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Everything posted by ober

  1. If you have any additional suggestions, PM either one of us or any of the mods and we'll add to the list. I've added 1and1.
  2. AJAX cannot help you with pop-ups.  Javascript performs the pop-up, the information can be placed via JS or some other medium.
  3. FYI, in case anyone was wondering how fast it would be, I've imported all records with all columns to a database on my server and setup my contact form to fetch the data.  The table is indexed on the zip code itself and I don't think it could be any snappier.  Granted, I'm just grabbing the city and state, without any sort of calculations. Check it out: http://www.whproductions.com/index.php?req=contact
  4. ... why would you want your user to view your source!?!  Why wouldn't you just present a csv file to them and let them click and download it?  Am I missing something?
  5. I would assume only on the initial page load before you make any AJAX calls.  I'm not 100% certain on that, but I'm going to assume that you can't do it.
  6. Are you talking about full scripts or just like onclick() type calls?  I'm pretty sure loading full scripts into a returned dataset will not work.
  7. I'm not aware of a way to do this and be able to view the source via the normal "view source" options.  However, one of the browsers (I swear it was FF), allows you to highlight the changes returned by AJAX and use "view selection source" or something similar.  That will show you the result.
  8. If you listened or tried to understand what others are trying to say, we might try to help a little harder.  It's this little thing we call "give and take".  You don't seem to understand that concept.  Thread closed.
  9. Awesome Mark.  I added it to the web critique Resources tab :)
  10. You can do what you're talking about... but you have to create a seperate entry for each link to the manual.
  11. If you can post a link to the live version, that would help us.
  12. [url=http://www.php.net]http://www.php.net[/url] EDIT: you forgot to add the URL bbcode tags.  ;)
  13. I don't see anything wrong with that at a quick glance... If you remove all the manipulation of the response, are you getting anything?
  14. Ya know... it wouldn't be that hard to do a search and replace... like with the language filter.
  15. Try clearing your cache/cookies.  I don't know what else would be causing it because the site has been running flawlessly for me from several locations.
  16. I realize you don't respect me or don't want to listen to me or whatever... but you really don't understand the technology or how it works or anything about server/client interaction.  Go read something about any of this stuff.  You're talking in circles.
  17. Show us your code where you create the xmlhttp object.  $20 bucks says you're only using the ActiveX control.
  18. I really don't think you understand how these things are supposed to work.  Javascript is STRICTLY on the client side.  You can't run Javascript on the server! 
  19. Ok, nevermind.  It wasn't working when I tried it. 
  20. If anyone downloaded the text file version of this database and you can email it to me, I'd appreciate it.  They have removed it from that site and I could really use it.  If no one can get it to me in the next hour or so, forget it.
  21. You might want to tell us what you're confused about. Maybe this tutorial will help you a little better.  http://www.ajaxfreaks.com/tutorials/6/1.php
  22. Same here.  Although I have to say that while I do other things on my PC, I regularly fork out hundreds of dollars for upgrades to it and it is pretty much a gaming PC.  I just can't imagine spending that much on a gaming system that is just purely for the gaming aspect.
  23. Yeah, I hesitated on the DVD playability comparison because I know both have the capability, but PS3's Blu-ray is technically superior to HDDVD in several ways... but it's like Jocka was saying "but it's just to play games on"... I don't know... I just get sick of people that cough up the money for a 360 and then complain about the price on the PS3.
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