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StarCraft II

The Little Guy

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pfft. Who cares about SC.  I want my D3.


I'm excited for both, although D2 had a tendency to take over my life months at a time...


Anyone know when this game is supposed to be released? It has been in development for around 7 years now. I can't find any good info on this....


There is no official release date, only predictions.  Rumors says maybe late this year for SC2, but who knows, you know Blizzard and their release dates.  Guess that's why they don't even give one, cause they never finish on time, but it's worth the wait  ;D

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Have you ever played them?  If not, you're missing out...


I would suggest, if you are happy not playing them, not to start. Especially with WoW...very addictive and once you reach the end there is nothing to do but get better gear and gold and buy nothing.


Wasted 8 months on that game and a couple hundred dollars. Finally got away from it. However, D3 maybe worth playing. Looks pretty awesome, as long as they do not make it like WoW and try to milk the money out of it. WoW has just become a massive money maker for Blizzard, and I doubt they will ever add more substance to it that is actually worth playing. Basically WoW is now just a large social network you pay $15 a month to join and play.


Anyhow end of my WoW rant :)

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When I played SC1 and D2 battlenet was free...  Is this not the case anymore?


I am sure it is still true. But that does not mean that D3 will be free to play online...I mean I bet they will make it a subscription service.


As far as WoW sucks from jackpf. Do you think a 10 day trial period of your low level character give you an actual idea of the game? Doubtful, most low level toons are alternate characters and all those people care about is getting their toon to level 80 as fast as they can to do those PvPs. As they say, you do not judge a book by it's cover.


But WoW is not for everyone as well, I am just simply saying, you cannot get the full experience from a 10day trial, especially without a higher level toon to try it on.

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When I played SC1 and D2 battlenet was free...  Is this not the case anymore?


I am sure it is still true. But that does not mean that D3 will be free to play online...I mean I bet they will make it a subscription service.


As far as WoW sucks from jackpf. Do you think a 10 day trial period of your low level character give you an actual idea of the game? Doubtful, most low level toons are alternate characters and all those people care about is getting their toon to level 80 as fast as they can to do those PvPs. As they say, you do not judge a book by it's cover.


But WoW is not for everyone as well, I am just simply saying, you cannot get the full experience from a 10day trial, especially without a higher level toon to try it on.


Well, then the trial sucks, doesn't it? I'm not into marketing, but it seems sort of counter-intuitive to showcase the most boring aspects of a product to potential customers...

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you go into the real world and interact with real people on the trial WoW.  It's limited though.  You can't give or receive items from people, etc.. and I'm not 100% but I think there is a level cap somewhere around level 10-20. 


And the only time lowbies like dueling each other is maintenance day and their server is down and they make temp chars on other servers and duel each other or go do a lowbie raid on a cap city or something.


I played WoW for almost 4 years.  I dropped my subscription about 2 months before WotLK came out.  I went and downloaded the 10 day trial for that and did some of the quests on a couple of my level 70's.  Didn't upgrade to full subscription. 


I got a lot of enjoyment out of it or at least passed a lot of time playing it, but it just doesn't appeal to me anymore.  More and more they are catering to the PvP crowd, because that's where the money is at these days.  But it's totally ruining the PvE experience.


Well, then the trial sucks, doesn't it? I'm not into marketing, but it seems sort of counter-intuitive to showcase the most boring aspects of a product to potential customers...


On the one hand, I do agree, but on the other hand, I don't really think bliz really relies too much on completely new customers anymore.  It's been a very long time since I've someone say "hey, I've never heard of this game before, it looks cool, I think I'll try it." It's always someone being coerced by their friend(s) to get into it.  So bliz doesn't really need to care about showcasing the big stuff.  They already have their current customers doing it for free on their own accounts or by word-of-mouth.


Give a 10-day trial starting out as a newbie, their high level friends act as their personal (non-paid) customer service representative, personally walk them through the setup, kill everything in site for them in one blow, promises to power level them to a decent level, blahblahblah, and voila, new customer.



Yes, the starcraft, warcraft (except for WoW) and diablo series could be played online on battle.net and it was (still is) free.  I've read a lot about how there will be a lot of changes to battle.net to accommodate when d3 comes out, but nothing specifically mentioned one way or the other whether they will charge.  Considering d3 will be the same as d2 and d1 in that you can play offline and you can also directly connect to friend's computers and play multiplayer,  that's a good argument that it will continue to be free.  On the other hand, seeing as how bliz has gone from a company claiming it's all about the lore and pve and would never sellout, to, well, selling out, I wouldn't be surprised if they did charge for it.


