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One Of Our Cats Is Dying


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not really our "cat" but a stray that we took in and fed for years... she is also the mother of my baby cat too... but


like she is really old and she walks around the house with her neck like bent down... she cant move her neck up and look up, she looks like a damn zombie walking around the house, she doesn't eat and she is all black color (fur) so she looks really creepy.


we are thinking of getting her to the vet ASAP so we can get her put down, we don't want her to suffer.


She lived a great life and has been spoiled for the past 2years with canned catfood and thousands out of pockets, but oh well.


So anyone know why her kneck is like bent down? any final thoughts before we put the poor baby down, or ideas how to fix the neck ?

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I actually think it was my fault.... this cat used to beg me for canned catfood everymorning, so I made a spray bottle and put the words "Jet Deterant" on it, (printed the paper out) and taped it on the cleaner 404 bottle.


Well I washed out the bottle and put regular water in it, and I sprayed her whenever she came meowing at my feet in the morning "Begging for "food". It pissed me off so I just kept spraying her with it.


well I took out the bottle today and smelled it and it seemed like it smelled like a 404 cleaner.. so I think some of that bleach or w/e is in the 404 cleaner was left over in the bottle and infected her face over time per each spray that i sprayed her with. this was totally unintentional... but I think that could be the reason. I kind of feel bad now

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I can't see bleach giving it a funny neck. It there was enough bleach in there to do damage, I'm sure it would have gone blind first.


well the thing is there wasn't that much bleach in the bottle that i smelled it. I even sprayed some in my hands and licked it a little bit to see what kind of effect she had to endur, it made my throat swell up, so i did wash my mouth out with toothpaste, brushed my teeth. so im not sure what kind of effect it had on it, but her name is "Jet", that's why it's called "Jet Deterant".


But I mean it's mostly water but she walks around with her face bent down and her neck looks like it stuck up, im not sure how to explain it, but I hope we take her to vet tonight and get her put to sleep.


I think she is around 14 yr old too, she is very old, i just was wondering if anyone knew any problems or solutions for her neck that's all pikachu sheesh.

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Did you 'lick it a little' before or after you started spraying it daily?


like today when i found out about her, i thought it was my fault for spraying her, so i went to the bottle and smelled it, because i knew if it was just water then it would be fine, but it did smell like 404 cleaner so i knew that was a bad sign. and there was some days where I would get really pissed off and pull out a real 404 bottle and spray her too. But that was around 1month ago, the effects wouldn't just be appearing now.


we do have around 5 more cats in the house, we live at our grandma's and quite frankly im sick of them, they poop and shit everywhere and they're annoying as shit. and they piss and puke on my new carpet I bought from lowes improvement centre and yeah. I mean im not happy she has to be put to sleep, but im not really sad either. But I hope it wasn't my fault for spraying her, that would be messed up now that I think about it makes me kinda sad :sweat:



weird someone else has the same problem as me


Edited by KevinM1
Animal cruelty
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So you did spray your cat with bleach?


not intentionally but it wasn't "bleach" it just some random cleaner from wal mart to be honest. But I only did that like 2 times in a 1month period last month (when I got really mad at it). But most of the time it was from the water bottle I made, that I guess now wasn't so much "water".....


now i just feel f*.......ing terrible dude, cat is lying in the corner in my grandma's room with her face on the floor


just a matter of time before it starts making screaming noises (i've been through alot of cat deaths trust me).


talking to my mom right now about going to the emerjency vet afaik, hope we go

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I even sprayed some in my hands and licked it a little bit to see what kind of effect she had to endur, it made my throat swell up


Well a cat licks itself clean so it's possible some of that bleach has ended up in her mouth too, even more when you used the real 404 cleaner. So yeah it IS your fault.


not intentionally but it wasn't "bleach" it just some random cleaner from wal mart to be honest.


