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Everything posted by neylitalo

  1. I'm afraid I don't see the -q switch in my php -h, and don't see any flags to enable when you ./configure, am I missing something? And out of curiosity, why do we need to suppress headers? Are there even going to be any headers sent, since it's being run through the CLI?
  2. Well, to be completely and entirely honest, I haven't seen too many really useful widgets. I think they're just as you said - clocks and games and other fun things. But then again, I haven't rooted through all of them, so I can't really speak for all of them. And I'll let ober make the "you should use Opera" argument. :)
  3. [quote author=ober link=topic=111547.msg452580#msg452580 date=1161004227] yay!  FF is becoming like IE. Finally something that'll push users to Opera.  :) [/quote] I think it was the fact that Firefox had a nasty habit of... umm... not showing me the correct web page that pushed me to Opera. And the fact that it has the great majority of the Firefox Web Developer's toolbar built-in, along with many other things. Ober, you've made a convert out of me. :)
  4. [quote author=akitchin link=topic=111449.msg452400#msg452400 date=1160981252] ... AJAX [is] just a combination of PHP and Javscript in a novel way. [/quote] I'm going to do a bit of nit-picking, here - it's not exactly quite like that, but close. AJAX doesn't have to be used with any particular language - it's just a way to make server-side calls "behind the scenes", without requiring a refresh. Of course we're interested in PHP in particular here, but it might be worth noting that it can also call perl scripts or any other server-side scripts. Told you it was nit-picking. :)
  5. Can you tell us what you did to fix it? It may help some poor soul in the future.
  6. And I seem to recall that the original post was not only regarding the google ads... so we may be able to get some constructive suggestions flowing yet. karthikeyan_coder, if you could elaborate on what you mean exactly, it would be possible that we may be able to do something.
  7. [quote author=Daniel0 link=topic=111356.msg451239#msg451239 date=1160718594] Else you could just copy a tab and paste it into the replace field. [/quote] The only problem with that is that tabs may be represented differently - I don't believe databases expand \t to 4 spaces or 8 spaces or whatever. I believe they just leave them as \t, and I wouldn't be surprised if the text editor in use would expand the \t to 4 or 8 spaces or whatever it thinks a tab is.
  8. [quote author=akitchin link=topic=111267.msg451214#msg451214 date=1160709361] i'm having a hard time telling whether the sarcasm was totally missed, or totally volleyed. [/quote] I was actually trying to maintain the tone of the post, but I do see how it could be mistaken for "went over my head". :)
  9. winVi or vim for Windows - just be prepared to learn :) :%s/\t/|/g Should do the trick once you've got the file loaded. Or, if you don't feel like learning Vim, you could always get Textpad (www.textpad.com) and do a regex search and replace on \t to |
  10. [quote author=michaellunsford link=topic=111267.msg451128#msg451128 date=1160687074] Wow, I don't know if I'll have time to test all these suggestions!  ;D [/quote] Well, considering they're all the same thing, I don't think you'll have much problem. ;) And I'm casting my vote for TinyMCE as well.
  11. [quote author=redbullmarky link=topic=111314.msg451165#msg451165 date=1160691066] Jenk - am I right (at all) in thinking that many of these keywords such as 'abstract' and 'interface', etc are ways of forcing a particular behaviour/usage of a class, rather than actually doing anything functional? [/quote] Well, I'm not Jenk, but I'll jump in - You're absolutely right. Abstract methods and classes are the basis for polymorphism - the idea that objects should be able to take on several different "identities" and behave differently according to the specific need. For example, we'll pretend we're creating a little RPG with several different character types. Some of these character types will be able to attack, but specifically how that is done depends entirely on the type of the character. For example, an archer will shoot arrows, a swordsman will (naturally) swing a sword, and an assassin will creep up in the shadows and silently make his mark. So, in the base character class, we would create an [b]abstract[/b] method attack(). Then, in each character class with the ability to attack, we would over-ride that abstract method with specific instructions as to how that character should attack. The abstract keyword comes in handy in our example to make sure that character objects unable to attack can't call the attack() method. An abstract method NEEDS to be over-ridden to be used, but just because an abstract method is defined, it does not have to be extended. The abstract keyword doesn't force a specific behavior; rather, it ensures that a behavior is defined before it is used. Interfaces, on the other hand, force a specific behavior. An interface is simply an easy way to make sure that a given object has certain properties and methods. We'll use a different example to demonstrate the uses of interfaces - a car. You have to be able to steer the car, so we'll create an interface requiring each and every car object to have methods that turn the car's wheels. Now, we can't just have steerLeft() and steerRight() methods in the base car class - remember, back in the "old days", cars had no power steering. It was purely a mechanical link. That's the difference, and the reason we have to make an interface to force the steering behavior instead of just creating universal steering methods. So, on the cars that don't have power steering, the steerLeft() and steerRight() methods will contain instructions to put the mechanical linkage into motion. The cars that have power steering will have methods that know how to "activate" the power steering and turn the car. Note that, unlike abstract methods, methods in an interface are REQUIRED in classes that implement that interface. So, in summary, abstract methods are used to make sure that the method is extended before it is used, and interfaces are used to require the definition of certain methods and properties crucial to the object.
