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Everything posted by jcombs_31

  1. A few reasons: 1. ASP.NET is ridiculously easy for a designer to use. Drag server controls onto the design surface, play with some properties, and voila, you have a site. If my brother - who knows nothing of design, CSS, or even HTML - can create functional pages with it, then someone familiar with Photoshop will be very productive. What's more is that a lot of the things that would require a coder to function can be done in a few clicks. Have you looked at ASP.NET's data binding features? They're so simple to use, they'll make you want to cry. In a few clicks, you can have a table that displays records from the db, which can allow the user to sort them in a variety of ways, handle pagination, and even allow for in-place editing. All without writing a line of C#. Its calender control is even better. For common tasks, I can't think of a platform that allows as much productivity as ASP.NET does. That said, it can be difficult to bend ASP.NET to your design needs, depending on what you want to do. I'm currently trying to blend its built-in user profile functionality with some custom db tables that handle other info not directly tied to the user system. To say it's been difficult would be an understatement. 2. A lot of companies feel more at ease with having another company they can turn to if things go wrong. Open source is scary to a lot of people, even today. A common thing I hear from people on the business side of things is that going open source means working without a net. There's no ultimate authority to contact when things go wrong. Keep in mind that developers often don't have the final say on what platform a company will use. It's often the clients that have decided, for whatever reason, to go Microsoft or not. Look at it like this - your local small business owner probably won't care what kind of server is being used to host their site so long as they have a site out there somewhere. It's the medium-to-large businesses that have to weigh the costs of the various technical support available to them. The idea of a corporate entity standing behind the repair/maintenance work is comforting. 3. C# is a great language. VB is crap, but C# is very nice, and I wish PHP would lift its property mechanism wholesale. Have you ever tried coldfusion? Coldfusion with Dreamweaver I would say really takes the brainwork out of development. I used it in college before learning PHP in some web programming class. It certainly isn't a very powerful langage, at least at the time I tried it, but most things you could do in the WYSIWYG IDE.
  2. I don't know how you are going to make that background work. The wheels/cogs/whatever you call them are cut off so there would be no way to transition to a simple texture that could repeat. Even so, that is going to be a fairly large background image if you are at concerned about speed/size. I like index-2 the most of the 3. The lighter color is much easier on the eyes. I wouldn't make the menu look as if it is bulging at the middle. Doesn't quite look right. My concern about the blocked content is that you are working in a very tight grid. What if your portfolio info the on right extends down, then your grid is no longer consistent and scroll bars would look terrible unless you do a nicer javascript implementation with custom scrollers, even so, not that usable that way. I would like to see more color highlights, maybe more blues. the green header is #3 doesn't seem to fit very well, but you can certainly use another color in the palette. I'd say experiment with small elements like the arrows for your bullets. Last I'd consider increasing the page width to a 960 grid. There is no reason not too in this case and it is pretty much the norm now. Overall I think it has potential but needs some tweaking.
  3. I'd say you are comparing apples to oranges. PHP is still growing and will continue to be a player in the game for quite some time. I'm sure that there will eventually be another web scripting language that grabs the spotlight, but PHP isn't going anywhere in the near future.
  4. You're not seeing the bigger picture. What about corporate environment and educational institutions that need to moderate the browser via group policy through Active Directory. I can't see a major OS not shipping with their own browser. At least Microsoft stopped trying to make their browser for other platforms, but Apple felt the need to send the Safari browser to windows. I don't use IE, but the newer versions are not that bad.
  5. Right, you have a few options, you can upload on save or on run. You can have multiple run settings so that you can develop locally and then upload by quickly switching to the remote run mode.
  6. I've been using Netbeans for about a year now. I used Dreamweaver before that. I don't even run a WAMP server anymore, I just use the publish settings to upload to my home linux box everytime I save so I have less running on my windows machine. Nice little feature. There is also version control built in.
  7. The processors were IBM processors before they switched to Intel. The last IBM processor was the G5.
  8. New apple hardware is pretty slick and come a long way. You pay a premium for it though, which I just can't bring myself to do and can't afford to do. I'll say this though, macs do have their share of problems, but not nearly to the extent they used to. I've been supporting a large number or ibooks and older imacs for quite a few years and the older hardware is garbage. The OS is relatively solid and improving. I integrate a mac/win environment with Active Directory that sometimes has some quirks, but again, they keep improving.
  9. I guess the XHTML spec just doesn't want input tags floating around without being contained. I think the idea is to have properly organized fieldsets for the data. Just quickly set the fieldset border to none and set your margins and padding.
  10. Congrats on the kid. I have a 4 yr old boy and 7 month old girl. I was lucky and both were good sleepers for the most part. Getting up in the middle of the night is what will drain the life out of you.
  11. I wrap my input tags with fieldset, obviously grouped accordingly, this will then validate. You could also use a div or p, but that is not semantic as far as I'm concerned.
  12. You ask for a critique, reply 4 times to yourself and then remove the image to critique? That was pretty productive.
  13. http://book.cakephp.org/ http://framework.zend.com/ You can start by visiting their websites and reading a little.
  14. Try removing the .htaccess file and then create a page with phpinfo to make sure php is working. Make sure you php.ini on the server has error reporting on just temporarily to see any errors.
  15. My resume is 2 pages, and I thought that was pretty much a standard. It is very hard to fit experience/education/skillset on 1 page.
  16. Really? Looks like you need to do more and then come back. But from the start of things, doesn't look like it is going to balanced very well. What's with the dotted borders?
  17. http://www.cnn.com/2009/TECH/11/13/google.phone.service/index.html?eref=igoogle_cnn That would be pretty cool.
  18. All those hacks look really sloppy. I'm still trying to figure out why you would want to target IE8?
  19. Have you tried "ORDER BY" in your SQL statement?
  20. I think that was explained pretty well. I always like to take out a piece of paper and start with a simple ER diagram to get things going. Some people may not but it helps me visualize what I'm creating. It also just happens to be one of the first things I learned in my first DB class. There are a few different forms of normalization but the key concept is to reduce the amount of redundant data.
  21. Unfortunately you have to use some javascript to get fancy drop downs. They basically replace the select tag with divs or lists that are styled and provide the same basic functionality. I've tried a couple solutions in the past and they aren't worth the extra work in my opinion.
  22. Actually, no, you are wrong, this can create some serious problems especially with forms. Please don't provide information that is incorrect. There are reasons that people have created reset stylesheets rather than that simple one liner. @Karl: For whatever reason i can't see the screenshots and you didn't describe the problem. The second problem sounds like a faux columns issue. Do a good search for Faux Columns
  23. I thought you could use xhtml syntax regardless.
  24. Have you tried looking at the source code? HTML isn't very difficult and Dreamweaver has a code view option that is perfectly acceptable.
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