Yeah because those are totally harmless. Why don't you try and drink it ad fundum since they are so harmless? Don't try to make yourself feel any better telling yourself that it wasn't your fault. Because IT IS. The only reason you are on this forum talking bullshit, hoping someone here is gonna tell you it is not your fault, instead of going to the vet, because you are afraid that when you go to a vet he will find out what you did and call the animal protection unit.


we do have around 5 more cats in the house, we live at our grandma's and quite frankly im sick of them, they poop and shit everywhere and they're annoying as shit. and they piss and puke on my new carpet I bought from lowes improvement centre and yeah.


If a cat poops and shits everywhere it means it's not been trained properly. We have a cat box and our cat always does her business in there. And how old are you anyway? Maybe you should move out and get a place for yourself and away from those cats.


i've been through a lot of cat deaths trust me


Probably not the first cat you killed, and by the looks of it not the last one either.

Edited by ignace
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Cats don't need to be toilet trained, they're hard wired to bury their waste. They only need to be shown the litter box, have enough of them, and have them maintained properly. (You wouldn't like to go to the toilet when it's dirty, would you..?)


Now, I'd take said cat to the vet ASAP, and own up to the (admittedly stupid) mistake you made with the sprayer. If nothing else you'll feel better afterwards, and you'll get to know for sure whether or not the cleaning solution actually has had any impact. Only the vet can say with any degree of certainty, after all.

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and there was some days where I would get really pissed off and pull out a real 404 bottle and spray her too.


You are a horrible person. There's no reason/excuse to spray any animal with bleach.


Do you realize you can get arrested for that? I have half a mind to look up where you live and inform the police myself.


You need to grow up and smarten up.

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Well we took the cat in and they said she had a kidney problem or something so we put her down, the vet even suggested it. My mom was crying a bit, i hugged her, I felt pretty bad >_<

Just an update, mod can close this thread, sad day :(


also, vet bill was 84$ which is insanely OP, and ridiculous. They even made us go into the room with my mom and have the doctor look at the cat... which made my mom cry.... I felt so bad for my mom...


Dunno why they just don't take the cat over the counter and we pay the $ and be done with it...


I mean if the cat was like my cat then I would want to be with it until it's end, but you guys have to understand, this cat was a stray one that we brang in from the outside like 6years ago and made it our home here.


1 Of her babys is actually 1 of my cats which now I love him even more and gave him an extra hug when i got home :(

Edited by Monkuar
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You realise kidneys extract waste from the blood right? If bleach had gotten into its eyes, and into its blood stream, the kidney would deal with it. (I believe that's right anyway, I'm no biologist.)

Edited by Adam
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I mean if the cat was like my cat then I would want to be with it until it's end, but you guys have to understand, this cat was a stray one that we brang in from the outside like 6years ago and made it our home here.


If it's been living with you for 6 years, it really wasn't a stray when it died, was it? At that point, it's your outdoor cat. I also fail to see how "Guys, it was a stray" somehow makes it okay to spray with bleach.


And $84 is nothing for a vet bill in America. Not sure about where you live in the world, but that would be extremely cheap for a regular vet visit, to say nothing of an emergency visit here. When my dog died of cancer a couple years ago, the emergency vet care was well north of $1000.

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We can't get out of the vet for under $500 each time. I have a dog with epilepsy and the process of getting him diagnosed and on the right meds took thousands of dollars. When my ex's cat broke it's leg and had to have it amputated, that alone was $500.


If I'm reading this right, you kept this stray cat and cared for it, LET IT HAVE BABIES, then took in one of those babies and consider that your cat...and then sprayed the cat with bleach? Then when its condition is so bad it has to be killed because the vet says it's in too much pain to live, you treat it like it's garbage. Just take the money and be done with it.


I already thought you were kind of an idiot, now I see you're just a horrible human being too. I agree if I knew where you were I would call the police on you. Absolutely disgusting.

