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Everything posted by trq

  1. You are missing a ; on line 2
  2. Have you tried any debugging? Some simple debugging would include printing type and $row['Memo'] to see what values they contain. Do you really need a condition? Looks like your trying to print the same thing regardless.
  3. So which is it? Are they empty strings, or are set to the value already stored in your database? They cannot be both. Your code shows they originally display the data that was stored in the database. No it doesn't.
  4. Dreamweaver is a code editor. You need to learn to write code to do what your asking. Have you searched for a tutorial on "PHP user access levels" or similar? I think you'll find this question has been answered on numerous occasions.
  5. You've already stated it's not working correctly so that disproves that theory. I don't see where $type is defined, nor do I see $result printed anywhere.
  6. Please, don't like at CI for coding tips, it's not the best designed framework around. You might also want to post an actual example of the code you want to understand. What you have posted is not valid php. Are you referring to this part alone? $this->load->view("html") That is pretty straight forward. $this->load is an object, and the code calls the view() method on that object passing it the string 'html'. Keep in mind that view() may indeed not exist, and this code may actually trigger the load objects __call() method instead. What it actually does, I wouldn't know. I wouldn't touch CI with a barge pole. My guess, load is some form of class loader and view() is indeed calling __call() which probably returns a html based view object. When looking at code like this and trying to figure out what it does its a good idea to follow the code. You know that $this refers to the current object so start there. Can you find a property called $view. Where is it defined and what is assigned to it? Once you know that, you can look at the class that this object refers to and try and locate the view() method. If that method does not exist, look for the magic __call method instead. See here: http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.overloading.php#object.call to understand what __call does.
  7. What have you tried? Should be a pretty simple task even for a beginner.
  8. The code you have posted should create links. Does it not?
  9. I would suggest turing IIS off then.
  10. This kind of micro optimisation is not worth considering. If your code is clearer breaking in and out of php tags, do so.
  11. The variables you are passing to mysql_connect(), wehere are they defined? And why the hell are they in quotes? ps: The mysql extension has been deprecated. All new code should be using mysqli or PDO.
  12. What exactly is the issue?
  13. Benchmark your app.
  14. Your doing it wrong. You need to read up on and get a basic understanding of what http is and how it works before you start telling people with experience that they are wrong. There is no such thing as "going to a page" in http. You make a request, the server sends you a response. Until you understand some basics, your own your own.
  15. Which again, is exactly what curl does.
  16. Yeah because that is one tool that we can't live without.
  17. The reason this isn't working is because powershell doesn't exist in the mac. The commands you are trying to execute need to exist on the machine you are actually trying to execute them on.
  18. Do you have access to the code of your "front end panel"? Again: If you want to run that application locally you will need a web server, a database server, the code for the web application, and the data from the database.
  19. A database is a completely separate thing to a web application. You sound like your confusing them as the same thing. You have a web application that interfaces to a database. If you want to run that application locally you will need a web server, a database server, the code for the web application, and the data from the database. xampp and the like provide a simple one click install and configure of the web server and database server components. Keep in mind though that once you are running this application locally users won't be able to access it. Nor will is be in any way integrated with the solution you already have online. It really sounds to me like your going to need a developer to handle this. While you may be able to find some basic instruction and guidance online, you really need someone to actually look at the actual problem and find the best solution. What you are trying to do definitely does not sound ideal.
  20. Updating your hosting sounds like the more logical approach. Sure, you can make a database back and then remove old records from your current database, but that really doesn't seem at all logical.
  21. I don't see whats funny. If you need help, ask a question / describe your problem. Simply stating what you want does little to describe where you are stuck.
  22. Notice that code is normally syntax highlighted here? That's because code needs to be wrapped in code tags. The <> in the editor menu. Now, besides that, you have posted too much none relevant code and no question. Until you fix your post, no one will want to help you.
  23. As is clearly stated in the shebang, that code is Perl not Bash.
  24. Nooo..... singletons are almost always not needed and they make it very easy to make your code tightly coupled. Post what you have.
  25. Awesome, I'm getting some replies. I should probably mention that I struggled to get my list of 10, but I should also mention there are a bunch of cli type utils that I left out. These are things I use every day and would be pretty lost without. bash, python (most of our infrastructure uses it), grep, composer, gitflow, wget, ssh, irssi, ttytter.
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