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jQuery, javascript libs, general rant


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So, this is probably more suited for a blog somewhere.  But I felt like sharing my view on the matter.


Speaking in terms of performance and web app responsiveness:

I think within 2-5 years, it will be pointless to use jQuery.  ...  ...


Following are my reasons why:


The main selector engine"Sizzle" really doesn't do too much more than the .querySelectorAll() native javascript method.


.each() is a lot slower than the native .every().


Chrome has pushed javascript onto the forefront with faster processing speed etc., IE continues losing market share in the former's favor, forcing IE to think standards.


Aside from the animations, which aren't entirely necessary and can sometimes become more annoying than anything, jQuery and the like really just solve a bunch of browser compatibility issues that aren't going to be as bad in the near future.


Just some thoughts.  What are yours?

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Yeah, kind of like how Rails phased out PHP........

Mass adoption is a big factor in keeping languages/frameworks/etc going, even if there's something better out there. 


And jQuery's a lot more than browser compatibility.  The beauty of using frameworks like jQuery with your example is that I can just put in a patch to jQuery that to use .every() when it's available and I've instantly gained a performance boost on new browsers across years of existing jQuery code.  Plenty written on the benefits of always using your own wrapper instead of a native API, and on the JS world, jQuery can usually suffice as that wrapper. 

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The main selector engine"Sizzle" really doesn't do too much more than the .querySelectorAll() native javascript method.

Not sure what you're getting at, it's a framework.


Chrome has pushed javascript onto the forefront with faster processing speed etc., IE continues losing market share in the former's favor, forcing IE to think standards.

I won't hold my breath...


Aside from the animations, which aren't entirely necessary and can sometimes become more annoying than anything, jQuery and the like really just solve a bunch of browser compatibility issues that aren't going to be as bad in the near future.

Let's just say this, even if all browsers complied to a universal standard I would still use JQuery.  Besides a very gentle learning curve, I don't  know of any downsides.

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jQuery also simplifies javascript and DOM access into a compact one function api that is a lot easier for people to learn than having to hack native javascript which is quirky and hard for a lot of people to understand, due to its prototype based design and first class functions.  There are so many little quirks you have to keep in mind with javascript and the dom/css that it's a lot easier for people to use a clean framework/api, especially when you have a number of people that have to work on and maintain the codebase. 

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Actually there are a couple varying "predictions" about shit hitting the fan this year, around september/october.  Google "Elenin 2011", "Planet X 2011" and/or "Niburu 2011" if you're too lazy, basically the gist is there is this "entity" floating around in space right now and the U.S. govt and NASA is claiming it's a harmless asteroid but a lot of other people including other world governments are calling b.s., saying it's really a brown dwarf and it is the reason for the unprecedented amount of natural disasters this year (stuff to do with its own gravity coupled with the sun's gravity) and it's due to "line up" between us and the sun later this year (which causes some kind of gravity well) and shit is gonna super hit the fan when that happens. 

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Actually there are a couple varying "predictions" about shit hitting the fan this year, around september/october.  Google "Elenin 2011", "Planet X 2011" and/or "Niburu 2011" if you're too lazy, basically the gist is there is this "entity" floating around in space right now and the U.S. govt and NASA is claiming it's a harmless asteroid but a lot of other people including other world governments are calling b.s., saying it's really a brown dwarf and it is the reason for the unprecedented amount of natural disasters this year (stuff to do with its own gravity coupled with the sun's gravity) and it's due to "line up" between us and the sun later this year (which causes some kind of gravity well) and shit is gonna super hit the fan when that happens.


Yeah I've read about that, and why none of it's true. Didn't end on 21st April either- that James Cameron's full of sh*t.

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...saying it's really a brown dwarf and it is the reason for the unprecedented amount of natural disasters...

The reason for the unprecedented amount of natural disasters is our unprecedented ability to detect natural disasters.

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...saying it's really a brown dwarf and it is the reason for the unprecedented amount of natural disasters...

The reason for the unprecedented amount of natural disasters is our unprecedented ability to detect natural disasters.


Right...so in 2010 we did not have the same unprecedented ability to detect natural disasters?

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...saying it's really a brown dwarf and it is the reason for the unprecedented amount of natural disasters...

The reason for the unprecedented amount of natural disasters is our unprecedented ability to detect natural disasters.


Right...so in 2010 we did not have the same unprecedented ability to detect natural disasters?


You're right. It's definitely fair to extrapolate the apocalypse based on two data points: 2010 & 2011.

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@AlexWD : my point was that yes, over the years, ability to collect data has increased, but we didn't just magically start thoroughly writing down numbers this year.  Anybody can review historical data and see that 2011 has produced many times more than normal earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes, animals dying, etc.. than usual. 


@MrAdam: Also want to point out that the Q&A link you posted...mentioned nothing about stuff predicted to happen this year.  But even still...assertion is govt. and NASA is covering the shit up, so pointing to a website where "credited scientists from NASA" are saying "no it's not true" doesn't mean anything.

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