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It's clearly evident you don't understand what's going on, Like I said, I washed out the water bottle 2-3times 2months ago, it wasn't a 404 bleach bottle, it was just a regular kitchen cleaner one. I never sprayed the cat with bleach directly. Over the 2-month span period of having to deal with crazy cat, yes I did spray her with the water bottle. Did I still feed her after I got finished with my rage? Yeah I did, I was actually the only one in the family that fed her canned food.


The issue was when I cleaned out the kitchen bottle 2 months ago and when I washed it out 2 times with water, It's clearly evident it didn't get all the cleaner out... It was totally unintentional so before you say your rude comments and call me names, which is valuing human life over a animal, is absolutely insane. The bottle was clear the whole time it wasn't until the fact after a range of 2months the cat started freaking out on her neck and walking funny then that is when I smelled and open up the bottle and it did taste a kind of tangy. so Then I knew it probably had poisoned her overtime for the 2month span period of just spraying her. It wasn't everyday, it was like 2 times a week, don't be so quick to judge others.


If you want to call someone an idiot because they unintentionally sprayed a cat for 2 months not knowing the cleaner had like 0.00001% of cleaner in it, that's fine an dandy, keep your rude comments to yourself, you have no right to value a human being over an animal. No one is perfect it was a mistake and I feel bad but shit happens, relax.


Also, the amount of money you spend on your animal is irrelevant and means nothing. Just because you spend 1000$ and some other one spends 500$ your argument is that that 1000$ owner is a better owner? That is merely laughable.

Edited by Monkuar
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No, you said you INTENTIONALLY sprayed the cat with chemicals and now that there's a backlash you're trying to backpedal, cover your ass and justify and rationalize what you did. There is no excuse for it, and nothing you can say will change the fact the your behavior was disgusting, malicious and probably felonious.


and there was some days where I would get really pissed off and pull out a real 404 bottle and spray her too.

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You admitted ealier in the thread that you did spray pure 404 on it at least once:


and there was some days where I would get really pissed off and pull out a real 404 bottle and spray her too.


So forgive me if I'm not sympathetic.


And, no, I wasn't implying that I'm a better pet owner because I spend more money on my pet. I'm a better pet owner because I care for my pet, and don't bitch about it when their care costs me money. My pet is a member of my family, and I treat it as such - with respect, kindness, care, and maturity. I cannot fathom pulling out 404 and spraying her with it.


Finally, you are in no position to tell a moderator to be quiet. Again, you can go to jail for doing what you did. Just this week in Massachusetts a guy was arrested for leaving hotdogs tainted with antifreeze on his lawn. He intentionally did it because he was tired of dogs pooping on the lawn. Intentionally spraying an animal with bleach is animal cruelty, and is likely illegal in most civilized countries.

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don't be so quick to judge others.


Don't post assinine stories that make you look like a criminal if you don't want to be judged.


If you want to call someone an idiot because they unintentionally sprayed a cat for 2 months not knowing the cleaner had like 0.00001% of cleaner in it, that's fine an dandy, keep your rude comments to yourself


No, I called you an idiot based on all your posts before this one. Now I'm calling you a bad human being, not just an idiot.


you have no right to value a human being over an animal. No one is perfect it was a mistake and I feel bad but shit happens, relax.


I think most decent humans value other humans over animals. I do value human life over animal life. In general. In particular, I think the cat was probably more valuable to society than you are. Furthermore, please don't talk to me about my rights to feel and say things. I have every "right" to think you're an imbicile, and every "right" to think you can't even construct a thought based on the fact that you keep saying not to value humans over animals.


Also, the amount of money you spend on your animal is irrelevant and means nothing. Just because you spend 1000$ and some other one spends 500$ your argument is that that 1000$ owner is a better owner? That is merely laughable.

You're the one who bitched about an EIGHTY FOUR DOLLAR BILL. See above. You don't want people judging you for your comments, keep them in your fucked up little head.

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