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Everything posted by fenway

  1. I have no idea what you mean... but you can use a multi-valued insert statement.
  2. fenway

    Mysql query

    Forget about the output for a minute... get back the two rows first.
  3. information_schema tables.
  4. Are you searching one of the fields? How?
  5. You should always know that... I suppose you could use the I_S tables to figure it out in real-time, but you should know that your design has some serious flaws. Why did you decide to use dynamic FIELDS?
  6. Oh good,it's not just me.
  7. Thanks for the insight... no worries.
  8. Well, I'm done. Confirm that the data is fine in the database, make sure you're db connection and your php script are set properly. Otherwise, maybe someone else can decipher it.
  9. Post some sample data from the .sql file.
  10. Well, echo them for our benefit, too. You might want to avoid using the same variable, though.
  11. I don't understand.. you show a third table.
  12. what do you have so far? you seem to be missing some tables...
  13. See here -- did you move it in the conf file?
  14. oh, i get it... could you also post the query you're talking about?
  15. that doesn't answer the question.
  16. Wait a minute, dynamic "fields"?
  17. Is this a UTF8 field?
  18. Well, if they all have a space, you can find it, and select out the left and right halves...
  19. Assuming you made the column NULLable.
  20. I suppose you could use format and a replace to get rid of the comma... or just handle it in php for now.
  21. Sure, but you'll need to establish how all of them are formatted first.
  22. Please don't mark anything "solved" without posting the solution for everyone's benefit.
  23. Maybe... are you talking about the actual DB values or PHP output?
  24. That, and DISTINCT is not a function!
  25. That's true... as long as all of the column in the group by appear in distinct, they're the same.. .but that's really what distinct is meant for. Also, performance can be very different -- DISTINCT is very dumb.
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