  12. [quote author=roopurt18 link=topic=110890.msg450649#msg450649 date=1160602201] Now, humans like to group things, it makes our lives easier.  So we arbitrarily decided that 8 bits is called a byte, and 4 bytes is a word.  (On some platforms a word could be more than 4 bytes, but that's irrelevant).[/quote] I just had to nitpick. "We" didn't decide anything - IBM decided. When IBM was the only company successfully making computers, their machines used 8-bit bytes. To maintain compatibility with the old IBM equipment, they simply continued using 8-bit bytes, and when other companies jumped in, they made their equipment use 8-bit bytes to maintain compatibility with IBM equipment. And a word is simply the amount of bits a processor can handle at one time, not 4 bytes and that's it. 32-bit (4 byte) processors are simply the most common right now among end-users. And newb, this is one of the easiest ways to do user permissions. One 'requirement' for being in this business is that you have to be willing to learn. And if you're not willing to learn how binary and hex work, then you'd better find a different occupation/hobby.
  13. Businessman, if you were to use your distro's package manager, you'd be golden... But I think redbullmarky's suggestion might actually be the way to go.
  14. [quote author=jcombs_31 link=topic=111191.msg450575#msg450575 date=1160594001] [quote author=neylitalo link=topic=111191.msg450538#msg450538 date=1160587404] Businessman, what Linux distribution are you using? It may be simply easier for you to install it via your distribution's package manager. It sounds like you're missing one of subversion's dependencies. [/quote] I see you edited my post, isn't that exactly what I had for the tar command? [/quote] You had -xzvf. -z is for untaring gzip'ed tarballs.
  15. Businessman, what Linux distribution are you using? It may be simply easier for you to install it via your distribution's package manager. It sounds like you're missing one of subversion's dependencies.
  16. Let's just hope Microsoft doesn't get smart and start using the Gecko engine or something else, and then change their UA... then we'd be really screwed. Although, if IE were using the Gecko engine, then we wouldn't have to worry, would we? Dang. I thought I had a point.
  17. sorry, guys... I guess I'll just have to add one to the number of times I've been wrong. I'd so hoped I wouldn't make it to double digits. :( But the no biting rule holds. :)
  18. [quote author=phpfan link=topic=108866.msg449551#msg449551 date=1160433860] Thank you guys, I finally decide to do my research on web design usability and on e-commerce security. [/quote] An excellent choice. If only more people were interested in making their websites more usable, the web would be a better place. One of my pet hates is when some idiot puts little or no thought into the usability of their website. [quote author=phpfan link=topic=108866.msg449551#msg449551 date=1160433860] Whish me good luck!!  ;) [/quote] Good luck!
  19. That's what I thought it was at first, but I realized that I was getting them when I was just posting simple words, no script tags, no html, no PHP at all - and then a page refresh makes it go just fine. Sometimes it tells me "You already submitted this post, maybe you hit Refresh?" or something like that, and sometimes it didn't go through properly the first time, so it does the job proper the second time. To me, that's indication that a) It's not the IPS at all, or b) The IPS has a hole in it. :)
  20. I wasn't pointing fingers at anybody, really - I was just seeing the potential for some escalation, and wanted to stop it before it got much further. I apologize for implying that anyone was out of hand, it was more preventative medicine than anything. And you go ahead and have the beer - I'll be the DD. :)
  21. Gentlemen, gentlemen... keep it above the belt, no biting, and just behave in general ;)
  22. That may very well have been the problem. Although, the only times I've noticed that we really aren't on "peak time" are 06:00 to 10:00 GMT, so it's not that hard to hit "peak time". :) Thanks, ober, for letting me know that I'm not alone.
  23. Lately I've been getting a lot of "The connection has been reset" errors in Firefox on this forum - has anybody encountered this little hindrance in other browsers or other operating systems than Linux? I'm sort of hesitant to think that it would be my browser, since I don't have any similar problems on other forums or websites.
  24. [quote author=ober link=topic=110909.msg449285#msg449285 date=1160405621] It's Opera.  THE most standards compliant browser available. [/quote] Hm... well, I'm thinking of another one, but I don't doubt that Opera is the most compliant browser. The one I'm thinking of is some no-name browser that I'd never heard of prior. And that's likely the reason I can't remember it now. ;)
  25. I realize that this is just a template, but this looks to be very heavily based on graphics. Graphics-based layouts tend to take a relatively long time to load, and are likely to break in different browsers. If you are indeed planning on using so many images, I encourage you to try and find a way to use CSS to achieve a similar result. Your visitors will be much happier about the download and rendering times, and you may find that it actually looks pretty good.
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