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Everything posted by ginerjm

  1. What do you define as a "php condition"? I am unfamiliar with that term
  2. You can also write $number1 = $number2 = $number3 = $number4; But if you are doing this - why do you even HAVE 4 variables? Sloppy code work?
  3. I would think that making your query more specific would lessen the load on your database. Why query all the records when you only want a subset?
  4. just realized you had an 'elseif' there. In that case go back to && instead of || (as I suggested) but put a ! in front of a set of parens wrapping all your tests. elseif (!(test && test && test &&test)) { echo error }
  5. Uh...... try using OR instead of AND and then look for the negative of the tests ( ! )????
  6. I sure hope not. It's called spam.
  7. That's an insert query - but not a retrieval. Unless your question concerned data not getting on to the table. I thought you were having difficulties retrieving 'all' your data, so this would not be it.
  8. The query would be most helpful - if we can help at all.
  9. Sounds to me like you are NOT handling this project wisely. With the possibility for "thousands of rows here daily" having any significant number of errors, that you don't want these things to be processed, but rather rejected at input. You really should step back and think about what you can do to help validate the input while the user is in the act of doing it so as to prevent as many 'rejections' as possible. Do you really want to be reviewing dozens(?) of errors every day? PS - this is the first time I've heard of your approach to error handling in 30+ years of design and development. Very strange.
  10. Since you haven't given us a peek at some actual CODE, perhaps you can tell us which of the fields you place in your table are missing? Then we might be able to guess at it.
  11. What do you mean by a processing error? Do you mean you can't add the data to the table? Perhaps you should solve the problem rather than shuffling the data somewhere else. Check for valid data entry before attempting to post it to the db.
  12. The way it works in forums - you write your code. We help if you have a bug or problem with it.
  13. Looking at your plan it seems very workable. I would revise the two tables to be sure that you can match like room titles/ids since currently they seem to be different. Process then would be to seek records from both tables that match the standard room type desired and any 'special' room rate records that match that type and the specified date range. Pretty straight forward to me.
  14. You can read up on DATE_FORMAT function of MySQL (its online) or you can use the date function of php to translate it (its in the php manual)
  15. I"m trying to use an email to generate some input to a script of mine. I begin by using the script on my client to generate an email that contains a form with information and an input tag and a submit button. The form triggers this same script again, but with a different intended action which is to gather the input values and update my database. Here is the form from the email: <!DOCTYPE html><html> <form name='emailform' method='POST' action='http://(mydomainname)/(myscriptname)'> (general text) <div style='background-color:#c0c0c0;padding:10px 20px;width:50%;'> <label>#20 - Bottles purchased:</label> <input type='text' name='pq_qty_20' value='' size=3 pattern='[0-9]'> </div> <br> _________<br><br><br> <div style='background-color:#c0c0c0;padding:10px 20px;width:50%;'> <input type='submit' name='btn' value='Post Email Purchases'> </div> </form> </html> So - testing this on my laptop with my browser open and running this script, I generate the email. Going to my email client and grabbing the email I click on the <input tag and my browser immediately opens up a new window running the same script. Filling in the input value and then clicking the submit button opens up a third window on my browser but no other activity occurs. What should be happening is no new browser windows (hopefully) but a process to update a record in my db from the input in the email - this does not happen though. So - I have managed to generate a vaild html email which when I test using the script on my laptop seems to be working. But when using the form from my email client I get screwy and non-existent results. Anyone done this before?
  16. Isn't your url a path to a folder? Can you then read the contents of a whole folder with file_get_contents? From my reading, f_g_c reads a 'file'. I think you need to use glob on that $url and then go thru each one looking at the last modified date or whatever criteria you want to use.
  17. Sorry - don't know much about regex strings.
  18. For future reference you have a "script with a function and a form".
  19. You have a form with a function? That's about the only thing I understood from your post. And I don't believe it. I'd love to see the code that implements this 'thing'.
  20. 200 views and no replies - usually means we don't understand what you are asking. Your descript may make sense to you - you know what you are doing. We don't and can't figure it out from your sketchy outline. Want to try again? I really don't understand it at all.
  21. A new table for each new event? Or a new row in the events table? The former seems more likely. YOu create a new table and put how many rows in it after that?
  22. I saw the part about the passwords, but it didn't mention dbname.
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