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Everything posted by trq

  1. Yeah, sorry, but this sounds like it would attract way too much span IMO. We have enough trouble with the freelance board.
  2. Isn't this what Github is for? Social coding and all?
  3. If that is your question, why is it in JavaScript help? Anyway, mysqli is perfectly capable of connecting to remote mysql servers. Where exactly are you stuck? What error are you getting? Do you have any code?
  4. Cool. Now what is your question relating to MSSQL?
  5. That piece of code goes the long way around to add a simple css declaration to the body selector. It be done without the dependency on jQuery (or JavaScript for that matter) using pure css. body { cursor: none }
  6. Obviously you have no idea what that code is actually doing.
  7. Server side then, you'll want to look at the DOM extension. http://php.net/dom
  8. Do you need this done client side or server side? Even though you posted in PHP help you mention jQuery so your intention is not at all clear.
  9. One way is to add a *version* column. When you make a change, store a new record, with a higher version than the last one. Then, when viewing data, select the highest version from the database.
  10. What you have done should work, what does the output look like?
  11. That would completely depend what it is you want to do. You wont get far even with a decent MCS without knowing at least a little code.
  12. You just linked to an article. What part of that article do you not understand in particular? I don't see any column to store the member id. Forget the FOREIGN KEY contraints for now, in a simple example they are not needed. Just add a member_id column to your jobs table, then store the id from the member table within this member_id column. This column is then used to JOIN the tables in SELECT queries.
  13. So you need to add a `member_id` column to your Jobs table.
  14. How would we know how to apply it to your situation if you dont? Describe the relationship you are looking to create.
  15. In your opinion of course. Frameworks are a very subjective matter. But codeignitor is probably the worst designed framework out there. Why teach yourself bad code?
  16. trq

    New to OOP

    None of your code is OOP. For now, ignore that you have even seen it mentioned, and carry on as you were.
  17. Have you got a specific issue?
  18. You should learn to problem solve instead of trying to build applications from videos / tutorials. Think of something you want to make and start making it.
  19. How can a framework give you a tuff time to install? It's a php library.
  20. Assuming $result is a mysqli result object; if (!$result->num_rows) { header('Location: http://somedomain.com'); }
  21. You want use to explain some third party API better than that third party API's documentation? Not happening. If you don't understand the documentation, pick another API.
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