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Everything posted by roopurt18

  1. Maybe, I don't know. Whatever type of video those .flv videos are. I just find it annoying I can't easily download them and play them in the standard video player that came with my OS. It's not just those files though, it drives me nuts any time I can't easily just save a particular video to my hard drive if I like it. Then again, I don't download much of anything anymore, so it's not a huge issue for me. I'll just continue sucking the bandwidth off their site and ignoring their adverts as it seems that's what they'd like me to do.
  2. I like it, although it took me a moment to realize that was a mouse and not a moon. As a programmer, I like the "personal computer specialists" font. ;^]
  3. Anyone else? Or is this just too much to deal with?
  4. Even forcing people to have another program to view yet another file type is annoying IMO. There's plenty of audio / video file types that work just fine. Why did we need another?!
  5. I don't understand why so many sites are so pissy about forcing you to stream the video instead of downloading it. In the latest Web Developer Magazine they mention a media player named Democracy that supposedly let's you download any and all video; I have yet to play with it but I like the idea.
  6. Bump. I like this latest revision very much, although I do have one concern. I appreciate any and all feedback and I'm wondering if anyone else brings up the concern that I'm having. Thanks! http://www.ibswebview.com/test/ps/layout.jpg
  7. That website hurts my eyes.
  8. I think Web 2.0 encompasses a couple of different things that a few sites have incorporated into the past, but are just now becoming mainstream. 1) UGC - User Generated Content 2) An emphasis on simple designs. Since more and more of every page we visit contains content, there isn't a whole lot of room for fluff. As a result the emphasis on flashy graphics, image maps, navigation buttons, etc. has declined. I think in terms of content, Web 2.0 signifies that your content flows intuitively and that you can quickly scan a page for the relevant pieces of information you're seeking without being bogged down by graphics or flash media. My $.02
  9. I've added a partially finished documentation link into the top-right area of the review options bidding page for the admin.
  10. No. I generally dislike country as well, but Johnny Cash is the man.
  11. It's not apparent, but each of our clients has a separate URL. Account setup is actually done in our server software, so the only people that really come across the site are those that already have accounts and know what it's used for. Hence the reason there isn't any sort of navigation when not logged in either.
  12. We're gearing up to release the newest feature of our homebuilder software and I figured it would be nice to have some actual beta testing. This environment has almost all of the software's regular features available, although the one I'd like to have tested is subcontractor options bidding. I'll give a brief background of what subcontractor options bidding is. Every homebuilder contracts certain portions of development to contractors who specialize in particular trades, such as drywall, flooring, cabinets, etc. Every house also has options (or upgrades) available to potential home buyers. Housing projects (typically) are broken up into phases of development, where each phase consists of house lots. Sometimes the homebuilder knows which lots will contain which floor plans, sometimes they don't. Option prices can change depending on the plan the option is in; i.e. a flooring option will generally cost more in a plan with more square footage. Thus, before every phase begins development, the homebuilder holds options bidding where the subs bid on the cost of all the options available in that phase that pertain to their trade. The old bidding method: The homebuilder would print a form for a particular trade, let's say drywall. On this form would be every option that is affected by that trade. They mail (or fax) this form (which can be several pages) to every drywall contractor. The contractors fill the form out by bidding on the cost of each option in each plan and send the form back to the homebuilder. The homebuilders then usually enter these into spreadsheets for cost analysis and then update our server software system with who is awarded the bids. They have to do this for dozens of trades and as many as a hundred contractors; it is a very lengthy and tedious process. The new method: I've built a system where the subs can enter their bids online. The homebuilder can view the bidding process (by logging in as the admin) in real time with cost analysis built right into the system. The homebuilders can award the bids directly from their interface as well and will eventually be able to export that data into our other software system. The site is driven by PHP, MySQL, and Javascript. In particular, the bidding system uses AJAX. It's irrelevant if this system doesn't work on any non-windows OS since our server software only runs on windows. I've done my testing with WinXP, IE 7 and FF 2. I'm mostly concerned with bugs / problems directly related to the options bidding process. If anyone discovers any major security holes, I'd appreciate a description of the problem via PM. You're more than welcome to point out any other problems with the site, although many I'm already aware of (such as invalid markup, CSS, legacy functions not working, etc.). Right, now have at it: http://www.ibswebview.com/wv/beta/
  13. [quote author=ober link=topic=123688.msg548362#msg548362 date=1173463680] A small tidbit though... a good programmer knows he can normally adjust the bounds of an array where necessary, despite normally defining "a" boundary up front.  ;) [/quote] Well...duh!  8P I think you knew what I was getting at, but I can't leave it up to chance!  So I'll have to explain myself. In a programming non-OOP language, making a copy or changing the size of an array is not a straight forward process.  I'll use C as an example. If you need to make a copy of an array that is 20 ints, easy.  You just malloc some extra memory, zero the contents out, and copy the old array into the new one.  Likewise if you need to make the array bigger, just malloc more memory and do the same thing.  The situation becomes trickier though, when you have an array of structures.  And those structures themselves contain pointers to memory.  When you copy that array, you have to ask yourself, do you want those structures to be internally pointing at the same place? Or do you want to make copies of [i]all[/i] internal memory no matter how deep it's nested? Developing a copy routine that deals with that situation is a good way to separate good programmers from the inexperienced (or just plain bad) programmers.  Writing routines like that is also a very good way to introduce subtle bugs into a program. Now with a language like C++ that supports copy constructors, joy!
