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How do you guys continue to help out?


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So I have been helping out for awhile now, and at one point I tried to turn a forum into a reference, but it was clearly pointed out to me; that it would not work. Of course you guys are right, seeing problems that have been solved a hundred times, and that a simple search using this sites search engine would reveal a hundred solutions. Problems like this: http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,244354.0.html Not making fun of this individual at all, but I can see why it gets overlooked for awhile; because even I did not feel like giving him his solution. Which is basicly what he wants. A solution with little to no work on his part, and certianly nothing learned.

So how do you guys continue to help out, does it drain on you to answer the same questions over and over, knowing that many may learn nothing?

I do see a positive side, the part that comes from unique problems and the more advanced users sharing their insight for complex problem solving, these are opportunites for indivduals such as myself to learn.

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For me, this is how I stay fresh with PHP.  My current job does not consist of any PHP programming, so it's a matter of me helping other people to keep up with my skills.  I usually learn something new even when I answer the same type of question, although usually there are no 2 of the same exact questions.


So how do you guys continue to help out, does it drain on you to answer the same questions over and over, knowing that many may learn nothing?


Do I get bored or fed up?  No.  There are many sections you can focus more on to enhance and diversify your skills.  Besides, I personally try not to give the raw answer, I like to tell the OP how it's done and correct him or steer them in the right direction after they have given an effort.

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From the other side, I want to say thanks for continuing to help out, many of us are just so new to this, we don't even know what we'd search for to find examples of our problems.


Another thing to keep in mind that while the link between one solution and our problem may seem clear and obvious to someone with skill and experience, a newbie doesn't draw those lines as immediately as you all do. 


And finally from my days working the tech support phones, "If you are not here to answer the phones, you will leave before you reach six months.  Some people come here thinking they are just getting free internet, or they are going to become an executive, but until you get a change of job, you are here to answer the phones."  Some of this is basically volunteer tech support.  Plain and simple, solving problems with and for idiots makes you a better problem solver than if you only solved smart people problems. If you didn't want to solve them, I assume you'd leave.


Finally, Thank you for doing this, and making this community what it is, it is nice to know that for those willing and eager to learn, there will be someone willing to help steer us true. 

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Agreed - I've probably learned more just by researching interesting problems and finding solutions to them than I have by reading or by someone trying to spoon feed me information. I freelance on the side, and this (as Maq said) helps keep me sharp.


I don't really get bored on this site, there always an interesting question somewhere - even if it's not in the PHP Help section. Do I get fed up? It's rare, but yes. When the OP is stubborn and won't try anything but his way, I tend to get frustrated (as I do with my clients that do the same, although I don't show it around them ;))


As for steering - I try to do the same, will give them hints about what's wrong, or ask them "Do you see the difference between this and that?" But most of the time I have the code handy for when I feel they deserve it :P


Oh - and I should ask, why do teachers become teachers? (At least here in the States it's not about the pay  8))

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I've met a lot of teachers who hate their jobs.  I've even met a couple who say "Damn...  I knew I should have been a <blank>!"  lol.




Hrmmmm.....  The threads I don't like, I just ignore.



Being a Guru, this is going to sound kind of bad, but as time goes on, I find my self drifting away from the PHP Help forum.  The questions are too monotonous, and 99% of the time, the OP just refuses to google something and posts in there instead.  I usually make my self answer atleast a couple threads in there a day though.  lol.  (About 40% of my posts are in PHP Help though....)



The PHPFreaks forums get kind of boring at times or repetitive, but when it comes down to it, I have way too much free time, and I can't stand thoughtless past times.  PHP is fun.



Like everything in life, repetitive-ness just comes with it over time ;p.  If you stick around long enough (although it sounds like you've already noticed it), you'll even see some of the exact same questions come around again.




Oh and as for just straight up giving an answer, I don't do that.  The OP wouldn't learn anything that way.  Also, most questions aren't interesting enough to keep my attention for long enough to finish anything x.x.

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Change your avatar to cartoon and you'll loose at least another 5%


Or just use mine and get the cold shoulder :)


but... I participate id discussions that grab my attention, if I have to read a lot in the OP, I usually just hit my back button. I also usually ignore the posts that have 2+ replies, and if I do reply to a post that has 5+ posts I usually don't ready any of the replies just the OP, and make a reply. I like when I do that on like 12+ replies, and no one could help the OP, and my one post does :)


I also love using smiley faces...

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and if I do reply to a post that has 5+ posts I usually don't ready any of the replies just the OP, and make a reply. I like when I do that on like 12+ replies, and no one could help the OP, and my one post does :)


Usually when people do that it makes the problem worse and confuses everybody, it irritates me when people do that.

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I actually learned most of PHP by coming here.  It's one thing to read a book and the canned examples they have, but it's another to see real problems, real solutions, and various ideas on how to properly build a system.  I figure I owe it to the community to give back in some way.


I tend to ignore the vanilla "Help, I'm getting a 'headers already sent' error!" posts and go for the ones that are either more difficult, or ones that will allow me to steer the greenest of the newbies in the proper direction before w3schools rot their brains.


I actually tend to hang around the JavaScript board more than the others because JS gave me the largest amount of trouble for years, so I figure I'll try to help others avoid the headaches I had.

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Or you say the same thing everyone else did and everyone wonders why you even posted at all.


Oh and did you notice, you didn't use one smiley face in your post, not even after your smiley face line.



but... I participate id discussions that grab my attention, if I have to read a lot in the OP, I usually just hit my back button. I also usually ignore the posts that have 2+ replies, and if I do reply to a post that has 5+ posts I usually don't ready any of the replies just the OP, and make a reply. I like when I do that on like 12+ replies, and no one could help the OP, and my one post does :)


I also love using smiley faces...

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Or you say the same thing everyone else did and everyone wonders why you even posted at all.


Oh and did you notice, you didn't use one smiley face in your post, not even after your smiley face line.



but... I participate id discussions that grab my attention, if I have to read a lot in the OP, I usually just hit my back button. I also usually ignore the posts that have 2+ replies, and if I do reply to a post that has 5+ posts I usually don't ready any of the replies just the OP, and make a reply. I like when I do that on like 12+ replies, and no one could help the OP, and my one post does :)


I also love using smiley faces...


I did though, I just turned them off because I like ascii smilies better :)

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Even more so than the LMGTFY type questions, the type of posts that drive me nuts on this board are


How do I do XXXXXXX without using <<Industry standard method here>>


(pick one:

  I tried doing it once and it was hard

  I don't like it for personal reasons

  I just want to be different)


These ones I'm really surprised so many of you guys still have the patience to deal with.

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