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Everything posted by neylitalo

  1. [quote author=Daniel0 link=topic=113561.msg461546#msg461546 date=1162450725] Here is a challenge for you then: Try to make a calculator where you can enter simple expressions and make it calculate it... Eg: 1+2*5 [/quote] I suspect that's not quite what you're thinking of - [code]<?php echo(1+2*5); ?>[/code] Shows 11. Just as it should. [quote author=Crayon Violent link=topic=113561.msg461547#msg461547 date=1162450918] or make a graphing calculator using the gd library. [/quote] +10 ninja points if you get this one. That would be super cool.
  2. [quote author=fert link=topic=112308.msg455735#msg455735 date=1161499264] shouldn't this be on a java board? [/quote] Well, to get optimal results, yes, but this is the "Other languages" board, so it's ok. signum12, maybe you should look at the class docs for the Graphics class - that's where you're going to find what you need.
  3. You're going to have to be more specific - what do you mean by "is there instead of triggers"? We need more details than that before we can even begin to help.
  4. [quote author=businessman332211 link=topic=112813.msg458210#msg458210 date=1161890010] http://www.trainup.com/CollectingDebtsTipsandStrategiestoLegallyGetWhatYoureOwed9439.htm [/quote] Gee, it's too bad that you have to attend the seminar to get any valuable info out of it...
  5. [quote author=businessman332211 link=topic=112813.msg458078#msg458078 date=1161881790] If they pay you half, and they don't pay you the other half, and you build hte whole site.  They should only be given half the work, nuke the database.  There is nothing wrong with that.  Nothing at all, the french would have a hard time to get you in court.  Your talking about international affair's it would cost the guy, a large amount of money nad they can't summon's you to court for that, and you can't be put in jail if you did all the work and only got paid half for it. [/quote] There are some rather significant holes in that. First off, I'm guessing that there was no contract signed establishing the work to be done and the payments to be made. Thus, the contractor would have no way of proving that the client indeed owes him money, except for maybe emails, which might be tricky to submit as evidence. Concerning nuking the database - once it's created, and hosted on someone else's server, it would be pretty hard to legally destroy the database. It belongs to the owner of the site, regardless of the fact that he stiffed you the $2250, and you would be destroying property over international boundaries. For the original question: If you were to find a way to use this security hole anonymously, and in such a way that it's impossible to figure out that it was intentional and not a mistake on the owner's or the server's part - make your own decisions. Just make sure that you're absolutely sure of the decision you make.
  6. I'm 18 years old and I'm from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan - some people say it's one of the most remote places in the lower 48. They tell me I got my start in the computer world when I was a baby - my uncle was playing a flight simulator game, paused it to go to the bathroom, and I hopped up on his chair and landed his plane for him. My parents swear it's true, but I'm sure they're exaggerating somewhere. I've been developing PHP software for about 3 years now, and I'm currently working on software for some rather large hotels in the Los Angeles, CA area. I'm currently working on a degree in Computer Science at Michigan Technological University, and have intentions to go back for a Masters in Business Administration.
  7. To be honest, I haven't tried in quite some time, so I don't remember... I'll have to play around with it a bit later on tonight.
  8. [quote author=obsidian link=topic=112306.msg456296#msg456296 date=1161611242] upload the font to [i]your own[/i] server and use the GDLib to generate your image for your header. [/quote] In the umpteen times I've tried getting GD to use different fonts, I couldn't get anything to work, is this relatively easy to do?
  9. well, by golly, I was wrong again. That puts me into the double digits, darn it. Thanks for pointing it out, Jenk.
  10. I'm not sure how many times I can say this, but if you use PHP 5, you DO NOT NEED the & operator. As a matter of fact, if you use the & operator, it will break. And judging from the third or so post in, we're talking about PHP 5 here. Note this code: [code]#!/usr/bin/php <?php class Test {     protected $asdf; } $test = new Test(); $test2 &= $test; $test3 = $test; print_r($test); print_r($test2); print_r($test3); ?>[/code] And this output: [code] $ ./test.php Test Object (     [asdf:protected] => ) 0Test Object (     [asdf:protected] => ) [/code] Note the 0 before the second Test Object - that's the result of the &= operator. Absolutely nothing.