And fail.  People will just make their own sites that do the same exact thing.  People will just go there, find parties, designate which person's computer is the server, and play together directly. starcraft, diablo and warcraft series are multiplayer games, not massive multiplayer games. 

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Well, then the trial sucks, doesn't it? I'm not into marketing, but it seems sort of counter-intuitive to showcase the most boring aspects of a product to potential customers...


I would agree, but most of the people who play WoW have friends who play and meet up with them and help them. That is the real "attractant", at least to me to WoW. The social portion of it. In the 10 days, however, you can get to a decent level (if you play 5-8 hours a day with a guide you can even get to Level 70 if no level cap (which there probably is)).


But yea, that is probably the worst part of WoW. 80 levels is hard to achieve from level 1 and takes a normal person 1-3 months to do...per character. If they made a way to start at a higher level for any toon, that would be good. I know the new toon Death Knight starts at Level 55, but that is only 1 of those per server and must have a level 65+ character on the server. 55 is better, but it would be nice to start any character, once you reached 65+ at that level and not just Death Knights. But yea.


That is a major down fall if you ask me. A 30-day trial would be much better. :)

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For those of you unaware, Blizzard is currently working on a 1.13 content patch for Diablo 2.  It will also coincide with a ladder reset.  There's no release date, but it could be as soon the end of April (according to what I've read).  Proof exists from Blizzard employees posting the news on the battle.net forums (Diablo 2 General, and Suggestions). 


Can't wait :D

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why would they make a content patch for d2? That game has been out for many years.  Unless they are wanting to make it compatible with d3...


My guess is to get as much of their old D2 players back into it so they play D3.


Many people will reinstall D2 now just for this new patch, sort of reigniting the D2 player base (not that it ever got very small).  With D2 fresh in peoples' mind, D3 will be coming out.  That's how I'm guessing it at least.  Maybe they just had some bored developers from Starcraft 2 considering that game seems to be getting nowhere anywhere soon.

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When I played SC1 and D2 battlenet was free...  Is this not the case anymore?

I am sure it is still true. But that does not mean that D3 will be free to play online...I mean I bet they will make it a subscription service.


If they make Diablo 3 a online subscription service, then I will not be playing Diablo 3 online.  I highly doubt they will do this unless Diablo 3 was an MMO (which it is not).  Battle.net has always been free and I hope Dablo 3 with be onl battle.net and also free to play online like Diablo 2.


This goes the same for starcraft 2, I hope.

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When I played SC1 and D2 battlenet was free...  Is this not the case anymore?

I am sure it is still true. But that does not mean that D3 will be free to play online...I mean I bet they will make it a subscription service.


If they make Diablo 3 a online subscription service, then I will not be playing Diablo 3 online.  I highly doubt they will do this unless Diablo 3 was an MMO (which it is not).  Battle.net has always been free and I hope Dablo 3 with be onl battle.net and also free to play online like Diablo 2.


This goes the same for starcraft 2, I hope.


From what I heard, it will be on battle.net and also free.  In addition Blizzard is allowing you to integrate your WoW accounts into battle.net.

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I thought this thread was about starcraft 2?  ;D  It seems to have been hijacked between wow and diablo. :)


Have you seen the demo's of it on youtube?  Looks interesting.  The mothership, ground units that can ignore height differences in terrain.  Those are great additions to the game.  The one thing I'm hoping for most out of starcraft 2.. and I doubt they'll deliver on it, is one or two new playable races.


I guess it's hard enough to play test and balance difficulty between 3 races as opposed to 4 or 5.  Still, I hope they bring in a new race.  Even a new faction of humans or protoss with totally different stuff - say the dark and light templars split completely.  (don't worry - they haven't done that, it's just an example)

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Like 2+ years ago, I heard that they were adding another race, but according to their website, there is no other race there...


But yeah, it would be awesome!


Hopefully, in the terrain editor, they will have some new ways to make maps, just like some of the hacks that people made for the original SC (squares instead of diamonds, place objects on top of objects, etc.).


Anyone ever play a SC "Bound"?

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