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Everything posted by neylitalo

  1. [quote author=txmedic03 link=topic=115249.msg476774#msg476774 date=1164950345] Take your project...run with it...give us an update and let's see what it says about you.  If you need some help with coding we are all here to provide you the support you need, but it is up to you to put it to use.  Let's see all those hours of studying hard put to use. [/quote] Beautifully put. I like you. Businessman, I have a suggestion for you, and I hope that you'll take it to heart. People will be much more eager to help you with this project when they see some headway being made. One rule of thumb that I've always tried to follow was this: Get something working, first. Then you can ask for a formal review so we can dig into it and put a concentrated effort out. But we need you to realize something: We lose interest rapidly if we see that our efforts are for nought. We don't make suggestions for the simple joy of making your life miserable. We make suggestions because we honestly, truly think that they are improvements. Please do your best to implement our suggestions, even if you don't like them. If you decide that you really don't like them, then tell us so - but please give us a valid reason. Quite honestly, I would be very excited to see something of this caliber produced by anybody on these forums. I'm sure there are dozens of people fully capable of putting this together, but few of them have the time or inclination to follow through with it. I'm looking forward to having something to look at. 
  2. In my experience with phpDocumentor comments, if you're creating a professional application that could feasibly get very complicated, it's well worth the four or five lines of comments per method. Of course, for simple mutator and accessor methods, you may not want to put much documentation in, as you usually know exactly what it does just by looking at the method's name.
  3. I, personally, think that reading a book is a highly inefficient way to go about learning an operating system, especially any Unix or Unix-based system. I learned TONS about Linux in general just by the Gentoo installation process, and once you're done installing it, you keep learning. I suggest, for anybody interested in learning about Linux, that you just download the distribution of choice, install it, and start asking questions. Google knows a lot, forums know a lot (search first!), and IRC channels know a lot. Never overlook the man pages, either.
  4. I'm willing to bet that there are more people in this world that leave their IE display & font settings where they are, as opposed to setting the background to black... unless I'm misunderstanding what you said. And note that CV did not say that it was a "dumb" question (although some might), rather, he said it was a "silly" question.
  5. This could just be the caffeine talking, but I suspect that most people aren't going to want to share their ideas to make money. And just as a side note, I strongly recommend that you don't try to compete with anything or anybody. To make money in the world of the internet, you really have to come up with something unique. You've heard of MySpace, right? Have you heard of Orkut? Neither did I, until I googled for "social networking sites". The point there is this: Orkut isn't going to make it to the same level as MySpace, simply because MySpace was there first. If you want to try and compete with someone, go ahead - but I think you'll be wasting time and money.
  6. I can think of a few possible reasons why this topic no longer exists. (Presumed.) Once upon a time, someone, either by accident or with good intentions, pruned topics older than [i]x[/i] days old. We have since implemented a strict "no-delete" policy unless it's a violation of the rules. I assure you, we're not hypocrites - especially not on purpose.
  7. www.scanalert.com will scan your website for vulnerabilities, and then once you reach a certain level of "hacker safe", then you get an image on your website saying "Hacker safe blah blah blah". I don't know what they test, or how reliable it is, but I've seen it on some pretty big-name sites so I'd assume it's pretty good.
  8. To create databases in postgres, you can use the createdb command: [code]postgres $ createdb --help[/code] for the syntax and options.
  9. neylitalo


    what functionality are you looking for in phpPgAdmin that doesn't exist, but exists in phpMyAdmin? There might be a way around it, or postgres just might do that particular thing differently. (autoincrement vs. sequences, for example)
  10. For an application such as this one, you're definitely going to want a server that you can have physical access to, and one that you control completely. (where you == the people owning this site) No, 1TB is certainly not the maximum you can have in a server - it's only once you get above 2TB that you need to enable options in the Linux kernel for it all to work. Maybe a server with hot-pluggable hard drives is in order? And, quite honestly, they're probably going to have trouble getting 1,000,000 members in a year, unless they have some plan for requiring 1,000,000 people to join...
  11. Well, since the favorite theme here seems to be women, allow me to take my poke at the female species. :) [quote] I imagine girls and bugs have a dim perception that nature played a cruel trick on them but they lack the intelligence to really comprehend the magnitude of it.    -- Calvin[/quote]
  12. Make your own decisions.
  13. There's nothing wrong with downloading or having Limewire. The problem starts when you use it to download and use copyrighted content.
  14. Maybe, maybe not - I don't know the applicable copyright laws in the UK. My suspicions tell me that it's still illegal over there, and that it would just be a different organization pressing the charges or filing the lawsuits.
