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Everything posted by ober

  1. Mine doesn't get used that much, and it's not part of my main site, so I haven't had the bot issues.
  2. Ok, I just changed it to onKeyPress and that fixed the problem. Thanks!
  3. I just don't get why you need the "blockSubmit" function when you can put that code inline? I also don't understand the necessity to use a onload function.
  4. I don't know Jeff... I looked long and hard when I thought about writing my own, and I landed on http://gallery.menalto.com/ It does everything I think you'd ever really want, and to reproduce what it does with it's efficiency would be very hard and VERY time consuming. I normally like to build stuff myself, but I took the "why reinvent the wheel" approach on this one. Either way, I think the most efficient way would be to store several different versions of the file. Doing all that manipulation in realtime would be too time consuming. Another issue you'll run into is the upload limits. I had to put a modified php.ini file in the base directory to overcome it. It would be nice if that was a setting in the admin panel that you could automatically generate those settings files.
  5. I'm not sure what you mean... I'm not trying to cancel the event. I just want it so that when someone presses the enter key, it doesn't put the newline into the entry but it submits what's currently in the textarea as an entry.
  6. I don't know.. I know another guy on another forum I run that Has equally impressive skills with MS Paint and he just uses a mouse. He's actually working on his own little video game and all the graphics are done in Paint.
  7. I'm not sure how that would help... I'm using the text area to collect the info... and I'm not doing anything with the div except for displaying stuff back from PHP. Maybe I should be asking how to strip a trailing newline with PHP?
  8. http://www.forgetfoo.com/?blogid=7590 I wonder if it's the same guy that did this one?
  9. I should clarify that... it's submitting the return as a newline which then gets displayed in the shoutbox. Display is done with PHP/AJAX. I want it to stop submitting the newline character.
  10. Alright, so I'm using the code below to trap the enter key to submit a shoutbox entry. However, it's submitting the enter key as part of the text. Can someone tell me how to cut that off? function checkSubmit(e) { var characterCode if(e && e.which){ e = e characterCode = e.which } else{ e = event characterCode = e.keyCode } if(characterCode == 13){ sendChat() return false } else{ return true } } <textarea cols="80" rows="4" name="chatInput" id="chatInput" onKeyDown="checkSubmit(event);"></textarea>
  11. ober

    Browser Wars

    I'm in the Opera boat for sure... have been for years.  It's simply... fantastic. And just to stick another iron in the fire... the latest "weekly" release from Opera has a "developer" console to go along with the error console and the java console.  It's buggy at the moment and I'm not sure how much value it brings to the table, but I haven't spent much time with it either.
  12. ober

    Web host fails

    Thanks for the advice!
  13. Haha... AVG fan here.
  14. ?? Is this something you want to submit for others to use? Might help to have a little explanation.
  15. I've dealt with godaddy a handful of times with bad results. I think their interface is awful and to get anything done takes an act of God. Just give me cPanel and I'm a happy camper. I personally don't like how they do their domain registration because most of the time they don't force the client to fill in the whois information. Anytime I've had to use their helpdesk it has been a nightmare as well. It took more than 24 hours and the responses were less than helpful. I always register domains and hosting seperately. That way if you need to switch one, it's not a big deal. www.active-domain.com for domains. I personally use www.ace-host.net for hosting... best plan with the most stuff that I could find at the time.
  16. >>I am still confused as to what this timezone is I told you what timezone it is and what the offset is and means.  What's confusing?
  17. I assume the 20 is for 2007 YYYYMMDDhhmmss -hhmm
  18. EST... I'm not sure what date/time format that is, but it's obviously indicating GMT -5 hours, which is EST.
  19. First off... nice looking site!  It's improved 10 fold since I saw it last!  :) The only thing I can really suggest is going back through the code to see if you can optomize anything.  Without seeing what it does exactly, it's hard to tell what exactly would help or hinder by moving it to an OOP approach. I'll give you an example of how I manage one of my bigger projects (my own CMS): I have a single class that handles user administration... but it also handles displaying different content, etc.  The main piece of it is nothing more than a switch that is defined for specific items (login, logout, forgotpass, etc) and then the default action is to include a specific module.  The code looks in a table in a database to see what javascript, php, and css files might be need for that module and pulls it all in.  I have close to 15 modules now and probably several thousand lines of code when it's all combined.  I don't see any performance issues and I think it's because of the same issues you were seeing.  Keep in mind that everytime PHP has to parse a large file, it has to load all that into memory.  Going with your current method, it just loads the "directions" to the content that it needs to load. I think your current approach sounds pretty good and I doubt you'd see a performance boost otherwise.
  20. ober

    Browser Wars

    Let's try to keep the "get to know thread" clean of this stuff, m'kay?
  21. Issues I see: 1) light grey text on white background = hard to read 2) light green text on white background = hard to read 3) jumbles of grey text without much seperation makes it look sloppy 4) looks like another portal page I'd spruce it up with a few images that match up with the categories to make things stand out more.  I'd really consider making the grey at least a few shades darker if not going closer to black completely.  I'd also consider changing the font... while it's kind of "pretty"... it's not the easiest to read. And trust me, my eyesight is fine.  Otherwise, I like the layout and the design.
  22. If you didn't write it, it goes in Third Party Scripts! Also, if you want someone to do work for you, please post in the freelance board and request help (paid or otherwise).
  23. Ok, we're going to need more information: 1) What database (mysql will be assumed)? 2) Do you have a connection to the database? 3) Do you know SQL (INSERT statements)? It would also be helpful if you showed us your current code and database structure.
  24. Did I not back you up in my previous post?  I'm just asking you to use a little tact.
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