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Everything posted by neylitalo

  1. I would like to note that, at this time, there is more support for multiple 32 bit processors than single 64 bit processors, in both the world of *nix and Windows. So, unless you're planning on [b]waiting[/b] to get your money's worth out of the 64 bit CPU (for at least a year), then you may want to go with the Intel Core Duo. And to give my opinion on the RAM situation: Buy more. If RAM is the only thing holding you back from getting the Alienware, buy the Alienware, and then get more memory from Newegg or something. (Offer only valid in United States... Newegg doesn't ship out of the US.) [b]Edit:[/b] And my opinion on the Media Center issue: The only really practical gains you get from XP Pro are A) Advanced file sharing options, B) Advanced and power-user options, and C) More administrative tools. See http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/winxppro/reskit/z04d621675.mspx for a more comprehensive description. If you save money by going with XP Home vs. XP Media Center, go with XP Home - if not, go with Media Center. (I seem to be full of opinions this morning... )
  2. I'm not sure that's the type of editor we're talking about - I believe it's supposed to be WYSIWYG editors. Ron, can you clarify?
  3. well, you're close, but not quite - the syntax would actually be: [code]$ time foobar 2>&1 | grep sys[/code] It's odd, though - grep still doesn't seem to catch it, when I try it. Other stderr redirection works fine for me, but not with time. I suspect it's because time is a utility within bash, and that throws things off, for whatever reason.
  4. [quote author=JayBachatero link=topic=118656.msg485272#msg485272 date=1166161042] I voted for SMF.  Then again I'm biased :P. [/quote] Bias in a "Vote for your favorite [insert whatever here]" thread is accepted/expected. ;)
  5. Eye candy is one category that differentiates desktop managers, but I think I can encompass everything with this: Features. That's what makes the desktop managers different. They all work the same, they're all solving one particular problem, so, really, the only thing that sets one apart from another is the extra features it provides. KDE comes with image editors, media players, and a web browser - and then, on the other end of the see-saw is something like Flux. They provide you with a desktop and a way to use it, but few or no extras. Sure, the eye candy accentuates differences a lot - TWM is just plain ugly, and KDE is pretty good looking. (I, personally, like GTK better than QT.) But there's soo much grey area... I think I'm going to let this point go. And you can make a desktop manager look very different if you use a different window manager. Gnome looks pretty good with Metacity, but have you seen it with Beryl or Compiz? ([url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beryl_(window_manager)]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beryl_(window_manager)[/url]) Absolutely gorgeous. I have no clue where I'm going with this. At any rate, it (more or less) comes down to the features they provide. (The gray area around "features" is massive... I know.)
  6. [quote author=Daniel0 link=topic=118656.msg485122#msg485122 date=1166138533] (This example won't work very well if you don't even use Windows) [/quote] ;) I haven't used Windows for more than ten minutes at a time in the past two years. And those short periods of time were at kiosks. I completely understand the reasoning, though.
  7. I'm not a phpBB expert, but why in the world would anybody want phpBB 2.x when there's 3.x floating around?
  8. [quote author=wildteen88 link=topic=113166.msg484209#msg484209 date=1166035450] If you have a sub domain setup then you dont prepend www to the url at all. [/quote] Only if you have DNS set up that way. ;) You can have DNS accept www.subdomain.domain.com if you want - it's just kinda un-standard practice.
  9. [quote author=dark dude link=topic=99899.msg401603#msg401603 date=1153564499] Sessions, most users' browsers are set to block cookies anyway [/quote] I would say quite the opposite. The great majority of websites require cookies, so users are more likely to enable cookies. All the statistics I've seen seem to indicate that users with cookies disabled are few and far between.
  10. KDE is very full featured, but that comes at a disadvantage - long compile times and lots of overhead. I prefer XFCE, myself - it's very lightweight, the whole bundle compiles in under an hour, and it's very easy to use. I'll add some other popular ones to the list, just so we don't have all these "other" votes floating around.
