This thread has been locked because it is starting to get derailed due to more personal attacks rather than trying to solve the problem. Let's try to keep things under control for future threads, please. If anybody has any concerns or would like to discuss more about this thread/why it was closed, please feel free to PM me.
OP, to summarize the advice above:
[*] If you really want your email to look that way like you showed, you will need to switch to HTML emails. Most email clients do not used a fixed-width font-face.
[*] The format you are looking for in HTML is not as complicated as you might think. Yes, as you get more and more involved and have complex designs across multiple email clients it does get quite challenging. I can say that from personal experience, and tbh it isn't that much fun. But a simple data table should be a piece of cake for your skill level.
[*]l0gic's code just needs the content type that scootstah provided for it to work.