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Everything posted by neylitalo

  1. How is perl much more powerful than php? Well, for instance, you can "name" loops. In most languages, if you have a multiple-level "for" statement, and you have conditions in the innermost loop that require you to go back to the start of the outermost loop, you have to break out of every loop. With perl, you can just say "next LOOPNAME;" and it goes. And this is minor, but they have an "if not" condition built in. It executes the code inside an 'unless' condition unless the condition is true. #!/usr/bin/perl $bool = true; unless($bool) { print "\$bool is not true."; } Note that this is not a comprehensive list. I haven't actually done anything with its OOP functionality, so I don't know anything about it, but I'll give it a shot after I get back from work. To me, it seems like you might use modules as classes, and subs are subs no matter where you go. I'm afraid that we may have to wait a while before we see improved object orientation, but I imagine there's a simple reason for that - perl is a scripting language. I don't imagine that there is a majority that want or need improved object orientation. And I haven't been keeping an eye on the development of perl 6, but this was pretty informative: http://www.perl.com/pub/a/2007/05/10/everyday-perl-6.html The transition was interesting. Instead of using $_POST and $_GET, you need to break up %ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} into its individual pieces, for example. Installing mod_perl on my workstation was no piece of cake, either, but it just took some trial-and-error to get the httpd configs right. Other than the syntactical differences and differences like the $_POST and $_GET one, you really don't do much differently. Instead of using built-in functions for database access, you use modules, etc.
  2. I'm not sure how you came to that realization... that's basically all that PHP is, a string and number manipulator. I've been slowly moving my personal web pages to perl, and I'm finding that it's much more powerful than PHP - the only problem I'm having is that my host doesn't have some of the modules installed that I'd like to use.
  3. [quote author=Liquid Fire link=topic=122346.msg657924#msg657924 date=1185828739] this one program could require you to upgrade a number of libraries because you linux distro decided not include that version. [/quote] As long as you stay within the packages provided by your distribution, you won't have that problem. When you decide to start building your own applications from source code, you should expect that you might have library version mismatches.
  4. After you use it long enough, and after you experience perl, python, and other scripting languages, you'll slowly come to the realization that PHP is, indeed, inferior from a technical standpoint. (I suppose that, too, is subjective, but I haven't heard a single knowledgable person say that PHP is better than perl or python.)
  5. OpenGL works on any video card that a) has enough hardware power to handle the calculations required by OpenGL, and b) has a driver for your operating system that can take advantage of that hardware power. However, I only have a laptop, and the video card is built into the motherboard, so I'm up a creek without a paddle. :/ The moral of the story: Buy nVidia if you plan to use a unix-based operating system - their free drivers are excellent, and their non-free drivers are even better. ATI also releases a non-free driver, but it's nowhere near the quality of the nvidia drivers. And when I say "free", think of free speech and freedom, not free beer.
  6. I'd just like to point out that the language we use more often and the language we prefer may not be the same. I use PHP for nearly everything, but that's simply because it's what I do at work. When I don't have to use PHP, I rarely (never) do. Perl or python would be my scripting language of preference, unless we can count bash scripting.
  7. AdBlock Plus AdBlock Filterset.G Updater Web Developer Toolbar Colorzilla Firebug Favicon Picker 2 User Agent Switcher
  8. [quote author=Azu link=topic=105646.msg652627#msg652627 date=1185256274] Well, I hope you don't get caught :) I know that if I caught someone trying to hack into my network and steal my internet, I would definitely press charges, and I'm sure most people would to. [/quote] Just out of curiosity, how do you plan to translate a MAC address (which you may or may not be able to determine, depending on the quality of your AP) to a person to press charges against? And I can honestly say that I'd just find a way to stop them, and call it good enough. You're going to have a pretty thin case against them, and it just wouldn't be worth the time and effort.
  9. the_oliver's suggestions are excellent, although I'd like to add a few of my own and elaborate a few of his. For a more comprehensive view of your processes and overall system load, I always suggest htop over top. It's an improved top, uptime, and a cpu/mem/swap monitor, all in one. And to see the cron jobs that are scheduled, run `crontab -e` to edit the list of jobs. If you find that your network interfaces are being flooded, I recommend iptraf to see a list of hosts currently connected to your interfaces, and to see which ones are using up the most bandwidth.
