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Everything posted by ober

  1. Wow... you guys are awesome I'll give those a shot and let you know.
  2. So I have a table with products that have diameters (I didn't design the table... just taking over a project). The diameters are like this: 1/8, 1/4, 3/16, 1 1/4, etc I'm guessing it's a pipe dream to be able to sort them by a simple ORDER BY clause smallest to largest, but I thought I'd ask. I really hope I don't need to pull these into an array, do some math and sort with PHP.
  3. Locking this thread. Trium918, I think you have your answer and I will not tolerate you attacking respected members (or any members for that matter) of the community.
  4. Looks good... and to anyone looking for a good player, use the one on that site. It rocks!
  5. I'm about 98% sure you're going to need JS to do this.
  6. http://www.americanbeautytools.com/v2/index.php?req=learn Looks perfect in FF and Opera... but in IE6 there is a thick white border on the right side.
  7. Once you reach 50 posts the limit increases to 20. 100 posts and above and it is unlimited.
  8. Wow... how many times do I have to respond to that? It's not a feature of SMF currently!
  9. I appreciate the arguments made, but apparently you haven't read the entire thread or you refuse to see our side of the story. And your comment about "being the author of the thread gives you supreme ability to do whatever with it" doesn't hold up. Anything you post here immediately becomes intellectual property of phpfreaks, therefore we can tell you what you can and cannot do with it. It goes beyond people editing posts for errors. It's also about maintaining a communication flow. As it's been pointed out COUNTLESS times, it stops people from editing the first post in a thread and making the rest of the people offering help look like a bunch of fools. End of story, the time limit sticks whether it is increased or not is still under discussion.
  10. That option is not available in the current version. That's why we implemented the time restrction.
  11. Actually, it doesn't. If you post something that is copyrighted on here, that's your fault, not ours. We have the right to remove that information, but we also have the right to retain it. Bottom line of it is, you're the one that has to be careful. And I'm glad you understand our reasoning. I will bring a vote to the other mods and admins to consider increasing the time limit to maybe 3 or 4 minutes.
  12. That's so VERY not true. Browser support for CSS may not be where it needs to be, but it is getting better. Either way, building layouts with CSS is much cleaner and easier to manage.
  13. It's pretty good, but I have a few complaints: 1) The main menu and the footer area are very boring. The spacing above and below is also not uniform. 2) The little slogan under the logo looks very cheap and not sharp enough. It could use some work. 3) FAQ - Why does it all get underlined when you hover over an answer? That seems a little off to me.
  14. http://www.americanbeautytools.com/v2/index.php?req=prod&cat=soldering_irons In IE6, it pushes any content in a table down below the left nav. Anyone know why?? It works fine in Opera and FF.
  15. ober


    Nice. No real complaints until I see a live version.
  16. They are lacking that option, but it's probably for their own protection on larger boards. Why should you tie up the database with a large call like that when you're stopping or slowing the retrieval of data for someone else? Either way, that would be a complaint to them, not us.
  17. I like that one as well.
  18. If you're looking for something in particular, wouldn't it be more efficient to do a search?
  19. http://emaxhosting.com was suggested as well.
  20. That one is a little cleaner.
  21. steviewdr, Thanks for the feedback on the CMS. Like I said, it's a work in progress. When you say that the html editor is the limiting factor, do you mean you'd rather not have it in there? I've considered having the option to turn it off and use a regular text area, but I haven't gone that far yet. Most of my users are pretty basic and would rather have the editor than not. For those who would rather edit the HTML, that editor does give you the option. And I don't know if you played with the editor, but it does allow you to do some of that stuff through the interface. jcombs, I agree on the header and I've contacted you about that. It needs some help. I'm torn between the idea of the "only open on hover" effect. I based it off of the Dell site that has the "sub menu" open all the time. That site is done a little nicer than mine, but I'm also using it as a "here is where you are" type of thing. Almost like a dumbed down bread-crumb navigation. The color is maroon... do you have a better suggestion? Grey box background... you mean around the header portion of the "new product"? That's consistent throughout the website and I'm liking it the way it is.
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