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Everything posted by neylitalo

  1. [quote author=thorpe link=topic=122001.msg502724#msg502724 date=1168558768] MS are never going to support open anything. :) [/quote] Yeah, that's what I suspected - but you can always hope. :|
  2. [quote author=Crayon Violent link=topic=122021.msg502677#msg502677 date=1168556641] What, no link to their profile?  You lazy bum. [/quote] I compiled the original list, you can add the profiles. ;) I was going to, but decided that I wanted the list to be color-coded, which I wasn't sure would happen with links.
  3. [quote author=KingPhilip link=topic=122021.msg502671#msg502671 date=1168556386] That list will be updated when needed, correct? [/quote] Naturally. If/when we get new moderators, I think their first duty could be to add their name to the list. :)
  4. You can see a comprehensive list of the PHP Freaks staff at http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,122026.0.html
  5. [quote author=Daniel0 link=topic=122021.msg502648#msg502648 date=1168555195] Go here: http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?action=mlist;sa=search Check only "Search by position". Search for [tt]Administrator[/tt], [tt]Super Moderator[/tt] and [tt]Global Moderator[/tt]. [/quote] After trying this, it shows no results. Do you have to search one term at a time? [quote author=Daniel0 link=topic=122021.msg502648#msg502648 date=1168555195] Who is [url=http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?action=profile;u=35410]Thantos[/url]? [/quote] Thantos hasn't been around much lately - JayBachatero has more or less taken his duties.
  6. Well, that would kinda defeat the purpose - I use Linux, therefore I use OpenOffice, which uses ODF by default. I guess the answer I was hoping for was that Microsoft used the ODF formats by default, so it would become the de facto standard. 
  7. Just out of curiosity, why do you need a list of the admins and mods? I would think we could put one together, but it would take a little bit of work.
  8. A bit late, aren't you? :)
  9. We have established a time limit on editing posts on the PHP Freaks forum. It's currently set to [b]two minutes[/b]. There are a few reasons for this. 1) We want to keep the content that people post. Even if it may no longer be useful to you, it might help somebody in the future. In the past, we would receive requests to delete threads that were no longer of use to the poster, or that made the poster look bad. So, when we denied their request to delete the thread, they would simply edit their post and place a single number or letter to effectively remove the post. This was unacceptable. 2) We would get threads that look like this: [quote] --- Original Post, from person A --- Some question, with some information. Edit: Some more information.[/quote] [quote] --- Reply #1 from person B --- A response to the original post. Edit: I didn't see your edit, so I'm editing mine with updated information.[/quote] [quote] --- Reply #2 from the original poster --- A response to Reply #1. Edit: The edit in Reply #1 wasn't there when I originally replied, so I'm updating my post.[/quote] And this got to be very messy. With this time limit, users are forced to reply to the thread with their updated information. Do not ask for this time limit to be removed, changed, or anything else. It's here, and there are no plans to remove it. Thanks for understanding. [color=red]A few guidelines that are going to be necessary with this change: [/color] [list] [*]If your post has typos in it, please don't reply to the thread with an updated version of the post. Typos are minor. If the typo is crucial to the post, feel free to correct the typo in a reply to the thread - but do not re-post the same stuff with minor edits. [*]The SMF forum that we use will tell you if a reply has been made to the thread while you were typing your response. READ THE NEW RESPONSE(S). It might change your post. [*]Make use of the Preview Button! It's there to proofread your post before you commit to it! [/list]
  10. Do you suppose you could create a simple text document and attach it here? I would like to see if that's just the Microsoft extension for the ODF documents. The most popular extensions are .odt, .ods, .odp, but I believe the ODF standard allows for other file extensions.
  11. If you clicked Modify within two minutes of posting, it should have let you edit it.
  12. I presume you mean The Beatles? I guess I'm OK with Apple making a few bucks, since they don't have nearly the monopoly that Microsoft has. Now, if the US were to start busting Microsoft the way the EU is, then I'd be excited. I've been reading here and there that Microsoft is getting walked on left and right in the EU, due to their shady business practices. I'm not a fan of Apple's, but I intensely dislike Microsoft.
  13. Microsoft Office 2007 supports the Open Document standard, which is used in OpenOffice, but I have a little question. I'm hoping that MS Office 2007 uses ODF formats by default, but I'm betting that's too much to ask of them. Can someone who has Office 2007 help me out with this? I just want to know if it uses ODF by default or not. You can find more information on the Open Document standard at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenDocument
  14. [quote author=Daniel0 link=topic=121812.msg502477#msg502477 date=1168543307] [quote author=tomfmason link=topic=121812.msg502273#msg502273 date=1168527186]I personally like office 2007 but the formats have completely change in several of those apps and they are not really back-wards compatible.[/quote] In fact I guess it would be the "old" versions that are not forwards compatible as Office 2007 has full support for the old formats. [/quote] Microsoft's way of expanding their monopoly - they want to make sure that everybody buys their new software.
  15. Maybe we ought to add a forum where people can ask "Do you know of any programs or scripts that will do this?" This seems to be a recurring theme. djnerve: Google is your friend in this case. If you have thoroughly researched the question you're asking, then you should probably mention it in your post so we know that you've done your part. We're more inclined to help you if we know that you've tried to help yourself.
  16. Wow, that was fast! Stick it to 'em, Cisco... (I'm not a fan of Apple.)
  17. I've gotten confirmation that this method does indeed work - I think the IE users are going to have to just suck it up, and I'm sure Opera has something like this.
  18. Here's something that might fix it for Firefox users: These instructions are for Firefox 2, but should be similar for other versions. Edit (or Tools) > Preferences Content tab In the Fonts & Colors area, click the "Advanced" button. Change the minimum font size to something larger - mine's at 12. You can also change the font size for Monospace to whatever you want.
  19. OK, we've gone so far off the beaten path that we're probably in the river. If one of you gentlemen is interested in continuing the "learning C or C++" discussion, please start over in the Miscellaneous forum - thanks. And thorpe, I think he was agreeing with you - he was saying "How silly to claim to learn C++ in ten minutes!" But I could be wrong.
  20. So it would be like Karma, but per post. I like it. Now we need a way to implement it, though, and I don't know if A) Such a mod exists, and B) If the admins are willing to install and maintain it. [b]Edit:[/b] Condition C is that there's a general interest in the idea, of course.
  21. [quote author=phpfreak link=topic=121678.msg501747#msg501747 date=1168472278] We also plan in the next month or two to purchase a Google Mini for PHP Freaks. [/quote] Wow. I've seen and heard about them, but never actually had opportunity to use one. Here's hoping that it goes through!
  22. If you have any GSM phone, I'm sure you can just buy the phone from eBay or something and put your SIM card in it - my current phone is only available in Asia and Oceania, and on the Cingular and T-Mobile networks, but it works perfectly for me, and my service is through Cellular One.
  23. [code]This is a test of the code font size.[/code] It looks pretty good to me...
  24. Apple has a nasty habit of overcharging for stuff, so I don't think I'll be buying one - but it certainly does look very pretty.
  25. [quote author=thorpe link=topic=121678.msg500962#msg500962 date=1168391652] You might also note that the [SOLVED] mod appears to have dissapeared. At least I (as a mod) can't mark other peoples threads resolved anymore, the button is gone. [/quote] Thus the problem of installing mods.
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