  10. Um... yes, we do get money. It's just that you guys don't have to click on the links for us to get money; every time the page loads, and the image loads, we get money. That's what ober meant by "impression".
  11. I don't use any opengl rendering at all, due to my unwillingness to use non-free software and drivers. And since ATI refuses to help with the free drivers, opengl is rather cumbersome and even ugly. And I'm fairly sure that Windows doesn't use DX to display simple web pages, but I could very well be wrong. As you suggest, though, there are differences - if I were to venture a guess, I'd say it has something to do with whatever implementation of X (xorg, xfree86) is in use on the *nix computer and whatever windows uses for its window system. And the fonts, as do so many other things, depend on your distribution. In Ubuntu, you have to enable the Universe repositories to get <tt>msttcorefonts</tt>, but it's not impossible or even difficult. In gentoo, it's as simple as running `emerge corefonts`. And while they are technically non-free, I have no qualms about using them, since any modification you make to a font effectively makes it a different font.
  12. My "team leader" (that translates to "boss") would say, and I would agree, that there is a specific process that you go through whenever you take on a task of any proportion. Design and plan Implement Test Start again if necessary Deploy Now, for smaller projects, it may not require a pen and paper, ERDs (Entity Relationship Diagrams), or interface mockups. Step 1 could be as simple as envisioning something and figuring out what you want, and testing could be as simple as asking a friend for their opinion. In the largest of projects, step 1 may be handled by entire committees of people, or even contracted out to a firm or consultant, and may require months of work and a budget of its own. Personally, I like to have something written down or planned out before I go to work. I find that design flaws are more easily found and fixed when you plan something out, instead of just diving right in, and it helps absent-minded individuals such as myself to keep on track with the original idea.
  13. I don't think it's possible for PHP to do anything with mouse clicks, nor is it something you might even be interested in with PHP. Unless you use PHP-GTK to make a client side application. But that would be bad.
  14. This has always confused me... it's using the same code, I don't know why it should be any different. :/
  15. Oops, my mistake... Opera should be included in that list.
  16. Just so you know, Avant Browser uses whatever IE rendering engine is present on your machine; IE 6 & 7, Firefox, and Safari are the only browsers that you need to test. I'm fairly sure Netscape uses the Gecko rendering engine, the same one used in Firefox and other Mozilla products.
  17. It could just be my aversion to having to learn something new, but I don't think this is a good idea. We've got thousands of members that are used to the "Miscellaneous" title, and it usually takes very little time to adapt to an "odd" naming convention. And, just out of curiosity, how difficult is it to read the board description to figure out that if you can't find a board for it, put it in Miscellaneous?
  18. I'm just going to hang around a while and wait for effigy to pop in. And on the perl vs. PHP argument - I'd say use perl. PHP is relatively inefficient, and the vast majority (all, possibly) of unix-like operating systems will have perl, but it's very likely that they won't have PHP. Perl is nearly a unix necessity.
  19. Just so you know, you can always execute arbitrary Javascript on any web page. (Firebug is an easy place to start) It's when you can make the server do silly things that you would consider it a security problem.
  20. The last time I checked, such a condition didn't exist in the settings, so I don't think that can actually be done. A good idea, but I'm not sure if it's possible. Then again, the last time I was in the permissions settings, I broke stuff, so take it with a grain of salt. :P
  21. I've never been one for complexity, so I'm trying to keep my latest undertaking on the simple side - no JS, please, thank you, etc. It's not very flashy or "pretty", and I think I'd like to keep it that way, but I'd love to hear your suggestions for improvement on my personal website - http://www.nealylitalo.net. (And I'm kinda just showing it off, too. )
  22. [quote author=Azu link=topic=101004.msg641679#msg641679 date=1184150411] And most high level languages like PHP are created from creations of Assembly. [/quote] Technically that's true, although it would be more accurate to say that PHP is written in C.
  23. Ah, the great things we could do if that were an option...
  24. Mantis BT has served our purposes very well at work, and is my bug-tracking software of preference.
  25. My IRC client of choice would have to be xchat or irssi.
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