  14. Apple is very stylish. I'm not sure what you mean exactly by the phrase "pill buttons," but I'll assume it means the types of buttons I created. The only gradient in my new design is for a rollover, so it's not going to be overbearing. Maybe you'll like it more as I make updates. If Apple is the only one who used those type of style elements that you liked, it would be some accomplishment if I could get you to like mine! Buahahahah! I'll keep everything in mind though, so thanks redbull!
  15. When it comes to programming, I'm by no means an expert or professional.  But from my experience I'm way above average; I think most of the individuals in this thread who called themselves intermediate fall into the same category. In college, I always received some of the highest scores when it came to my programs and they always worked.  I used to help people with their programs and their code looks like an unreadable mess to me; they'd look at mine and say, "I wanna program like you when I grow up!" Like I said in another thread, programming is merely problem solving.  Good problem solvers tend to make good programmers.  There are many more individuals that will solve one problem and create ten others than there are individuals that will solve the initial problem and not create another; this calls for foresight, an invaluable tool in any programmer's arsenal. Good programmers also have a good understanding of people.  99 times out of 100, the program you're writing is intended to be used by regular, non-technical oriented individuals.  If you can't understand the basic problems and complications your users are likely to have, your program will be difficult to use.  You also have put yourself in your shoes; don't debug your program thinking, "I want to get this to work."  When I debug or test my program, my thought is "Does this work and is it usable?"  Does the program make you perform unnecessary steps?  Does it contain confusing vocabulary?  In terms of usability I follow a basic rule:  Can my mom use this? I think another thing that sets good programmers apart are the ability to isolate and fix problems.  I've fired up a script that used to work and come up with just a blank page, no indication of what's wrong.  You have to be able to troubleshoot that and many people can't. In order to become great at debugging, I think practicing in the worst possible conditions is a great way to hone your skills.  When I started learning C++ and VB before college, I had windows IDEs with syntax highlighting and debugging.  When I started learning C in college, we used UNIX.  I was lazy and didn't want to go to the computer lab, so I used telnet to get into the system.  I learned how to program and debug C programs (multi-file programs with memory management) using printf in five black and white, 80x26 telnet windows.  When I finally did go into the computer lab, I'm surrounded by students using full screen IDEs with syntax highlighting and debuggers and they [i]still[/i] can't find the problems in their code.  And I'm sitting in the middle of them, with my 5 telnet windows chugging away without problems. Someone made note that scripting languages can "dumb" programmers down and they may not consider hiring an individual who had just scripting experience, I agree to a point.  I think scripting languages are very dumbed down in terms of things the programmer needs to keep track of.  I think the average person's head in the PHP Help forum would explode if you told them they had to know [i]in advance[/i] how big their array would be.  But I think a good PHP programmer is just about as good as a good C or C++ programmer if the program is to be written in a scripting language.  And [i]any[/i] good programmer can become familiar with almost any language rather quickly to the point of getting things done.
  16. Best. Keyboard. Ever. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16823109149 I had been searching for a curved keyboard with full sized function and arrow keys that didn't have a fucking F-lock button for ages. Saw these in Frys and immediately bought two of them. Depending on how they're set up, multiple displays can be a hassle. You really need to have a set up where you don't have to constantly turn your head or you'll end up with a neck injury.
  17. I spent a couple hours tonight redoing my layout. I think this one is much cleaner and a step in the right direction. The style for "Nuv Grun" is how I'm intending to display a button when the user is in that section. The style for "Ipsums" is what I'm intending to use as a rollover. I appreciate all of your feedback so knock the crap out of it. Thanks! http://www.ibswebview.com/test/ps/layout.jpg
  18. Prolog is used a lot in A.I. from my understanding. I wrote my fridge in C++.
  19. I wrote an A.I. program to simulate a refrigerator that suggested a weekly grocery list based on what was purchased the week before and how heavily the fridge had been used during the current week. The most I could recommend is the books we used for the course but IMO they weren't that great.
  20. I lol'ed at the baby Einstein. Pure genius.
  21. Steelman I love you for that color link. On a side note, I noticed it has drop downs for how colors appear to the color blind. I'm red-green deficient, so I fall under the categories protanopia, deuteranopia, protanomaly, and deuteranomaly. Fun stuff!
  22. I can vouch for PDFLib's speed when creating PDFs. We use it to create catalogs and it creates 1200 page catalogs with pictures and all sorts of crap in about 15 seconds.
  23. PDFLib has functions that enable you to open PDF files and import them into other PDF files. It might have functions to read the text in a PDF file as well, although I'm not sure. The downside to PDFLib is if it does support that capability, it'll probably be in the licensed version which is ~$2000.
  24. Depends on what you mean by game development.  If you mean programming PC, Mac, or console games, then it's an [i]entirely[/i] different beast than any type of web based game. I think that type of game development is the most challenging, fun, and rewarding; it's what I originally wanted to do. But web programming pays more, is much less stressful, and as someone already pointed out, is a walk in the park in comparison.
  25. Only 2 pages for roopurt18, here's the best one: Dec, 2001 - A post to an OpenGL forum. http://groups.google.com.br/group/comp.graphics.api.opengl/tree/browse_frm/month/2001-12/5c6ef82025bf22c1?rnum=61&_done=%2Fgroup%2Fcomp.graphics.api.opengl%2Fbrowse_frm%2Fmonth%2F2001-12%3F#doc_c4d456e38ca3d34d I use superfiend often when gaming. Searching for 'superfiend starcraft' yielded this result from a session when I was at UCSC: http://garote.bdmonkeys.net/starbash/chat.html I was just reminded of a great mIRC log on icantwin.com of this guy trying to get a pirated copy of quake. Wish I could find a log of that somewhere.
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