  11. Realize that it's probably going to be a while until you're ready to drop Windows like you say. You've likely gotten attached to programs in Windows that aren't going to have complete replacements in Linux, multimedia applications in particular. You're also going to go through a phase where you're constantly saying "Man, it's so much easier in Windows". I actually went through a ~10 year migratory stage, and finally got fed up with the crappiness of Windows functionality compared to Linux. I, personally, think Gentoo is the easiest distribution to use. The point of Linux (one of them, anyway) is to have choices, but you don't get to make many choices when you have to use binaries (as Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, etc., use), and when you want to make choices, you really have to go out of your way. With Gentoo, though, you're making the great majority of the decisions right from the start.
  12. VMWare will do what you're asking, but realize that if your system simply meets the minimum requirements, it's going to suck with VMWare. You're effectively running two operating systems, with considerable processing overhead. If you were to dual-boot Windows and Linux, you would be shown a boot loader screen (GRUB - Grand Unified Boot Loader) to select the operating system to use. You technically have one entry as the default, but a simple press of a button changes the selected operating system to boot. The default is very non-binding.
  13. I think he's asking "How do you know that it usually takes an hour and a half?"
  14. 60 hours... good luck, you'll need it. ;) No, but seriously, see a doctor. That much FF can't be good for you. ;D
  15. [quote author=phpfreak link=topic=116834.msg478894#msg478894 date=1165290286] I just built it and pay the bills :) [/quote] Which, if you ask me, is pretty huge. ;)
  16. I don't believe the IPS triggers a "Connection timed out" - rather, I believe it triggers various forms of HTTP error codes. I seem to recall receiving 406 Not Acceptable and 403 Forbidden. I suspect the "Connection timed out" is a result of high server loads.
  17. I don't believe that you can compile python scripts. I think the only way to run one is to run it through the python interpreter. In Unix, this can be done by simply: putting this as the first line of your script, [code]#!/usr/bin/python[/code] and running this command: [code]$ chmod a+x script.py[/code] where script.py is the name of your python script. I don't know how it would be done in Windows.
  18. Well, technically, there is a limit, but it's rather unlikely that you reach that limit. According to the [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ext3#_note-0]Wikipedia article[/url] on the Ext3 filesystem, which is likely what your host uses, the limit is V/2^13 inodes, where V is the size of the volume in bytes. So, assuming you have 2GB of storage space, you can have a maximum of 262,144 inodes. (files and/or directories) This number is a grand total - there isn't a set restriction on files in a directory, or directories in a directory.
  19. Not sure as to the reason for bumping a 2 month old thread, but we'll go with it. I've never used vmstat, but something tells me it's a product related to vmware. If the system load is exceeding 100, something tells me that you really, really don't want to use anything with VMs.
  20. [quote author=redbullmarky link=topic=117354.msg478781#msg478781 date=1165275079] if you wish to speak to a freelancer about work, contact them directly. [/quote] Which you would have known was one of the rules, had you read the stickies as forum etiquette dictates...
  21. oh, come now... you're sure you can't get along with [ url=http://www.php.net/echo ]echo[ /url ]? ;)
  22. Welcome to the forums - we're glad to have you. However, in the future, please don't post links to websites such as that. They add no valuable information to your post, and are of no assistance to others reading them.
  23. [quote author=448191 link=topic=113609.msg476848#msg476848 date=1164957918] You can't use the slidebar at the bottom of the image?  ??? [/quote] Ah! Gracias.
  24. Crayon Violent had this brilliant idea. Give him the credit. I'm just the guy who decided that I wanted to see what everybody else thought. Please, vote - this is potentially a huge breakthrough for the PHP Freaks community. Now, this idea is still in extreme Alpha stage. I'm not saying that if enough people vote, we're going to do it; phpfreak has yet to chime in on this. This is just a preliminary probing to see what the general feeling is about this particular idea. Would you be interested in purchasing PHP Freaks branded merchandise? We're thinking t-shirts, hoodies, coffee cups, moonrovers, etc. We would use the profits to help support the PHP Freaks server. You provide shipping and handling. Thanks for your input!
  25. Wow... those diagrams almost make this thread worthy of stickiness. Now, if you were to make that big diagram a little narrower so we could see the whole thing... ;)
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