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Everything posted by roopurt18

  1. Except for that guy popping out his eyeball, it looks good. Videos load quickly and I didn't experience any errors. The layout is very well done. One thing you might consider doing is moving the horizontal google ad between the video and comments. It's really easy to ignore when it's at the top of the page.
  2. My latest mini-project at work is to allow our clients to upload documents for home buyers. http://www.ibswebview.com/wv/beta Login: beta1 PW: beta1 Click on *Manage Documents* in the top-left under the Buyer Module. Hopefully the UI is self-explanatory. Curious as to what you folks think.
  3. I have two tables that are to be displayed side by side. The first table is much skinnier than the first and has the style float: left. In FF and IE7 the second table is then displayed next to the floated table; in IE6 the second table is displayed below the first table. Any ideas on how I can get this second table to appear next to the first?
  4. I used to deliver pizza next to a tanning salon. Nothing but hotties all day long, then again, I live in southern California, arguably the most superficial place on the planet. As for the (I'll be nice about it) undesirable girls' inquiries as to why you're outside, assuming she's alone and not with a hot chick, you would reply, "Fresh air always seems to help when I have real bad diarrhea." SHIZAM!
  5. No no no redbull. When a hot chick inevitably asks you why you're sitting outside the tanning salon, you answer, "Talking to hot chicks" and then promptly ignore her. You'll probably have her number before she leaves.
  6. You want hot chicks? Sit outside a tanning salon some day. Hot chicks in and out all damn day and they might actually talk to you, unlike whoever she is.
  7. Pfffft. Another 20 years and some 6 year old will do it in less than 45 seconds!
  8. I'd keep it simple. It doesn't look much like a mouse does these days, but I think if you throw in too much detail it'll attract attention away from the pertinent areas of the site.
  9. While looking at those sites, I completely expected my web browser to tell me, "You've got mail!" Thanks for reviving bad memories!
  10. roopurt18

    No ADSL!

    Ever since my freshman year in college, the worst times of my life have been associated with no internet. I feel your pain man.
  11. Web based applications are the future of programming as far as business goes IMO.  They're easier to set up, maintain, and deploy than any server based program. I think it will be a while before web based applications become the norm for home use though; there's still too many people who are paranoid about someone stealing their information.
  12. roopurt18


    So I took the easy way out and installed CentOS on top of VMWare. Good stuff!
  13. I'd hate to see what he has to say about the fruit poll.
  14. Fixing and rewriting are often the same thing. Anywho, I meant what I said: Code is easier to rewrite (or consequently fix) if comments are provided. Anyways, there's no point carrying this conversation on. I just hope I never have to debug, fix, or rewrite anything written by you.
  15. These systems are better for storing significant changes to the overall file, not necessarily the nitty gritty of what's happening deep down within a function. Yes, they are. But certain types of information just doesn't belong in a UML diagram or even code documentation. If every possible bit of documentation was to be written within UML you might as turn UML into a self-documenting programming language. Wrong. Code doesn't have to be cryptic to be difficult to read. Even with the best naming conventions, best use of classes and functions, best indentation, etc. a block of code can become difficult to read if it represents an involved process and especially if it represents a small step nested deeply within a complicated process. Now you can argue that the steps taken in performing the process should be kept elsewhere in documentation and I might even agree; but there are still going to be minor issues worth documenting in the code but leaving out of the main documentation. If the code was poorly written and had included a few comments here and there, it'd probably take less time to rewrite. Worst argument I've heard in a while though. Yes, yes they do. There's different types of documentation. There's documentation written for the people who use the class, i.e. the kind that phpDoc generates. Then there's documentation written for the people who maintain the class, i.e. the kind you store in CVS change logs, UML diagrams, and comments. <?php if(func1() || func2()){ // do one thing }else if(func3()){ // do another } ?> There's nothing cryptic or difficult about that code to understand, it's a simple if statement. But let's say that func2() must always be called after func1() and func1() has to be called before func3() due to the operations performed by each. 6 months later when you revisit that code, or when a new employee looks at it next week, a simple: <?php // func2 always after func1, func1 always before func3 ?> in front of that if block can potentially save a ton of time, at the mere expense of the 3 seconds it took to type. If you fail to write comments entirely, I have to wonder what's the largest project you've worked on with multiple individuals and how much of your code you need to maintain 6 months after you've written it.
  16. Shame on any programmer that doesn't add comments. I myself use // as often as possible, that makes it easy to go back and comment out large blocks easily. I don't have any problems with the /* */ syntax, but then again I know c!
  17. Well, you can't get mad at the language for a lousy implementation.
  18. I'd run a spell checker. "... Like your Kids!" I'd just remove that. I know what point you're trying to make, but you may alienate people who don't have kids.
  19. Unless you've found an obscure bug within PHP, which I doubt, this is entirely impossible. Code executes sequentially. The interpretor doesn't arbitrarily decide to execute some lines, skip others, or randomly jump from location to location. The reason I bring this up is that you seem to think you're doing everything correct and that PHP is the cause of the error. The posts before mine are giving you advice on how to find the error that you made. Slightly less than 100% of the time your code is not working, it's a mistake the programmer made. Keep that in mind and your life will be much easier in terms of debugging.
  20. The body of an if statement can only be a single program statement. Wrapping multiple program statements inside of curly braces creates a statement block, which is itself a statement. This means that if the body of your if, while, or for loop is a single statement, the curly braces are optional. However, I strongly recommend always adding the curly braces. It's very easy to add something to the body of an if and forget to change it to include curly braces. Then there's always this: <?php if(true) if(false) echo "true"; else echo "Hello World" ?>
  21. Maybe adding a light shade of color to the mouse that dithers at the opening would help. Something to try... You could also just try rotating the mouse so that it's oriented how people are used to seeing them. I'm used to the buttons facing up; no one draws a moon with the opening facing down so I think it'd help avoid confusion.
  22. Once you realize it's a mouse, it's obviously not a moon; the endpoints of the opening are too close together. But giving it just a quick, casual glance, I saw a moon. It was actually the endpoints being too close together that caused me to pay greater attention to it.
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