  15. If you're in the US or any area controlled by US law, then it is entirely possible that the RIAA would file a lawsuit against you, should you be caught downloading copyrighted music, and you would lose the lawsuit, and would be consequently fined. It is not illegal to have Limewire at all, rather, it is illegal to use copyrighted content without a license. One little known technicality of the US law regarding copyrighted content: The act of downloading the music, movie, program, etc., is not illegal in itself - it is the use of the above-mentioned content without a license to do so that makes it illegal. However, it is assumed (and justly so) that if you download it, you are using it, so it's a very small and useless technicality.
  16. [quote author=SemiApocalyptic link=topic=113862.msg463506#msg463506 date=1162799375] [quote author=neylitalo link=topic=113862.msg463321#msg463321 date=1162752262] The only one I can think of is www.try2hack.nl - but as redbullmarky said, there are several of them. [/quote]That's the only one I can think of too - Is that one actually finished now? When I done it, it stopped at a specific level with a message saying that they were adding new levels soon... [/quote] I can't say... I haven't tried in years. The news on the site says that level 11 was added, but it's from April 2005, so they may have stopped development.
  17. greatlakesweb? BTW, congratulations on your move - I suppose it's unlikely that you've moved to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan? ;D
  18. I've always been a fan of the command line FTP interfaces. :) Windows: [code] > ftp[/code] *nix: [code]$ ftp[/code] And the commands are really easy to pick up. put, get, chdir, etc.
  19. The only one I can think of is www.try2hack.nl - but as redbullmarky said, there are several of them.
  20. It's quiet, the couches are comfortable, and it's not home - it all adds up to a very pleasant experience. :) The library is one of my favorite places on campus - the food court coming in first by a neck. :)
  21. I'm going to be sick, our house is covered in candy wrappers, my siblings' costumes still haven't been put away, and I think I see a week of 6-to-10-year-old sugar highs on the way. Not to mention the massive amounts of melted candy bars, off-brand and sugar-free sweets, and other generally undesirable "treats" that were so generously given to me by the little ones. I need a nap. Maybe I'll go to the library.
  22. I would do it something like this. First, create the all-encompassing parser class. [code]<?php class text_parser { private $modules; private $originalText; private $parsedText; public function __construct() { $this->getModules(); } public function getModules() { $modules = array("nl2br"); //This could be anything. Read a text file, select from a database, or just get the contents of the modules directory and go from there. At any rate: foreach($modules as $module) { $module = "text_module_$module"; $this->modules[] = new $module($this); } } public function getOriginalText() { return $this->originalText; } public function parse() { foreach($this->modules as $module) { $this->originalText = $module->parse(); } return $this->originalText; } } ?>[/code] Then a basic module class: [code]<?php abstract class text_module_base { private $parent; public function __construct($parent) { $this->parent = $parent; } abstract public function parse(); } ?>[/code] And now we're ready to start creating fully modular... umm... modules. For this example, we'll create a parser to convert newline characters to an HTML line break. Yes, I know, there's already nl2br(). Stop complaining. [code]<?php class text_module_nl2br extends text_module_base { public function __construct($mainParser) { parent::__construct($mainParser); } public function parse() { return str_replace("\n", "<br />\n", $parent->getOriginalText()); } } ?>[/code] In this example, every time you add a module, you just add the last part to the array $modules in the main parser class. However, with time and added modules, this would get messy quickly. For this reason, I suggest using a config file or database entries, or some way of automatically pulling every module in the modules directory. Note: In order for [code]foreach($modules as $module) { $module = "text_module_$module"; $this->modules[] = new $module($this); } [/code] this to work, you should have a function like this somewhere, probably in the controller part of your MVC system. [code]public function __autoload($class) { $class_name = str_replace("_", "/", $class).".php"; require_once($class_name); }[/code] Adapt to your system, directory delimiters in particular. This makes sure that any classes you request will be included or required.
  23. Well, let's put it this way. 50 MB would be extremely small for a database. Let's go mega-ultra-extreme and say that the database has a storage overhead of 10 MB, so you've only got 40 MB of room for storing blogs. The Dilbert blogs I looked at (the only blogs worth reading, IMO) were averaging just under 3000 characters. Just for the fun of it, we'll say your blogs are 4096 characters (a nice round number) and that you're using ASCII and not some funky character encoding. So your blogs are 4 KB apiece. 4 KB / blog, 1024 KB / MB, 40 MB total storage space - it all adds up to 10, 240 blogs. Enough for 28 years of blogging. In summary, use a database. You've got nothing to worry about.
  24. [quote author=redbullmarky link=topic=113561.msg461599#msg461599 date=1162464896] hmm i have this sneaky feeling that someone has read that, and is hacking up some GD scripts as we speak... [/quote] It's just a good thing that I don't have to give anything tangible. :) I heart imaginary rewards. Except when I'm getting them.
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