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Everything posted by neylitalo

  1. I think we've finished this discussion... locked.
  2. One of the best warning labels I have seen, on a pair of Superman pajamas: "Do not attempt to fly while wearing pajamas."
  3. [quote author=dustinnoe link=topic=118291.msg500435#msg500435 date=1168320104] Ubuntu is nice [/quote] Well, Ubuntu is a distribution, rather than a desktop manager, but we can count it as a Gnome vote. (That's what Ubuntu uses for a desktop manager.)
  4. hvle, I don't think he was trying to make a jab - that was a genuine problem that we had when we allowed members to delete their own posts. Apologies if I misread your post.
  5. [quote author=AndyB link=topic=121587.msg500215#msg500215 date=1168304399] fits into a handbag like a mobile phone. [/quote] Ah, the fun interviews we'll see on the news - "I thought it was my phone, but I guess not... does anybody have any aspirin? My head is pounding."
  6. [quote author=KingPhilip link=topic=121498.msg500022#msg500022 date=1168292734] Umm, I just noticed... why do you have your database login info in hidden fields? [/quote] hehe... honey pot? :)
  7. Nope, sorry. Even if the thread is no longer helpful to you, it may help somebody out in the future. If you accidentally post in the wrong forum or double post, we'll be glad to delete it to clean up the place - but other than that, it stays. Naturally, there are other exceptions to the rule, but those decisions are up to the mods and admins.
  8. To start a program in the background: [code]$ yourprogramhere &[/code]
  9. [quote author=Daniel0 link=topic=120749.msg500098#msg500098 date=1168296286] You can "unlock" the root user by setting a password using [tt]passwd[/tt]. Then you should be able to login from the login screen and to su into it. [/quote] I thought I tried that once upon a time, but I don't think it worked. I could be wrong, though - it's been ages since I used any Ubuntu systems.
  10. It translates to "It's not uncommon for the server to be slow, for any number of reasons. It's not your fault." ;)
  11. You definitely want something monospace - I like the standard Monospace or Courier/Courier New.
  12. Poll added, although I'm not sure how much value it's going to contribute. :)
  13. I try to use $_REQUEST when I can remember to use it, but I've gotten in the habit of using the individual variables. The framework we use at work handles all the server-client communications, too, so I don't actually have to deal with them. Just a side note: $_REQUEST contains $_POST, $_GET, $_FILES, and $_COOKIE.
  14. Just giving it a casual once-over, I have one suggestion: Don't make me pick how to sort them before you show me the addresses. Show me the list sorted normally, and then have links to change the sort method. The rule of web design I'm invoking here: Fewer clicks is better.
  15. I think the point here is that he's looking for something that already exists. It's about saving effort and time. It may very well not be worth his time and effort to create a website of his own. Surely it's not that difficult an idea to understand. And devnerds: Please, in the future, let us know what you're trying to do. It would have eliminated about 50% of the useless posts in this thread.
  16. In Gentoo Linux, you can put commands to execute on start-up in /etc/conf.d/local.start.
  17. You're going to have to rename your function printf to something else, or declare it so it's compatible with the C printf. That's my guess. And please let us have the command you're using to compile this code.
  18. useradd is in /usr/sbin, which is not in the X-Cron-Env PATH. Try replacing "useradd" with "/usr/sbin/useradd" in your script.
  19. Assembly is a very low-level "language" that's used for interacting with the hardware, even below the operating system's control. The most common application for assembly is in a computer's BIOS, for communicating with the various hardware devices in the system. Comparing assembly to other languages is less than "apples and oranges" - more like apples and rocks. (Crappy analogy, I know.)
  20. This looks like it could be very useful, but I don't really want to have to dig through everything to figure out how to use it. It's going to take quite a bit of grunt-work, but there is one thing you could do to add immense value to it. phpDocumentor tags in your code would make everything very easy to figure out. You'll need the phpDoc software, found at http://www.phpdoc.org/. Once you have it installed, it's a simple matter of adding the comments to your code and then running a simple command to generate the HTML documentation. I'm not going to give you step-by-step instructions, but once you get something started, I'll be more than glad to help you figure out any snafus. Post in another thread, though - keeps the place organized. One last little note: It is, technically, a very small "framework". Any library that can be used to make the developer's life easier is qualified to be a framework. However, it's not to the point where you can use it exclusively - so I would refrain from referring to it as a framework. Heck, I think the word "library" is cooler, anyway.
  21. [quote author=Crayon Violent link=topic=101004.msg497626#msg497626 date=1168026883] no. [/quote] That's one way to put it, I suppose. ;D
  22. Unfortunately, I don't know how to go about installing MySQL by myself - Gentoo has done it for me every time. I'm sure the MySQL manual will be able to tell you, though. :) As for installing Apache and PHP, though, it should go something like this: [code] $ tar xzf httpd-2.2.3.tar.gz $ tar xzf php-5.2.0.tar.gz $ cd httpd-2.2.3 $ ./configure $ make # make install $ cd ../php-5.2.0 $ ./configure --enable-so $ make # make install[/code] when you see $, it means "run as your user", and when you see # it means "run as root". Apologies if you already knew that. For the PHP installation, you're likely to want to include more modules - ./configure --help will give you a list of configure options, among which will be a bunch of switches to enable certain modules.
  23. Oh, excellent. If you haven't got the GNU time utility, it's available at http://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/time/time-1.7.tar.gz, in Gentoo's Portage as sys-process/time and in Debian's stable repos as utils/time.
  24. [quote author=lszanto link=topic=120537.msg495602#msg495602 date=1167771683]please don't do it again or I'll just have to disable people doing it.[/quote] Good luck with that.
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