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How long have you been writing code for?


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How long have people been writing code (anything from html to js to php) for?


Personally I'm around the 14month mark. I'm guessing some of the people on here have been doing this for quite some time based on their lightning quick responses to complex questions asked...

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Java - a little in HS, more in college, now professionally for about 3 years.


Gross :P

Yeah, HS sucked. ;)


That's how you had time for your 9200 posts.  You needed something to do while things were compiling  :)

Something like that but come on, it's not that bad.

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HTML/CSS - I started making sites around 1998 - 1999. Iv'e never been much of a designer though.

ASP (VBScript) - Worked with between 1999 - 2002.

Python - I switched from Windows to Linux and Python looked interesting. 2002

PHP - Getting back into web development. 2004


There are of course other languages which I've used. Bash I use on a daily basis and have done since I started using Linux, and I've played with my fair share of Perl.


I've been using PHP for a long while now and really am starting to look for alternatives (even though I'm employed mostly as a PHP developer). I'm not really that interested in web development either these days, which is OK, we don't make web sites (as such) where I work.


I'm thinking Ruby is looking like a prime candidate for good use. Been playing around with it for probably the last 12 months, and in the last few months looking at Rails. Node.js is also pretty interesting.

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I started with Frontpage for our family business, about 8 years ago. (Early 2003)

I switched to Adobe GoLive after about a year of Frontpage usage.

I realized that WYSIWYG wasn't the way to go, and started hand coding HTML/CSS about 6 years ago.

Started in with php a little over 5 years ago. (About the time I started coming to this forum)

I've stumbled through many other languages/technologies, and am pretty comfortable with javascript.

About two years ago was introduced to the Kohana and CodeIgniter php frameworks, and now exclusively build websites with CodeIgniter.

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Started with HTML/CSS about 6, maybe 7 years ago. Started with PHP & MySQL about a year after, and then JS about another year after that. Been working with Java (for Android development) for around 6 months - although I'm struggling to find the time to do anything of note with it.

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