Azu Posted September 12, 2007 Share Posted September 12, 2007 Nevermind. Forget it. I don't want to talk about it anymore it's making me lose my temper x_x sorry Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
adam_ Posted September 14, 2007 Share Posted September 14, 2007 And here is exibit A, the reason for M$ dominance in the world. People say they don't like something, yet carry on using it! Seriously, if your car was rubbish you would change it, if your mobile was rubbish you would change it. Why be any different with OS? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Azu Posted September 15, 2007 Share Posted September 15, 2007 That's the problem with monopolies, they take away your choice. If you want to be a gamer, you have to use Windows. Or mess around with (potentially illegal) emulation software (E.G. wine), that may or may not work, and probably has serious performance penalties. =\ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
aredesigner Posted September 28, 2007 Share Posted September 28, 2007 I didn't try many php editors, but for me the best are Zend Studio ( and Codelobster php edition ( They are similar. But Codelobster is smaller and has more handy interface. And free. Tried also Dreamviewer, but didn't like it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MasterACE14 Posted October 9, 2007 Share Posted October 9, 2007 Quote i voted other... "Notepad++" is my weapon of choice agreed, Notepad++ Ownz Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nadeemshafi9 Posted October 24, 2007 Share Posted October 24, 2007 after using dreamweaver professionaly XP style progin with syncronisation is quite good Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
charliepage Posted October 27, 2007 Share Posted October 27, 2007 Quote I've been using EditPlus for a long time. I'll probably upgrade to ZDE, although I'll still use EditPlus for my Javascript, SQL, and CSS for the syntax highlighting. I thought I was the only one. Unless a miracle happens ( ) I think I will always use EditPlus, so far I've used it probably 3 years now. Great and very underrated program. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
peranha Posted October 27, 2007 Share Posted October 27, 2007 Notepad++ is what I use. So far it is the best I have found. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jordanwb Posted November 19, 2007 Share Posted November 19, 2007 phpDesigner 2007 5.5.2 is my favourite. I've also used Notepad++ but I like Designer better because it can list functions within a class as well as the parameters for functions. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Azu Posted November 20, 2007 Share Posted November 20, 2007 Quote Quote I've been using EditPlus for a long time. I'll probably upgrade to ZDE, although I'll still use EditPlus for my Javascript, SQL, and CSS for the syntax highlighting. I thought I was the only one. Unless a miracle happens ( ) I think I will always use EditPlus, so far I've used it probably 3 years now. Great and very underrated program. =o thanks for telling about. I think I'll keep using notepad for my PHP but I definitely have use for EditPlus. I can open up a 300 megabyte .SQL file in it in like 5 seconds, and do a mass Find&Replace like, INSTANTLY instead of it taking an hour. Woot! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vivid Lust Posted November 28, 2007 Share Posted November 28, 2007 Notepad is by far the best Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
trq Posted November 28, 2007 Share Posted November 28, 2007 Vim all the way! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
obsidian Posted November 28, 2007 Share Posted November 28, 2007 Quote Vim all the way! Right on! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zq29 Posted November 28, 2007 Share Posted November 28, 2007 I can't seem to get the hang of vim, though I haven't really had the time to sit down and learn it - I'm sure it's great, from what I have heard, almost everything is done with keyboard shortcuts - Which is my kinda game, but finding the time to learn them... I'm now currently using Bluefish - Out of the handful of editors I have tried under Ubuntu, it works the best for me, though not perfect. I find that it takes a couple of seconds to open files regardless of their size... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
roopurt18 Posted November 28, 2007 Share Posted November 28, 2007 Some time ago I knew the basics of emacs, but I can't do crap in it now. Vi is what I use now when forced to edit files in a terminal, simply because I remember the basic commands from when I was first introduced to it years ago. I think the thing that makes Vi difficult, and possibly Vim, is the idea of jumping in and out of text-editing mode. It seems so unnatural if you grew up in the windows world, but you do get used to it. I use Zend for work by the way. It's great except for one minor quirk, which irritates the Hell out of me. It has back and forward buttons on the toolbar which would be awesome if they just cycled through files in the order you viewed them. But instead they go through