select the make first, just hide the dropdown for model until they select make, then use javascript to show the model selection and Ajax to populate it?
  17. I love it when in trying to formulate a coherent, well thought out post I come up with the answer that was eluding me.

    1. sKunKbad


      It has happened to me many times.

  18. I think that the first time you execute the script, you have no value for $q. Try invoking the script with myscript.php?q=test to see if I'm right. Then change line 6 to while(false!== ($file = readdir($res)) && $q!='') {
  19. The source XML is huge but here's a sample: <entry> <ent_seq>1000320</ent_seq> <k_ele> <keb>彼処</keb> <ke_pri>ichi1</ke_pri> </k_ele> <k_ele> <keb>彼所</keb> </k_ele> <r_ele> <reb>あそこ</reb> <re_pri>ichi1</re_pri> </r_ele> <r_ele> <reb>あすこ</reb> </r_ele> <r_ele> <reb>かしこ</reb> </r_ele> <r_ele> <reb>あしこ</reb> <re_inf>&ok;</re_inf> </r_ele> <r_ele> <reb>あこ</reb> <re_inf>&ok;</re_inf> </r_ele> <sense> <pos>&pn;</pos> <pos>&adj-no;</pos> <xref>何処</xref> <xref>此処</xref> <xref>其処</xref> <misc>&uk;</misc> <gloss>there (place physically distant from both speaker and listener)</gloss> <gloss>over there</gloss> <gloss>that place</gloss> <gloss>yonder</gloss> </sense> <sense> <stagr>あそこ</stagr> <stagr>あすこ</stagr> <pos>&n;</pos> <misc>&col;</misc> <gloss>genitals</gloss> </sense> <sense> <xref>あれほど</xref> <gloss>that far (something psychologically distant from both speaker and listener)</gloss> <gloss>that much</gloss> <gloss>that point</gloss> </sense> </entry> <entry> <ent_seq>1000360</ent_seq> <r_ele> <reb>あっさり</reb> <re_pri>ichi1</re_pri> </r_ele> <info> <audit> <upd_date>2012-08-04</upd_date> <upd_detl>Entry created</upd_detl> </audit> <audit> <upd_date>2012-08-04</upd_date> <upd_detl>Entry amended</upd_detl> </audit> </info> <sense> <pos>&adv-to;</pos> <pos>&vs;</pos> <misc>&on-mim;</misc> <gloss>easily</gloss> <gloss>readily</gloss> <gloss>quickly</gloss> </sense> <sense> <misc>&on-mim;</misc> <gloss>lightly (flavored food, applied makeup)</gloss> </sense> </entry>
  20. I think you need the form to have two inputs, start date and end date. Not sure why you have names and models. Then you need SQL something like: SELECT COUNT * from term WHERE date>='$startdate' AND date<='$enddate'
  21. Do you want the total number checked out by everyone? by a particular user? Where is number of checkouts stored in your database? We need column names. During what timeframe? What database columns have dates?
  22. Then try: <?php function test($textboxnumber) { switch ($textboxnumber) { case 1: $response = "hello"; break; case2: $response= "goodbye"; break; .... case 10: $response = 'response 10'; break; default: $response="oops, I don't know hat to say"; break; } return $response; } ?> and call your function with the texbox number. <input type="textbox" name="xx" value="<?php $textboxnumber=2 ; echo test($textboxnumber); ?>" />
  23. I am trying to get the names of the children nodes in XML Here is the code: foreach ($pos->children() as $child) { echo "I never get here"; echo $child->getName() . "\n"; } //} echo "but the node has children---<br>"; print_r($pos); which I modeled on the code from http://www.php.net/manual/en/simplexmlelement.getname.php and here is a sample of the output: SimpleXMLElement Object ( [n] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( ) ) but the node has children--- SimpleXMLElement Object ( [int] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( ) ) but the node has children--- SimpleXMLElement Object ( [n] => SimpleXMLElement Object ( ) ) Why can't I go through the chldren with foreach?
  24. For anyone who needs this in the future I decided that if the element was not an object I'd create a one element array and then I could use foreach in all cases. Still not elegant but a little better. I'm marking solved and moving on.
  25. I am trying to get a large (~60MB) XML file into a database and it is giving me fits. A sample record from the XML file looks like this: <entry> <ent_seq>1002090</ent_seq> <k_ele> <keb>お手盛り</keb> <ke_pri>news2</ke_pri> <ke_pri>nf33</ke_pri> </k_ele> <k_ele> <keb>御手盛り</keb> </k_ele> <r_ele> <reb>おてもり</reb> <re_pri>news2</re_pri> <re_pri>nf33</re_pri> </r_ele> <sense> <pos>&n;</pos> <gloss>making arbitrary decisions which benefit oneself</gloss> <gloss>self-approved plan</gloss> </sense> </entry> So, I can have 1 or more <k_ele> elements and within each I can have 1 or more <ke_pri> elements. I need to decide what to do with the record based on the the content of ke_pri elements. Same issue with <r_ele> elements. So, I read the XML with SimpleXML and then because I don't know if each r_ele and re_pri is an object over which I need to iterate or a variable I have ugly code that looks like this: if (is_object($r_ele)) { foreach ($r_ele as $reading_element) { $re_pri = $reading_element->re_pri; if (is_object($re_pri)) { foreach ($re_pri as $value) { switch ($value) { // decide what to do here } } } else { switch ($re_pri) { // decide what to do here } } } } else { $re_pri = $reading_element->re_pri; if (is_object($re_pri)) { foreach ($re_pri as $value) { switch ($value) { // decide what to do here } } } else { switch ($re_pri) { // decide what to do here } } } I know that there must be a more elegant way to do this and would love suggestions of how I can improve my code.
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