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Everything posted by trq

  1. or call_user_func_array('func', $args);
  2. That makes no sense. Why are you outputting anything if all you are going to do is try and redirect the user to another page? You need to fix your logic.
  3. CI is definitely on it's last legs. It has failed to keep up with PHP's development, is poorly deigned and not very well tested. Out of all the major frameworks around, CI is probably the worst of the lot. For my money, Symfony2 and Laravel are the only options. From a technical stand point, Symfony is pretty much as good as it gets at the moment, while Laravel is very well designed and still easy to use.
  4. pear has a command line installer. There is no need to install packages manually. Having said that, pear is dated. Take a look at http://getcomposer.org
  5. I'm not sure what line numbers your talking about. I don't see any. Anyway, the errors are clearly seen. None of your array elements are separated by comas except for the first couple.
  6. Take a look into database normalisation techniques. Adding new fields is almost always not the right answer.
  7. It would help if you told us what line is line 46 and only posted relavant code.
  8. Yes.
  9. This is the basics of a front controller. This pattern is used a lot.
  10. Nothing in that code logs in a user.
  11. Lets put this another way then. Do you know how you are currently logging your users in? If so, simply don't do it for accounts that are not confirmed. If you don't know how you are currently logging your users in, you best investigate that first.
  12. Yeah. Open your own thread with some more specific questions.
  13. No one said anything about trying to advertise some company Monkuar. I'm not sure you understand what your ranting on about. Please, never mention web2.0 again. It is a myth.
  14. Chromes dev tools are way better than anything available for FF including firebug.
  15. You seriously need to get managed hosting.
  16. It is a VERY basic MVC that doesn't really follow any decent coding practices, but yeah... what was the question?
  17. 1) It redirects the output of "spamassassin spam_input" into a file called spam_output 2) locate spamassassin
  18. Don't use user inputed data directly in database queries anyway, your opening all sorts of cans of worms in relation to security issues. What database engine are you using there? Surely it has mechanisms for escaping data properly?
  19. You might want to post some relevant code and a question.
  20. You need to post some relevant code or a better description of your issue.
  21. Sounds like you might need an array but without code, your on your own.
  22. Close, but not really. It has nothing to do with Apache, but yeah, it is a daemon that can execute commands at specific scheduled times. PHP is just one of thousands of different commands cron could possible execute.
  23. Amongst a bunch of other things that your assuming are setup properly.
  24. preg_replace. The manual is a programmers best friend.
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