  11. You can still use =& in PHP 5, but it will do absolutely nothing if you're using it on objects. The default (only) behavior in PHP 5 for referring to objects does the same exact thing as using =&. If you do, indeed, want a copy of an object, then use the clone keyword - as follows. This code is PHP 5. [code] <?php $object = new Object(); //Object is some pre-defined class. $object2 = $object; ?>[/code] And now, if we were to print_r on $object2 and $object, we would find that they point to the same exact object. To actually create a duplicate object of $object, we'd do this: [code] <?php $object2 = clone $object; ?>[/code]
  12. Um... I see no smiley faces, I see nothing that might qualify as "annoying cheesy things", and I have no clue what you mean by "Message icon". Can you post a screenshot?
  13. [quote author=Black_Wolf link=topic=107919.msg455488#msg455488 date=1161453377] And ive seen men with all hot ladys as there friends and half of those ladys where men. [/quote] Welcome to the internet. Where the men are men, the women are men, and the children are FBI agents.
  14. You could always find something that's been GPL'd and use the icons from that. I'm not sure if you have to do something to maintain the GPLness of the thing, though.
  15. One good rule of thumb to follow is this: Never store files in the database. Store them in the filesystem, and then just store the path of that file in the database. However, to answer your question, I would think one table would be better - except design it something like this: Replace datatypes with your preference. file_id int not null autoincrement owner_id int not null (foreign key to the student's id in the db) file_path varchar(255) not null
  16. [quote author=thirdpersonmatt link=topic=112172.msg455172#msg455172 date=1161376817] Well I was just looking around the web and found this site. [/quote] This leads me to believe that it's not your site at all, or that you're not responsible for developing it - can you explain?
  17. There are ways you can run ASP scripts in an Apache server environment, but they require root access... which you surely do not have on your shared host. Just for the sake of it, you can look up www.apache-asp.org.
  18. [quote author=Daniel0 link=topic=111785.msg454175#msg454175 date=1161239013] You do not need to use =& [/quote] That's only the case in PHP 5. In PHP 4, objects are passed by value as opposed to by reference as they are in PHP 5, so =& is indeed required in PHP 4 in order if you want to keep using the same object.
  19. [quote author=obsidian link=topic=111912.msg454362#msg454362 date=1161265848] it will take quite some time before i'm ready to make the change back to IE [/quote] I don't think I'm going to be using IE full-time any time soon... To get good support for Windows programs, you need Windows. Which I am not going to be switching to anytime soon. [quote author=obsidian link=topic=111912.msg454362#msg454362 date=1161265848] but it looks like they're finally starting to feel the heat from the free browsers out there. [/quote] And that's exactly what they're here for. Remember, the ultimate goal is to have a program that works, and works well. If Microsoft won't provide it, then the international community will. If you don't have to pay for it, so much the better, but if MS gives us programs that are efficient, usable, and actually worth using, I won't complain. Maybe we're looking to a new height of competence on Microsoft's part, who knows?
  20. It seems to work fine for me, under Gentoo Linux - Daniel0, what problems specifically are you having? And maybe we should split this topic to a new "Opera" thread? We're getting a bit off-base from the original topic.
  21. [quote author=Daniel0 link=topic=111868.msg453746#msg453746 date=1161177646] neylitalo: It's not just when validating. It is also the validator's home page. [/quote] Hm. I can't say I've ever noticed that. Maybe it's just a really high-traffic site?
  22. No, I don't think it's just you, but there's a perfectly valid reason why it should take so long. Remember, it has to either go to the website and fetch the source or get the uploaded source, and that takes time. Then it's got to run through the entire thing and check to see if it's all valid. And as they add rules and restrictions to the specifications, it can only get longer. Unless, of course, you're experiencing an extreme delay, it's probably perfectly normal - the validator, for me, usually loads in about three seconds.
  23. ah, ok - cool. I'll have to find a way to make it more useful for me. As it stands, it's not really of that much use, but as ober said, it's customizable, so I'll have to do some juggling and see what I can do.
  24. Hm... I haven't encountered this context menu you speak of, where is it? A Google search doesn't turn up anything useful, either...
  25. You'd better be careful where you say that. emacs is actually rather well suited for programming, but just like vim (and maybe more so) it takes some practice. I'm really not a fan of the finger acrobatics needed to do anything in emacs. Cool gVim is my favorite text editor, and you're absolutely right - once you learn it, you'll be able to fly around in much less time than with the traditional text editor. The very first things I install on all of my linux (Gentoo) machines are vim and gvim, and if I have to use Windows, I get WinVi. http://www.winvi.de/en for a standalone vim for Windows.
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