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Everything posted by trq

  1. There are like a million different things you can do, and no single answer to a question such as "what security should i use?".
  2. I didn't really look at your code earlier, but there is definitely no limit clauses in your queries. You might also want to take a look at what mysql_fetch_array actually returns, I think you might be confused. It only ever returns a single record.
  3. I've got to ask why your doing all of this? Get an ssl and be done with it.
  4. You have provided nothing that is at all helpful I'm sorry. Can we see the markup your php produces?
  5. There is no way this: <?php echo $result.'_s'; ?> will ever produce the string "batman"
  6. Why? Your are now querying the database for more data than you use.
  7. So your just going to put off learning how to do things properly for now?
  8. trq

    ZendFramework 2

    If you don't want to work within the confinements of the framework you are using you are really going to need to investigate this stuff yourself. I completely understand where you are coming from (except the composer part - this truly is an awesome tool), as in a lot of cases, skeleton apps do not fit your normal workflow. The problem is, that most frameworks require a certain amount of convention. This is how they make application development "rapid". The framework needs to kno wwhere everything lives and expects things to be configured accordingly. Some frameworks however are more configuration over convention out of the box. This gives you the flexibility to configure the conventions used by the framework. We have just spent the past 4 months bending Laravel into a shape that was right for us. We now have our own structure / skeleton. Unfortunately however, this stuff isn't usually documented anywhere, and if it was, it would be describing someone else's workflow which is precisely what your trying to avoid. There are other, more minimal frameworks around however that will allow you to make these sorts of changes more easily. Silex comes to mind. It is a very small framework built on the shoulder of Symfony2.
  9. trq

    PHP Micro-Frameworks

    Silex (http://silex.sensiolabs.org) is an awesome micro-framework built on the shoulders of Symfony (another great though full stack framework).
  10. Your code makes little sense thanks to nameless variables. Care to elaborate?
  11. Can't you just mount the drive or whatever it is you Windows users call it?
  12. You would need to develop some form of API. Most people first develop there API, then build there websites and mobile apps from that.
  13. That is incorrect. You can define a static property like any other.
  14. Or better yet, use booleans instead of strings.
  15. You should be running workbench locally and connecting to a remote server.
  16. What steps (if any) have you taken to debug the issue?
  17. / is the root of the filesystem as far as php is concerned.
  18. Is your project really in the root of the filesystem? Seems an odd place to put it.
  19. Yuk. Anyway. I would probably run another vps instance for this task.
  20. Your question however is unrelated to this board.
  21. Try google. This boars is for help with code, not help finding it.
  22. Why guess? I'm trying to get the op to ask a decent question. This thread is a joke.
  23. The variables to not exist until after the form has been submitted.
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