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edit: I'm not try to advertise in any forums, and if you'll actually visit the links you'll see for yourself.


Learn more about SOPA & PIPA: http://americancensorship.org/infographic.html


Basically, if this is passed, sites are liable for whatever a user posts, and if a user posts copyrighted material, then the website as a whole will be filtered via dns blocking (American DNS servers anyways). This destroys internet innovation, and ideas such as Facebook, Youtube, message boards like these, will be a thing in the past. This bill is very serious. This bill has a lot of lobbyist and supporters, and has not been very prevalent in the media.


My question/complaint is this: Why hasn't any of the administrators made any sort of public service announcements against this bill? This site will no-longer exist and be filtered if one idiot posts a link to a copyrighted image, video, etc.


More information: http://americancensorship.org/


My question/complaint is this: Why hasn't any of the administrators made any sort of public service announcements against this bill? This site will no-longer exist and be filtered if one idiot posts a link to a copyrighted image, video, etc.

I'm not sure why we haven't created a public announcement, but we are definitely aware of the situation.  And it looks as though you have already started the SOPA/PIPA protest with your OP.  I guess we could add a Pro/Anti poll to it and move it to Announcements sooner or later.  Because nothing speaks more than numbers in a poll.



My question/complaint is this: Why hasn't any of the administrators made any sort of public service announcements against this bill? This site will no-longer exist and be filtered if one idiot posts a link to a copyrighted image, video, etc.

I'm not sure why we haven't created a public announcement, but we are definitely aware of the situation.  And it looks as though you have already started the SOPA/PIPA protest with your OP.  I guess we could add a Pro/Anti poll to it and move it to Announcements sooner or later.  Because nothing speaks more than numbers in a poll.


This is currently being discussed by the staff.

Alright, well thank you guys for looking into this and taking the time to read this thread!

I'm not sure why we haven't created a public announcement, but we are definitely aware of the situation

I think we're kinda waiting on any response from eric himself before moving forward. Or at least a few more admins.

Censorship doesn't work on the internet. In Belgium a few websites have already been blocked, but we just register new DNS names, and they are back at square one. The same with the copyrighted material. All links will be encoded/indirectly linked to the copyrighted material. For every item they block/censor. 1000 new appear. Bureaucrats don't understand why we have called it the Web --> There is more than one way to get to it.




Nope. I'm currently at work and haven't really got the time to look at the links provided. I guess I'll check it out when I get home.


You forget that I live in Aus. there's not much that happens in the U.S that I'm interested in.





You forget that I live in Aus. there's not much that happens in the U.S that I'm interested in.


Except hockey, right? Right?!? :)

You'd be surprised at how little this has hit the British domain. The useless BBC News has ranted on for days about Kim Jong Dead but mentioned nothing of this bill, or the one about being able to detain American citizens without trail. I have to watch things like RT to get that news, but then they put a massive bias slant on news about America. I think they still have a chip on their shoulder from the past 100 years ;)

You'd be surprised at how little this has hit the British domain. The .... News has ranted on for days about Kim Jong ... but mentioned nothing of this bill, or the one about being able to detain American citizens without trail.


There's not much in our news about it either, you read or hear about it every now and then ... but you'd think it would be all over the news.

  • 3 weeks later...

I wouldn't say we would do a complete blackout, nor do I think those bigger sites will. I think though that adding a 'blackout' screen on a visitors first visit on a scheduled day with 'With SOPA, you wouldn't be able to access the site and would see something like this [sample site taken down img.] We don't support these bills, and here are some resources to help fight them' would be the most beneficial.


I'm just glad I'm in Canada, where at least for now, none of this matters.

You'd still probably  feel the effects of SOPA claims.  You already can't watch a youtube video if there's a copyright claim against it in the US, a SOPA claim will knock a whole website off the DNS system, and canada just piggy-backs off the US for DNS.


Where in Canada are you?  I have family in Montreal, Nova Scotia, and Calgary.



I'm just glad I'm in Canada, where at least for now, none of this matters.

You'd still probably  feel the effects of SOPA claims.  You already can't watch a youtube video if there's a copyright claim against it in the US, a SOPA claim will knock a whole website off the DNS system, and canada just piggy-backs off the US for DNS.


Where in Canada are you?  I have family in Montreal, Nova Scotia, and Calgary.

Toronto, Ontario.


I meant as a web developer, in terms of hosting.


I meant as a web developer, in terms of hosting.

Still though, if you have a toronto web server that disappears off google and the american DNS system, that's not going to be very good for you.  Sure, you probably can't actually be imprisoned in the US, but SOPA is designed to destroy foreign websites.
This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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