every. single. cursor. position. If you just type out a string, you do not want to click a button 30 times to get back to the previous file you were editing. If the tabs for open files never changed positions, it wouldn't be half bad because you would always know where the file's tab was, but they move around. If there was a keyboard shortcut to jump back and forth between two files it would be forgivable as well (editplus has this feature and I love it). I use eclipse at home and it runs great under linux; it was very sluggish under windows. The only complaint I have with it is the intellisense (yah I know thats the MS version, I can't think of the other name right now) doesn't close after certain character strokes, like } ), etc. What happens is I type a variable name in an if statement, the popup list appears, I finish typing the variable and close the if statement, but the list is still there. Then because I'm not longer editing a variable or function name, the list goes to the beginning and I have to remember to hit escape before I hit enter or it plugs an unwanted bit of text into my code. Then I have to go back and delete it before I can continue typing. So far the best IDE I've ever used is the one that came with MS Visual C++ 6.0. God I miss that IDE. ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Liquid Fire Posted December 10, 2007 Share Posted December 10, 2007 I don't know why people would say dreamweaver is the best PHP EDITOR, it is not really designed for PHP, more for HTML/Design. PhpED has been my editor for about 1 year and have no plans on going to anything else. Eclipse is also a good free choose, played with it a little when working on linux. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cep Posted December 12, 2007 Share Posted December 12, 2007 I used to use ConText which is a great free text editor with colour highlighting (and is now up for sale as a project if anyone wants to buy it) but since I started using my ZDE on my ZCE course I have completely switched, I love the debug and phpdocument features. Plus all the predictive code, which includes any vars, objects, classes, functions I have created and easy access to the php manual too I hear Komodo quite a lot, I don't really like Dreamweaver, I, but I think that's just a personal experience thing Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JayBachatero Posted December 12, 2007 Share Posted December 12, 2007 I use Komodo and I love it. I've used ConText and others but Komodo gets my vote. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wrong_move18 Posted December 27, 2007 Share Posted December 27, 2007 Zend rocks! Before I use Dreamweaver CS3, it has excellent features such as Spry Framework integration. The only thing I hate in Dreamweaver is its FTP connection, its SLOW! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pquery Posted December 27, 2007 Share Posted December 27, 2007 I write my PHP code in notepad++ which is a free download on sourceforge it color codes your classes, functions etc and your can use the +/- signs on the side to slide the functions that your not working on up or down out of the way, it also supports a number of other languages. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
revraz Posted January 7, 2008 Share Posted January 7, 2008 Other HTML Kit, free Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Liquid Fire Posted January 8, 2008 Share Posted January 8, 2008 Quote Zend rocks! Before I use Dreamweaver CS3, it has excellent features such as Spry Framework integration. The only thing I hate in Dreamweaver is its FTP connection, its SLOW! the features may rock but the program itself is not very stable(as a lot of java based programs I have tried).. PhpED has all the same features for around the same price and built on solid C++. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zq29 Posted January 8, 2008 Share Posted January 8, 2008 Quote I'm now currently using Bluefish - Out of the handful of editors I have tried under Ubuntu, it works the best for me, though not perfect. I find that it takes a couple of seconds to open files regardless of their size... My editor is ever changing - I'm now using one called Geany. I think I might stick with this one, good syntax highlighting; fast; built-in function suggestion (including user defined functions) etc. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
boushley Posted January 8, 2008 Share Posted January 8, 2008 Vim is what I prefer. Had a college professor who made us do our first couple of projects in vim... and then we could use whatever we wanted... But took the time to learn it (and I only know a little) And its amazing! Especially with how many plugins there are to make it work exactly how you want. And on top of that... its free and has all the listed features... and its one of the fastest I've ever worked with. Vim all the way! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pigskins Posted January 8, 2008 Share Posted January 8, 2008 DW but would like to try some of these other ones. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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