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Everything posted by TheFilmGod

  1. The homepage looks great but everything else (the functiionality 2 or more pages deep) does not share this "wow" factor. I understand you used a script to put it together, but as far as I know, this difference means a lot to users. I feel like I'm on a different page when I see the products list. The colors and layout are COMPLETELy different. Maybe you can style it just a little? Still looks good though.
  2. I have a very high quality monitor and my eyes are just killing me after I look at your website. consider toning down the black or changing the whole layout to a light color. Aside from the super black background it's great!
  3. Both designs are very good. With that said I have some constructive criticsm. The second design is a little bit too complicated in my opinion. I prefer simple navigation and a simple layout over something "beautiful" but then again that's just me. Consider toning down the bright yellow in the first design. Either way, great job! Keep up the great work.
  4. Em is a not a "measurement" it is a relative way of making text and divs interact in a proportional way. Now that's not to say you can't use em just for text, but that isn't the true purpose of the em measurement. Ems are used as a relative measurement. Something that can be successfully used to scale divs and text together.
  5. By mistake, I decremented the loop counter instead of incrementing it. This made the loop go forever and add thousands of records into mysql. (Thank god for testing!) I fixed the issue, but is there anyway that I could stop a php page executing forever? Does php have some auto stop feature? ** CORRECTION: After 5 minutes, the page continued to execute! How could i stop it? I deleted the page via ftp. Show that fix it?
  6. What if the whole website is completely messed up with IE6?? I have that problem with my website and IE6. That's a terrible idea. At work we simply have a message in our footer saying page requires at least ie7+. There's no need to send them away.
  7. It depends purely on the data that is placed within it. Looking at your session arrays, It would be safe to say that you are not passing hundreds of thousands of array keys at a time in place of a database or whatnot. To answer your question it should not matter at all with speed how deep your array is unless it has an obtuse amount of data. Good point. I finally found some stuff on google about this (had to use different keywords) and I found out that all php variables are serialized before storage. This means that the depth of my multi-dimensional array doesn't matter - as long as there isn't too much data. Thank you!
  8. - LIB - - CSS - - PHP - - - Functions - - - Validation - - - Other crap? - - JS - - .... you get the idea.
  9. Are multi-dimensional arrays in the $_SESSION super global slow? Here's one I want to use: $_SESSION['process']['setup']['data']['first_name'] That's probably the deepest I will go. I can get this to work without a problem, but are 4 dimensional arrays fast? I do not want poor performance to be given up in exchanged for a more organized coding strategy.
  10. Your width is like 150 px more than the recommended width. You should trying slimming it down. Recommended width should not exceed 600px. 550 is the recommended.
  11. Thanks Mike. I have decided to use the validation class to do a basic validation on the input (check if it's not null, length, and valid characters), then I do a basic function check if the values match the database Thank you!
  12. Hello, For quite some time, I have been using functions to validate form input and access the databse. I have recently started using OOP, which is far faster and better when it comes to programming (performance aside). My question: How do I access the database within a specific validation class. Example: class validateLogin { // Class properties public $value; public $msg; public $valid = 0; // Access database and do some stuff to check } I added in the "public" to show how I would get values into the class from the public variable scope. Would I do the same for the database? A problem would arise because I use a database class to access mysql. Can I have a class within another class? I could use a normal function and basic coding, but I like php classes. Thank you!
  13. Please check your website in Opera. I am using an older version, but your entire website is - how would I put this politely - messed up. Just trying to help.
  14. Sorry Haku, didn't notice that you provided a generic answer, which works perfectly well. In all honesty, I skimmed over your code and at the percise moment I saw the two div tags, my mind started to race and I came out with my code. Something I do want to point though. In most circumstances, you could use the first child in the parent div to create a second border. That's exactly what you did and what I did. Therefore, sometimes a div can we swapped in with an image and save a tag. Whichever way the OP tries to go around with this will be perfectly acceptable.
  15. You learn something new every day. Very helpful tip. thank you!
  16. Why would you need to "fake" anything with another extraneous tag. Here's a quick fix: <div class="border"> <img src="image.png" width="x" height="x" /> </div> css: .border { border: 3px solid gray; padding: 5px; } .border img { border: 3px solid gray; } The padding is key. It creates the "spacing" between the borders. If you want the image to have space between the first inner border, I am afraid you will need to use another div. Don't bloat your code if you don't need to, so only use the two divs if you need an additional space.
  17. OR, you could just use a png image with partial transparency. I understand IE6 will not support for this, but then again, I'm sure getting absolute/relative positioning to work with JavaScript in IE6 is impossible as well. It reference to Haku's method: This method will work. However, there is a better way of doing this. <div class="parent"> <div class="semi-transparent"></div> <div class="main-content"> .... content ...... </div> </div> /* Now just add some css: */ .parent { position: relative; } .semi-transparent { opacity: 0.5; background: blue; height: 100%; position: absolute; } This may not work because I am not sure if the absolute positioned div will stretch vertically to fit the parent. I rarely if ever use absolute positioning - it should rarely be used. Keep it simple kid. Use a png image.
  18. What happened to the maxlength tag? Google it. This is the best client side validation you can get. You should always validate user entry through php. ALWAYS.
  19. Are you a programmer or do you use tables?
  20. At the end of the day, you'll reconsider and entirely drop the idea of "custom" blue icons for the buttons. CSS support is poor when it comes to form elements, especially custom submit buttons. Keep it simple and use an input tag for the submit button. Trust me, I was there. Here's why: You need to create a new image for every new submit button. You will need to add a hidden span in the button so search engines and text browser understand what that is etc. You get the idea. Just warning you...
  21. It's very cool no doubt. But I am getting the impression that you are overdoing the header as well. Keep in mind that professionalism is a large factor in a powerful portfolio. Do not let a fancy header distract from your gallery of work or your abilities.
  22. I strongly disagree with that statement. The website is anything but professional to me. It's not just the footer and navigation that needs work... it's everything. The logo uses an unprofessional font. It's too square-like and it is a little difficult to read. The domain is really cool but you don't use it too your advantage in your logo. Let lay should be "stuck" or "not moving" - what does a bird have to do with it? Maybe your logo idea was a little bit far-fetched for the simple minded folks on the internet. the curves on the blue border headings are not smooth. You did not smooth the pix elated image out. I recommend you do this because it is noticeable. The border around the content should go around all four sides. The bottom side of the content does not have a border. You aren't using enough of indents into your paragraphs. Consider adding it to add the text a little bit more padding. The four main boxes that showcase your products have all of their heights fixed. Although the fixed height is noticeable, the consistent height does little to add professionalism to the webpage, as there is no padding where the description spans across three lines. I recommend making the height auto-adjusted, and make the background you have repeating only stretch to a portion of the box and then have the plain white background see through. You should add some margin-top space to the first box that reads "paypal pro integration." Overall, it's not too bad, but I'm not getting that "professional" vibe when I see. There is a lot of work you need to do and with a little work you could get your website looking great.
  23. I don't like it. The black doesn't go well with the rest of the website. The logo looks fine to me.
  24. Here is the problem: you are trying to create a professional website for you company. How do swirls, a narrow background, yellow on black, and small textboxes make your website professional? - Well it doesn't. Don't get me wrong, the swirls make your website "creative" but that's not what you're going after. Nearly every professional website uses white or a variation of white as its background. Those are just a few things to keep in mind while you are working on a revision for you website.
  25. I'm sorry, but I do not understand. Are you using css rollovers now? Do you need help?
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